Unlearn to Learn to Relearn


verb: unlearning. discard (something learned, especially a bad habit or false or outdated information) from one's memory. Unlearning is the process of discarding something from your memory. When you unlearn something, you forget it, put it aside, and lose knowledge of it.

The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler

Knowledge is power. That power enhances Aham or Self Or Ego. Learning is pretty much we all strive for. This is a life long process. Depending upon the circumstances,  Learning is enjoyable and also painful. We learn something everyday. Unlearning, however, is something quite different. You might be forgiven for thinking it means knowledge just disappearing from your memory. It’s not that Unlearning is challenging and deconstructing things that are embedded in your way of thinking, acting and reacting. There are a lot of metaphors for unlearning. Chipping away at the old paint before you put on a fresh coat. Clearing away the vegetation before planting something new. They all point to the same thing; the previous ideas, beliefs, assumptions, etc, must be completely removed for the new one to flourish. They cannot overlap, just as one must eradicate all of the old roots before planting new flowers.

We learn, unlearn and then relearn. It is a cycle, and that is so important in Yogic journey to realize Vishnu, we should ready to explore truths layered at different levels. The Truths and Lies are all of same pedestal, it is how we see it. If you are in India you drive left, in USA it is right. To drive in India learn how to drive on left and in USA on right. As you move from one country to another, your driving habits and rules must be unlearned and new one should be learned. It also good to have kills of both.

Sanathana Dharma and Scriptures peaches many things. All of them may not be truths and truths explained in them belongs to certain era and no longer applicable for different time lines. Our knowledge is being aware of different avatars of learning. Unlearn, Learn and Relearn. 

In deeper meditations, Krishna comes out from hiding and reveals new Truths. The older ones are no longer valid. Sometimes they are valid only under certain conditions. Half glass of Water is seen as half empty or full. Both are truths. It is how each person perceives it.

New divine concepts and creations will be revealed from Vaikuntam by Vishnu in deeper meditation. The information will descend on to you like a Akasha Ganga. A yogi should be capable of receiving and processing them to Unlearn, Lean and Relearn. This cycle continues...

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