Gadha or Mace


Vishnu's Kaumodaki Gadha

Great Rishis and Maharashis put lot of thinking how to explain the cosmic phenomenon, creation, creator, divinity and the nature associated with it. It is hard to give  a complete picture but they did brilliantly. All these clues are around us. We need to open our 3rd eye to see it.

Many times we use the phrase “You are enjoying fruits of it”. “All your efforts are fruitful” etc. There are many words like this in Samskrutham such Phala Peksha Rahitam, Phalam siddhi Rasthu etc. All the things nature does for us is Phala Siddhi. If nothing fruity for us, we all die with no food. All living beings that we see, live on this concept. For example, in forest many animals lives on eating fruits. Others lives on nature produced by products. Even a tiger meat is fructification of nature.

Rose Buds resembles Gadha

Rose Seeds as Gadha

The Gadha represents the the stem of a flower, fruit or result of an effort by nature. The portion you hold Gadha is the stem and the end of it is a fruit or flower. A thin stem can hold a bigger fruit and it will never let go under whatever circumstances till fructification. It is all Vishnu Maya.

Vishnu holds the Gadha to covey the concept of fructification which is key for creation. Is your aathama fructified with explanation?

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