Surya or Sun


Stars are space objects that produces their own energy through fusion reaction of gasses. They are like round, gas burning, energy producing luminous orbs. Sun- the star of our solar system is a star because it produces energy by the fusion reaction of Helium turning into Hydrogen. The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core, radiating the energy mainly as visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Did you notice that at the center Sun rotates once in every 24 days which resembles Earth's 24 hrs. Our Solar system is created with precise mathematical calculations.

The Sun contains about 99.9 percent of all the mass of the solar system and rest all the objects controlled by Sun is 1%. This is the divine formula. All creations follow the same pattern. The empty space in solar system is 99.9% and rest matter is 1%. Entire Universe is built on this concept.

Sun is the Visible wonder or God. Without him no religion can exist. Why Sun is male? He cant give birth and nurture beings. Surya's karma is intertwined with earth, moon and other planets. Just studying or researching on sun many Rishis realized divine secrets. Physically it is 3D object, if you connect, the door to heavens and beyond opens up. If a divine yogi or Rshi is born on earth, Sun is proud person like a father. Sun is father, guru and god. If you understand the Solar system, you will comprehend God's Creation and Mind.

Sun's mass is 333,333 times of earth. if you multiply this number with 108, you get 3.3 or 3 crore gods. If you multiply it by 1008, it is 33.33 or 33 crore gods as per Hinduism. 360 degrees/108 rays = 3.333333.... angle between 2 Sun rays. This is the best radiance.

The diameter of the sun is about 108 times that of the diameter of Earth. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the sun's diameter. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,800 miles, about 108 times the moons diameter. The Sun, Moon and Earth all connected by 108. 1.3 million earths fit in Sun. Sun is so huge. Sun is made up of 70% hydrogen, 29% helium. 99% gas and 1% metals. Hydrogen and helium create matter.

Based on Hindu calendar for each month the names of month, sun and seasons are

1. Chaitra            - Dhatha   - Vasantha

2. Vaishakam      - Arya.      - Vasantha

3. Jeshtta.          - Mishra.   - Grishma

4. Aashada         - Varuna.   - Grishma 

5. Shravanam     - Indra        - Varsha(rainy)

6. Bhadra           - Viswantha - Varsha

7. Ahwajaya         - Thrishna    - Saradhrutha

8. Kaarthika        - Vishnu        - Saradrutha 

9. Maarga Sira    - Amshuntha - Hemantha 

10. Pushya          - Bhagha        - Hemantha

11. Maagham      - Pushya         - Sisira

12. Phalguna      - Parjanya       - Sisira

The 7 types of vibgyor. It is represented as 7 horses for sun

1 Gayathri

2. Thrishnuppu

3. Anushttuppu

4. Jagathi

5. Pankthi

6. Bruhuthi

7. Ushnakku

This is what we chant in sandhya vandanam.

Sun Shades

What Is a Barycenter?

We say that planets orbit stars, but that’s not the whole truth. Planets and stars actually orbit around their common center of mass. This common center of mass is called the barycenter. Barycenters also help astronomers search for planets beyond our solar system!

In space, two or more objects orbiting each other also have a center of mass. It is the point around which the objects orbit. This point is the barycenter of the objects. The barycenter is usually closest to the object with the most mass. Our entire solar system also has a barycenter. The sun, Earth, and all of the planets in the solar system orbit around this barycenter. It is the center of mass of every object in the solar system combined. Our solar system’s barycenter constantly changes position. Its position depends on where the planets are in their orbits. The solar system's barycenter can range from being near the center of the sun to being outside the surface of the sun. As the sun orbits this moving barycenter, it wobbles around.

If a star has planets, the star orbits around a barycenter that is not at its very center. This causes the star to look like it’s wobbling. Sun also revolves around a center. All Objects in our solar system moves around a center called DOT or ROOT or BINDU.

Birth Story of Sun

Surya Deva was born to Kashyap and his wife Aditi. Thus was known as Aditi putra i.e the son of Aditi. As per the legends, the wrath of demons was increasing day by day troubling all the gods and the goddess. Ultimately the army of the demons established their kingdom on the heaven, due to which everyone gets upset and wanders around in search of a solution for the problem. Seeing the plight of everyone around, the mother of the gods (Deva Mata) Aditi performs a penance to please the Sun god. Sun god gets pleased with the dedication of Aditi and appears in front of her. Inorder to solve the problem of demons, he tells Aditi that, he will take birth from her womb to protect the sons of god from the wrath of demons.

As told by the god, after some time Aditi conceives. To protect her son from all the troubles and suffering she observes various kind of fasts and worship. Seeing all this Kashyap gets upset, and advises her to take care of her health, rather than stressing her body by observing too many fasts. This could cause miscarriage and is not good for the foetus as well. On this Aditi tells her husband not to worry much, as her child is a blessing of god and no power can destroy it.

Aditi gives birth to a son at an auspicious time. He becomes a protagonist and kills the army of demons. Thus, protecting the gods and goddess from their wrath. Suryaupanishad, Bhavishya Purana, Matsaya Purana, Brahma Purana, Markandaya Purana and Sambpurana are some of the scriptures describing the glory of the Sun.

Surya has 4 wives and their names are Sangya ( संज्ञा ) , Suvarna ( सुवर्णा ) / Chhaya ( छाया ) , Usha (उषा ) , Pratyusha ( प्रत्युषा ) .

He had many sons and daughters and their names are

  1. Shraddhadev ( श्राद्धदेव ) / Vaivasvat Manu ( वैवस्वत मनू ) ( son of Sangya )
  2. Yamraj ( यमराज ) (son of Sangya )
  3. Yamuna (यमुना ) / Yami ( यमी ) ( daughter of Sangya )
  4. Shanidev ( शनिदेव ) (son of Suvarna )
  5. Tapti ( तप्ती ) (daughter of Suvarna )
  6. Savarni Manu ( सावर्णी मनू ) ( son of Suvarna )
  7. 2 Ashivikumar ( अश्विनीकुमार ) ( Dasya ( दस्य ) and Nasatya ( नासत्य ) ) ( sons of Sangya )
  8. Sugriv ( सुग्रीव ) ( born as a son of Surya to Aruni )
  9. Karna ( कर्ण ) ( born as a son of Surya to Kunti )

12 Names of Surya Bhagavan — the Sun God, which are associated with the Surya Namaskars or the salutations to the Sun God. Each name corresponds to one particular posture or salutation. 

1 Om Mitraya namah (The friend of all)

2 Om Ravaye namah (Praised by all)

3 Om Suryaya namah (The guide of all)

4 Om Bhanave namah (The bestower of beauty)

5 Om Khagaya namah (Stimulator of the senses)

6 Om Pushne namah (The nourisher of all)

7 Om Hiranyagarbhaya namah (The creator)

8 Om Marichaye namah (Destroyer of disease)

9 Om Adityaya namah (The inspirer)

10 Om Savitre namah (The purifier)

11 Om Arkaya namah (The radiant)

12 Om Bhaskaraya namah (The illuminator)

Surya, Bhoomi and Chandra are key for spiritual journey and realization. Once we understand, connect and pray to them for enlightenment, they are our best friends and protectors in all aspects of soul's journey. Reciting Sandhya Vandanma and Gayathri Mantram in the morning and evening before suns rise and sunset, opens doors to new dimensions of higher realms. In Deeper meditations, it is an achievements to see Full Moon and brightly shinning sun which represents the shining soul internally. 

OM Surya Devaya Namaha.

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