What is Karma


How to define Karma? My definitions is, it is set of your actions, whether it is intended or unintended, will eventually bounce back you. Every action has equal and opposite reaction. This duality in nature is the fundamental creation of this universe. In simple terms what goes in eventually same comes out. 

Any creation in this universe, there is a purpose and karma for it to perform. Otherwise, wandering aimlessness is the not the goal of any creation. If you observe closely, our solar system’s celestial objects have karma of different nature. If they are not in synch, we can’t be alive. Creation is based on precise mathematical infinite calculations where equal and opposite forces perfectly balanced to perform set of actions called karma.

God’s actions of creation, sustenance and destruction is his karma as well. His purpose is to bring universal creations alive, make it sustain and eventually destroy. In this, God also vanishes to oblivion. Nothing will be alive forever. 

The creation starts with tiny oscillations, eventually expands by creating space. In the beginning it is full of chaos, from this comes randomness, from this comes order, from this comes synchronization. Eventually all connected at every level, the synchronized karma is performed. 

Based on nature, Karma for human is not bounded to earth only. It is universal. Our karma follows us for many lives because, naturally it can’t be defined by one life of just negligible life of 80 years of human life. We are here for an experience to realize bigger karma.

We are in dilemma. What action to be performed in this world? What is good, bad, sin, truth and a lie? What action that we should perform to be eligible for Krishna’s blessings.

We are integral part of this universe. All souls are connected to Paramatma. It is this realization that reestablishes the connection. We should do our karma as opportunities are provided, very sincerely. There shouldn’t be any likes or dislikes. All work is divine. We should not expect any fruits of it. All our work, efforts, action all belongs to Krishna.

If every action is Devine, how come we do crimes? Why there are some rich and enjoy all comforts? Why so many suffer? Arjuna asks Krishna. By killing my cousins, gurus and grandfather, how come I am not a sinner? Krishna explains, As long as the work is done for the divine, it is not a sin. The work that is done for selfish gains without following dharma is by demons.

The divine karma is always higher calling. The enlightened souls always performing mundane daily actions but the greater karma comes from Krishna. We are just executors.

Quotes from Scriptures

" Accordingly as one behaves so does he become. The doer of good becomes good, the doer of evil becomes evil. One becomes virtuous by virtuous actions. Others become bad by bad actions." (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chapter 4, Brahmana 4, Verse 5).

"Others however say that a person consists of desires. As is his desire, so is his will. As is his will so is the deed he does. Whatever deed he does that he attains."

The object to which the mind is attached, the subtle self goes together with the deed, being attached to it alone. Exhausting the results of whatever works he did in the world he comes again from that world to this world for (fresh) work. This is for him who desires. But he who does not desire...his breaths do not depart. Being Brahman he goes to Brahman."

"Because of thoughts, touch, sight and passions, and because of the availability of food and drink there are the birth and growth for the individual soul. The embodied soul assumes various forms in various places according to the nature of his deeds.. (Svetasvatara Upanishad Chapter 5 and Verse 11)

"He who is free from attachment, who is liberated, whose mind is established in knowledge, whose actions are but actions of sacrifice only, his actions are completely dissolved.

"His offering is Brahman, his oblation is Brahman, his sacrificial fire is Brahman, the sacrificer is Brahman. He certainly attains Brahman who finds Brahman situated in all activities. (Bhagavathgeetha Ch. 4: Verse 23 and 24)

Certainly one should have a clear knowledge of what is action, what is inaction and what is wrong action, for mysterious are the ways of action. (Bhagavathgeetha Ch4:17)

"But he who has qualities and is the doer of deeds that bear fruit, he is the enjoyer, surely of the consequences of whatever he has done. Assuming all forms characterized by the qualities, treading the three paths he, the ruler of the vital breaths wanders about according to his deeds. "(Svetavatara Upanishad V.7).

All this is inhabited by God, whatever that moves here in this moving universe. Therefore by renunciation alone enjoy all things. Do not covet what belongs to others.(Isa 1.1)

Always performing works here (with the spirit of renunciation) one should wish to live a hundred years. There is no other way by which karma would not adhere to you." (Isa I.2).

Karma is an eternal law, which is responsible for the births and deaths and the suffering of beings in the causative world or samsara. While no one can really be free from the law of karma, people can minimize its negative impact by leading a righteous life. Karma does not mean only physical actions. Mental actions also constitute karma. 

