Religious Conversion


We have so many religions, in each of them we have so many sects, in each so many customs, rituals and scripts. We always have disagreements what is the best approach to reach God. The religious doctrine makes you follow strict rules and may not allow you to question or deviate the path. It could be blasphemy and punishable by death. One religion sees another one as evil or inferior. The religion wrongly teaches conversions. If you convert a person to Buddhism, Christianity, Muslim etc your seat in heavens are guaranteed. If you are true foot soldier of a religion it is your dharmam to convert even by force. God didn't say a person to convert from hinduism to christianity and vice versa. God said convert the non believers of God and show the path of divinity. Not converting a person from one religion to another. A person forgets the path to God in any religion should be converted and make them realize in the religion they were born. A simple concept wasn’t understood, so we had so many religious wars, even today.

Trust me. The universe is created by infinite possibilities and probabilities. So there are infinite experiences and paths to reach God. God never ever told to kill beings in the name of religion. It is our ignorance. The religions that exists today are one of the best paths. You can choose anyone of them but be prepared that my experiences will be different from yours. We both are right and wrong. This is because the level of TRUTH varies in each experiences. Of all the religions, the approach taken by Hinduism is helping me. I see clearly how the great enlightened souls created the path for us and to follow in hinduism. Again it is your preference what to follow. The word TRUTH is a bigger concept. Certain truths will be same for every one but many may not agree. 

The connection to divinity mind is not your hands. It is wish of Vishnu/Krishna's blessings. He will layout the path for experiencing the truths. All you have to do is Sadhana. It takes great courage to be like Krishna. Many Yogis/Brahmins are poor because, they dont see value in being rich, engage in materialistic prides and accomplishments. Again to live in this world, you have to earn for all necessities if you have a family. Abandoning everything, livening like a yogi is not easy thing because, body needs the physical needs to survive. Otherwise mind cant concentrate. 

Live in the materialistic world with all the needs and keep doing sadhana, Vishnu very well knows, how to guide you.

The Enlightenment 

All our acts and tricks in a religion is to convince God for something either materialistic things or eternal riches. Many wants to be with God or merge with him or Part of him. He is the cosmic ocean, when you merge with him, you become the ocean. Hinduism way is reaching god is millions of births of experiences on different planes of conscience existent worlds in this OM Universe. Earth is the best place to experience different emotions and be enlightened.

Christian way is through compassion and love, realizing sins. The sins are the ones which don’t meet the expectations of God. By propagating the love, praising the glories, through divine connection be enlightened by the God. Only one life to achieve.

Islam way is by absolute peace. The peace that mentioned in Quran is beyond human imagination. Like when death is certain, the absolute behavior of a being’s peace can be experienced. Being true devotee of Allah, chasing away all the evils in you by Jihadhi, the absolute eternal peace sets in. In that state Allah will bless you with enlightenment. 

Buddhist way is to recognize this world and body is full of difficulties and impurities. Samsaram is hindrance. Develop absolute love, pace, non violence and surrender to Energy of God. You will be enlightened.

The paths are different, the destination is same. Converting from one religion to another is each person’s perception, and to achieve the same goal. Conversions don’t make one religion great and another one inferior. 

God blesses you for enlightenment. We don’t know the criteria that Vishnu bless us for enlightenment. I chose the path of above all religions called spirituality because I see the root.

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