God's Equation


Einstein began to search for a unifying theory in the 1920s. He had never fully accepted the strange paradoxes of quantum mechanics, and he believed that the mathematics describing electromagnetism and gravity, the only two forces known at the time, could be combined into a single framework. 

"I want to know how God created this world," Einstein told a young physics student named Esther Salaman in 1925. "I'm not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are just details."

During the mid-20th century, physicists developed the Standard Model, which has been called the "theory of almost everything." It describes the interactions of all known subatomic particles and three of the four fundamental forces: electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces, but not gravity. 

A model that also included gravity would be known as a quantum gravity theory. Some researchers believe that string theory is such a framework and fits the bill for a theory of everything. String theory posits that particles are actually one-dimensional, string-like entities vibrating in an 11-dimensional reality. The vibrations determine the different particles' properties, such as their mass and charge. 

God's Equation

Our Universe is based on fundamental laws of nature, which drives everything from micro to macro worlds. There are fundamental forces of nature which creates this reality which we call it as material world. Even though everything is made of atom, the creation assumes gigantic proportions. The macro world is destroyed and returns to micro world or disintegrated into atoms. Einstein  strongly believed there is one equation which connects both micro and macro worlds which God used it to create this Universe. So Maha Vishnu all he does is balances this equation to zero or sunyam or nothing.

At the micro cosmic level, Maha Vishnu, sealed the laws of nature, which he can create, grow, expand and destroy. If we can prove this equation, then we understood how God creates Universes. What is the damn equation which is eluding the scientists.

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