The karma incurred by a person through his actions determines the course of his life upon earth and his progression into the higher worlds. Since karma is a correcting and regulating mechanism, our actions have the potential to mitigate our suffering or intensify it. Karma is meant to teach us lessons. If we learn quickly, we will make progress towards perfection. If not we will be presented with much harder options until we realize our mistakes and correct them. Good deeds result in inner peace and happiness while bad deeds result in negative consequences for ourselves and our dependent souls. Actions that are rooted in ignorance also bind us. Even the most natural acts like breathing and sleeping are part of our karma.

If our actions are responsible for our karmic consequences, it follows logically that by inaction we can resolve the problem of karma and break the chain of cause and effect. However it is not true. Non-action is not a solution to the problem of karma because firstly it is practically impossible to live without doing something even for a moment. Actions by themselves do not cause bondage. It is the attitude with which we perform our actions, which is more important. Good actions do not necessarily always produce good consequences. Our morals and values are relative. Killing a person in the battlefield is valor. But killing him on the street is a mortal sin. Thus, the context and the intention with which we perform our actions are important. Equally important is the reason why do them. Work done with an egoistic attitude, with a desire to enjoy its fruit, results in our suffering and bondage to the cycle of births and deaths. 

How Karma is implemented?

A Universal Karma is big and we many be able to understand what it is and How it is implemented? On Earth we are here to perform karma as designed by Vishnu. We are not even a drop in the cosmic ocean but our karma has profound effect on the Universe. When does we start our Karma?

Scriptures says a soul will be searching for a perfect womb to perform its Karma. A soul enters a womb between 42nd and 60th day of pregnancy. A blessed soul enters the womb between 90th and 120th day. This soul is very divine and blesses the world. Naturally if a pregnancy is terminated before 4th month means, no soul entered the womb or the existing soul departed. Till in the womb and after birth the soul is in contact with the spiritual or higher dimensional world. When its senses sees the materialistic world, the connection is snapped and karma begins.

So far we all know that a soul gets introduced after 42nd day and the gender of the baby is determined. The DNA is Operating System(OS) and Hard Disk, which contains your conscience and karma information. X chromosome is the key for consciousness, aura and Snake formation with heart. Our body is made of infinites and also secured by 12 dimensional structures fo DNA. Now how karma is put into action?

What is the key thing that is connecting DNA, Brain and Heart? It is blood. There are  many types of blood and some blood types are compatible with specific type and some with all. The pumping of blood by the heart connects all the parts of your body. So the blood is main carrier of karma information. The brain receives the information in the blood, interprets it and commands your senses to perform the actions and you do it.

All living beings DNA gets updated when you sleep. You are learning from the universe and universe is learning from you. It is very very hard to change your karma because it is in your bloodNow injecting same blood or new type of blood which the person was not born with, does change your karma? 

In materialistic world like earth we dread this word. Every good and bad things happens to us and to our loved ones many times we can’t take it as karma and we start questioning why me? I am a very good person through out my life why these difficulties for me.

The creation secret lies in our earth, sun , our solar system and our Milky Way galaxy. We live on the outer edge of the galaxy. We are all being pointed to a star or a cosmic ocean which is pure white in the center of the galaxy. In vedas it said that vishnu is on ksheera sagara or paal kadal or pala samudram or milk ocean. From this location we are downloading Karmic information or being watched from there by ksheera sagara Vishnu. 

200 years back if you have any ailment such as heart, liver, kidneys mostly you die. Now days we can dodge our death by operating , changing body parts and even transfusion of blood. Even for food we freeze, unfreeze, kill and store etc. we are not following any of dharma of karma. Are we dodging and modifying karma which is set by the creator or God? Heart is the key for salvation. A mechanical heart will still provide you the same spiritual benefits? Are we becoming creator of our own?

We can’t comprehend the earthly karma, how will we understand the bigger picture of our OM Universe karma? The partial answer I know the secret lies on the death. Are we born with a death date? 

Karma of Gods

Do they have karma? It is big YES. Which gods are we talking about? Parvathi, Shiva, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Brahmma and Sarawathi.

