100 Years of Human Life


This Universe came to life based on precise mathematical calculations based on duality and it is perfectly balanced to sustain it. The brilliant creation of Vishnu is that each and every creation must self sustain and thrive to be alive. The Universe has abundant energy and it is called Prana, which is pervaded everywhere. Everything in this Universe has Prana and even empty space that we think is filled with it. Prana is what keeping this entire Universe and its creations alive.

The Universe is riddled with infinities and numbers. Thats where where all creations are same but varies at very very subtle level. Like all Humans are same, but we are different at every fundamental level. Let us analyze the blessing statement of "Live happily for 100 Years". I asked many times myself why all the time age 100 is referred as the number for humans. 

Once born, everyday the cells will be multiplying. Old cells are destroyed and new cells are created. The beauty is, every part is destroyed and recreated. Eventually once we become adult, we reach 108 trillion cells. After this, cell creation and destruction is daily activity. Millions of them destroyed and created. Sun/circle is 360 degrees/108 = 3.333333333333333....  This is the best angle that sun rays shine to reach earth. 

We treat a person as adult at 18 years. Is this coincidence? How this is so significant in human life? Why for a woman 13 is a magic number and for Man it is 16 years? What is the reason that ancient Hindus getting girl married at 13 and boy 16? I am not writing to justify child marriages, I am trying to provide divine explanation.

A man is completely matured at the age of 18. How? It is all in the infinity.

Man = 100 Trillion/ 18 years of age = 5.555555555555555...  see this number goes to infinity. Based on Dimensions, here 555 which is 5+5+5 = 15 Vishnu. Man is ready for marriage at 18, but 21 is the best age. 

For man 21/18 = 1.16666666666666... that is why matured at 18 but married at 21 is good. Usually a man fully matures at age 30. 100/30 = 3.3333333.... which is same as best shining angle of sun rays.

Woman = 100 Trillion / 13 years of age = 7.69230769230769230. You see 769 and 230 being repeated infinitely.  Add numbers individually 769230 =9. Which is cosmic Conscious, means ready for Creation.

Why a 13 year old matured woman should be married at 16. Here is the calculation. 16/13= 1.230769230769230... which is same as 100/13 as shown above. See the correlation.

So at the age of 13 a girl matures. Which means she completely grown with 108 Trillion cells and ready for creation as designed by nature, but 16 years is the best age to get pregnant because cells will be brimming with energy. 

The 12 months are 12 dimensions and woman will have 12 period cycles and every opportunity is given for creation. Why each month 1 period for a woman? 100/12 = 8.333333333333333. Why baby takes 9 months to mature 100/9 = 11.11111111111111. This number is treated as Naamam and sacred. Naamam represents the root of creation.

Humans are also created on precise divine calculations. Understanding us, will lead to root of the creation.

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