Vibhuthi on Forehead

 Many times we wonder why we put white powder or ash which is called Vibhuti on our forehead. The real meaning of Vibhuthi is Divine attributes and Opulences. 

An attribute is defined as a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something. Everything we see in this Universe has attributes, that is how we can describe, understand, visualize and comprehend. Our scientific discoveries and advancements are more of these. For example, let us explore the attributes of an apple. An apple is typically red in color and white inside. Now days it comes in many colors but the internal nature is same which is white and pure. It tastes delicious, good for health and grows in pleasant atmosphere. By understanding all attributes of an apple, its nature and behavior, we can plant, grow, consume, enjoy and destroy. By understanding all attributes of Vishnu, we comprehend his complete nature.

An Opulence is defined as wealth, riches, or affluence. abundance, as of resources or goods; plenty. All creations from dust to Galaxies are all opulences of Vishnu. This wealth is represented as Mother Lakshmi, who is the like heart and root of the creation. Sarvam Vishnu Mayam. Bhaga means Opulences. Bhagavan and Bhagya represents divine wealth. 

When we pray to Maha Vishnu, what are the main attributes we see? Naamam, Kamalam or Lotus Flower, Sudharshana Chakram, Shankham, Gadha, Garuda and Anantha Sesha. Each one of them is trying to describe deeper attributes of Vishnu and divine truths. Vishnu Shashra Naamam is 1008 names of Vishnu which describes his attributes as many as possible. Actually they are infinite. Opulences we enjoy in the form of Maha Lakshmi who is Godess of Wealth is represented by a Vibhuthi called Lakshmi Narayan.

We humans are created with best Vibhuthis of Maha Vishnu on earth and only sentinel being who is capable of experiencing enlightenment. Our most important attributes are soul, heart, mind, intelligence and intellect. By unflinching quest and yogic practices we can attain Maha Vishnu.

When we visit a temple, after having beautiful dharshan of God, we put Vibhuthi on our forehead to convey that I recognized my divine Vibhutis that God has created me and ready to display them proudly.

My Vibhuthis are my unique identification of Maha Vishnu's creation.

*** Please read Chapter 10 Vibhuthi Yoga in Bhagavath Geetha

Divine Truth

  1. Vibhuthi that we receive from Poojaris, Babas from temples and ashrams have no significant value. It will not cure any disease, chase away bad spirit and karma.
  2. Vibhuthi from any temple will not perform any miracles or generate any divine energies on any day of the year.
  3. Any Baba or self declared Human Gods, manifests Vibhuthi out of thin air or from a pot is performing a trick. They put a small packet of Vibhuthi in your hands and ask for money. Literally you are buying something useless and not worth the money.

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