Veda Terms and Meaning


Usha is the dawns. In meditation the Usha raises like a sunrise. It shines like a bright midday sun and then sun sets. It looses its self when Night starts.

Dawn gives sacrificer cows and horses meaning divine eternal knowledge and raging Prana.

Gomathi means giver of ray or light which contains Universe divine sacred knowledge. Cow. Aditi.

aapah means divine Ganga or water. Ganga means a divine flow of raging knowledge from Brahmma Lokam.

Hasva or asvavathi- The raging creative force called Prana which is pervaded everywhere in Universe.

Ghratam- Clarified butter. Which drops from heaven. It is used thought of mind. Which brings sense of rich or warm brightness. Solidification of divine knowledge.

Soma - Nectar is the divine bliss. You experience this in deeper mention as blessed by Vishnu. This is very intoxicating in the beginning like Wine with Alcohol. You get addicted to it like in real life. The Aanandam is billions of times more pleasure than conjugal love, Wine and Food.

Indra is the mind. Indra is invoked as the maker of perfect storm to drink the wine soma. So drinking  he becomes full if ecstasy and giver of cows. Then we can attain to his host ultimate right thinking and his clear discernment brings us our highest good. Indra is the Mind which generates Soma with comes eternal riches. Indra represents power of mind. God of rain and storms. Indriyas senses like touch smell etc derived from indra. His special real is Swar meaning sun or luminous. Pure and unobscured mind.

3 cosmic divisions or Mullokams. Bhoomi, Anathariksham  or Space and Dayu Or heaven .

Brhat means vast or infinite. Brhat dayu means vast heaven.

Vrka means tearer or wolf. Dhenu means giver or foster or nourisher.

Bhaga means enjoyment. Bhagyam means blessed for enjoyment.

Agni means strong, bright, force, brilliance illuminated energy which builds the worlds and which exalts man to the higher realms.

Mitra is the lord of love and harmony. 

Surya illumination. 

Varuna of the all pervading vastness, purity of the divine supporting and perfecting the world.

Krarti means work or action especially sacrifice.

Sravas means hearing. sravans sruthi sruta

Namas or namaskaram. Bending down. Inward prostration, the act of submission or surrender to deity.

Mahas great and vast.

Dristi : direct vision and truth. Sruthi the direct hearing of the word: viveka the direct discrimination of the right.

God’s established Agni as the immortal in mortals, the divine power in man, the energy fulfillment through which they do their work in him. It is this work symbolized by sacrifice.

Ribus the first human beings or represented human faculties became divine and immortal powers by perfection in the work. 

Bhadram means anything good, auspicious and happy. Duritam all evil and suffering.

Varuna destroyer of foes, perfecting a bright understanding.

Daksa strength of mental power or power of judgement and discernment. Dakshina is female form. This Usha Saraswathi.

Sarama the intuition.

Vayu is associated with Praana or Life energy which contributes to the very functioning of mental energies governed by Indra.

Uruksayaa means dwelling in wideness or vastness or brhat.

Saraswathi is a stream and flowing movement. River or goddess of knowledge.

Bharathi is called Mahi the large and vast. Luminous vastness of truth.

Ila awakening the conscious knowledge who brings knowledge. ila represents dristi truth vision.

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