Wisdom Quotes - 4


Maha-Vishnu extends his hand to the human to give him moksha and release him from this cycle of Misery of rebirth... But the human is so engrossed in the dripping honey /nectar that he fails to see the extended hand of Maha-Vishnu...

Enjoying Sense pleasures is like putting the Ghee (clarified butter) in the fire of desires, it increases the desires but never decreases. A worldly person's (Bhogi) life is filled with sense pleasures yet unhappy but whereas the Yogi controls the senses and enjoys unlimited happiness or joy. Don't be a Bhogi  but be a Yogi.!!!

A Yogi is greater than the ascetic, greater than the empiricist, and greater than the fruitive worker. Therefore, O Arjuna, in all circumstances, be a yogi.  ~ Bhagavad-Gita  6 - 46

The yogic life is constant battle between inner and outer world. The outer is more charming and instant pleasures. The inner, mostly it is a struggle. At times many yogis gets frustrated, even though they are trying with sincere efforts, Vishnu is not blessing them. Dont know why.

The Meaning of the Om Symbol. 'Om', 'Ohm' or 'Aum' is a sacred sound that is known generally as the sound of the universe. Om is all encompassing, the essence of ultimate reality, and unifies everything in the universe. ...

 Serenity of thought, gentleness, silence, self-control, and purity of purpose—all these are declared as the austerity of the mind. When devout persons with ardent faith practice these three-fold austerities without yearning for material rewards, they are designated as austerities in the mode of goodness. Ohh Arjuna, The word OM has been declared as symbolic representations of the Supreme Absolute Truth, from the beginning of creation.

In Geetha Krishna says my Vibhuthis are infinite in nature which no one can comprehend and perceive completely. To understand me try to recite my attributes govinda, Gopal’s. Narayana, rishikesha, bhakthavastala etc. All my creations are with my Vibhuthis especially humans have many of them.

Gnana means knowledge and Vignana means conscience. How these work together in a human for yogic purposes? Yoga is not doing aasana or posture, it is divine action by following many austerity activities. Geetha is full of these Yogic activities. Each one of them must be read, understand and put into action. Mere reading, memorizing and deep analyzing will not help you perceive Krishna. By reading Geetha, You will be one of the few millions who just scrapping the surface of spirituality.

Meditation is the best channel to attain enlightenment. The unification of mind, body and soul is just the beginning. The goal is to synchronize the entire human being and its conscience with that of nature. A yogi prepares himself for higher divine that will descend and deluge him. To perceive higher nature and krishna, we must go beyond senses.

Renunciation is not abandoning the family, friends and this world to be secluded. It is shunning the actions which are not conducive for a yogi. By practicing renunciation, the mind, intellect and intelligence gets purified. You acquire a balanced approach for the karmas to be performed. Which leads you to be a karma yogi.

The attributes of those who have attained perfection in spirituality and realized the Brahman are perfect yogis and they engage in bhakti to complete their Brahman-realization. Only through loving devotion; one can unravel the secrets of the Supreme Divine Personality. God dwells in the hearts of all living creatures and directs their movement according to their karma. We must take His shelter, think of Him, dedicate all our actions to Him, and make Him our ultimate goal. Then, by His grace, we will easily overcome all difficulties and obstacles. However, if we get driven by pride and act according to our impulses, we will fail.

Spiritual Knowing, understanding, practicing and achieving are totally different things. This is like a circle ⭕️ No beginning and end. It keeps on going round and round till we get better at it. And that may happen at the end of life. Till then Vishnu will throw every possible obstacles at your way. React and refine. 

Krishna says, whoever all the time, in all circumstances keeps thinking about me, he will attain my abode of Vaikuntam. I will take care of the well being of those yogis who are constantly contemplating on me. Even then I don’t love and hate anyone. All are equal. 

Krishna says A yogi who sees me in everything and himself in all of my creations, will attain me. This entire universe is shinning because of my radiance.  Only a learned yogi will comprehend this truth.