There is a divine saying in Hinduism that all the good and bad that happens belongs to Krishna or Vishnu. In fact all the good and bad that happens in our OM Universe belongs to Vishnu. That is his karma for creating and sustaining. What is the karma of Brahmma? creation only. Shiva’s karma is to  destroy the Universe creation and the cosmic creation. Parvathi karma is creation and watch the sustaining and destruction, finally her own destruction by her own creation shiva.

Cosmic Conscience which is 18th Dimension creates Parvathi. Like a child she also grows up by meditating to the Cosmic Conscience to understand the cosmic secrets. She creates an equal and opposite forces which is destruction Called Shiva, who manipulates the Maha Kala means cosmic time as past present future called thrisulam with dhamarukam represents as infinity. Together Parvathi and Shiva is called the first Cosmic Couple. All the gods meditate to gain the creation secrets.

The Cosmic couple creates Maha Vishnu which is equal in nature for creation, sustenance and destruction. The cosmic couple can’t interfere with the will of Maha Vishnu. This Vishnu creates trillions of universes. The cosmic couple and vishnu reflect themselves in these universes to play their part. Each Universe has its own Lakshmi which stays till destruction of that universe. So our Universe Lakshmi is unique to our universe, she is alive till end of our universe. Lakshmi means matter which is the key for creation and that is what we call it materialistic world.

The Gharbhodhaka Vishnu creates Brahmma through his navel a lotus which is nothing but a tetrahedron based model of creation called sri yantra. Like a baby Brahmma has no clue for his creation, meditates for a long time on vishnu. He looks in all directions including up and down, so he has 6 faces. 360 degree view. His enlightenment is Knowledge called Sarswathi or Budhi. Now we have 3 moorthis and their equal and opposite forces called wives who posses all the power in the creation. This is called Trinity.

1008 Brahmmas born and die in all Universes not sure all of them has life or some kind. Vishnu karma is very big, hope you see the magnitude. Now it is Vishnu’s turn to die. 1008 Vishnus has to born die, then only Shiva dies and finally 1008 shivas has to born die then only parvathi dies. All perform their Karma which is good and bad.

No gods lives forever. Now the cosmic conscience lies idle or dead for unimaginable time. Then comes self creation called Parvathi, which is unique for new era. All the gods are unique for the era they live in. The current vishnu is not same as previous one. The cycle continues forever. The big question is how did the cosmic conscience came into existence? 

My Karma

We are all light beings. Once we were close to the creator. After some divine time a bunch of souls started wandering away from the creator to explore few things on its own. In hinduism Brahmma created many humans but all of them went in divinity way. Finally one started deviating. As the the time went by, many souls abandoned the spiritual path and started semi materialistic path. This set in the motion of karma. We will never understand the biggest Karma of Maha Vishnu, being a human.

Let us take an example of me. Our Universe is divided into 14 different dimensions and worlds. My soul wandered away from Sathya Loka where Brahmma lives. And keep wandering away to the next level Tapo Loka. Imagine when my soul entered the OM Universe from the creator, say in a Place or Planet, my karma book is created exclusively for me. This book keeps track of all the activities that I did from the moment departed from Vishnu. Now it is my soul’s choice what to do, but I still cannot escape the bigger karma set by vishnu.

Say I started to focus more and more on power, materialistic and kama. Now I started descending to the lower worlds. As I keep descending, a contract is made what karma to be performed in those worlds with vishnu and Rishis. It is up to  me to uphold that contract. If not I keep descending. Now say I reached the lowest loka Patala. All my activities are logged. As I keep traveling from one world to another and keep changing the bodies, I keep accessing the karma I did before. Say when I took a human form, forgot my previous births and a choice is provided to transcend. Now the Karma is set in place for me.

My DNA has all the information about me and karma. My body keep accessing the karma information as needed basis without my knowledge. Being a human, first time I have been provided an opportunity to transcend. Now it is up to me. On earth we all believe that One Life to Live. With this intention our goals are enjoying the life based on our perception. We don’t know our previous lives and also future. As we perform good karma on earth, the information is logged and in your next birth you start your spiritual journey where you left off. So whatever spirituality that you acquired will never go waste in all the worlds. The best place gain this is our mother earth. This process continues till you reach Vishnu as a light being. 

Well my karma is well set. After this life I am transcending. My life on earth is completed after I leave this body. To transcend to higher worlds, I would like to acquire as much gnanam, vignanam and spiritual progress as possible. This gives me an opportunity, when I depart, to choose my path in the next level. 

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