In physical reality, a thought is the fastest thing. By imagination and thoughts we reach places and other dimensions in no time. Even for a thought to happen there should be space and for that space to exist,  an infinite phenomenon should happen. Thus forms an infinity. This is not a symbol it is The Enigma, which makes the creation possible.


whatever your goal is, meditation is the best technique for spiritual journey. Dont worry about many types of meditation and its techniques. Dont worry about chakras, energies, opening kundalini etc.! All we need is simple commitment to start Bhakthi and time for meditation. Your house is the best. Find a place where no one will bother you for few minutes. Play simple OM repetition or any mantra you like at very low volume. 

Surya represents the illuminated mind. All gods are illuminated and also all minds are illuminated by Aditi or Gayathri or Savithri. She is the mother of all illuminations in this Universe.

Rig Veda is the struggle between Light and Darkness on Earth. It tries to explain how to realize the Truth from Falsehood, Ignorance to Knowledge, Death to Immortality. 

The Sacrifice of the seeker for the divine is of higher in nature. Gods lavishly, generously, bountifully blesses with wealth. The wealth thus gained constitutes a state of spiritual riches, prosperity and felicity. Journey of sacrifice is the ultimate battle as Panis, Vitras and other powers of evil and falsehood oppose it. 

The Gods are the power of light, the children of infinity. The Godhead/Vishnu forms inside, who works with the seeker to raise him to the Eternal Truth and Immortality.

The Sun is the Lord of Truth. Who is the visible god to us. Gold in Rig Veda is symbol of TRUTH. Golden shining light is hue or Varna of Truth. Hue is thoughts full of illumination by Eternal Knowledge. 

The discipline for the intuitive knowledge is the practice of truthfulness, chastity of body and mind, and concentration. This knowledge cannot be attained through mere study of the scriptures or through intellect, nor by one who is weak, slothful, or attached to worldly values.

All humans are equal in creation. Based on universe karma we do our part. At the same time we have same knowledge As Brahmman hidden deep inside us. Connecting to Brahmman inside us is the toughest, sometimes impossible. Once done, based on your sadhana, Brahmman slowly will reveal all the eternal secrets based on your worthiness. Once he is your guru, nothing stops you from learning.

In the process of enlightenment god will never ask for your material sacrifices. He don’t care. All he cares is, your dedicated practice based on your karmic life. Called Sadhana. The stories that you read of Sacrifices in scriptures are all of different purpose  to explain the progress. We assume that God asks for sacrifice to test our faith or bhakthi in him and ready to do whatever is preached or assumed.

Aditi, (Sanskrit: “The Boundless”) the personification of the infinite, unbound, unlimited and unfettered. She is the personification of the sky and space in which reside all gods, from where Indra sends down his thunder bolt or fights with Vrata to release the waters or where one can see Aditya, the sun god, riding in his golden chariot yoked by seven ruddy horses, illuminating the the sky and the earth with his effulgence as he rides from east to west.

The root off all creations is AGNI. The fire makes things come into existence by undergoing various changes. Where does Agni gets this energy to create? Agni is considered as Mouth of God and Goddesses. 

The vedas deals with the forces of nature and human senses. All these forces acts in you and shapes your perceptions. This is where Maya sets in. A Slokam or Chandas can be be understood many ways. Why is that? The stanzas are same but each time you read and ponder it, a new understanding dawns on you. It is called the BRAHMMAN REVEALING the TRUTH or SELF. This shows how your Conscience is increasing as you progress. 

Sense withdrawal is a mental function: Withdrawing the senses does not mean just regulating the physical sense organs, such as closing the eyelids or sitting physically still. The senses are a mental function, and whenever that mental function is drawn to the objects of the mind field, there is active engagement of the senses. It doesn't really matter whether that mental object is coming from the outside (such as through the eyes), or arising from the memory. It is this internal withdrawal of sensory attention to the mental objects that is the process of pratyahara.

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