Gayathri Mantram


Gayatri Mantra (GUY-ah-tree) is one of the most known and beneficial of the ancient Sanskrit mantras. Gayatri is a mantra of physical, emotional, and mental healing, purifying the subtle karmas, protection from the onslaught of obstacles, and of spiritual awakening or Self-realization.

Aum Bhur Bhuva Svah 

Tat Savitur Varenyam 

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi 

Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat

On the absolute reality and its planes,

On that finest spiritual light,

We meditate, as remover of obstacles

That it may inspire and enlighten us.

AUM/OM: Absolute reality. That which encompasses the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep represented by AUM, the three levels of gross, subtle, causal, the three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious and the three universal processes of coming, being, and going. Absolute silence beyond the three levels is the Silence.

Bhur: Physical realm or plane; earth.

Bhuva: The subtle or astral plane.

Svah: The higher, celestial plane.

Tat: That, the essential essence.

Savitur: Bright, luminous, sun-like, inner power of spiritual light, which brings one to Self-realization.

Varenyam: Finest, best, choicest, fit to be sought.

Bhargo: Destroyer of obstacles. Effulgence

Devasya: Divine, resplendent, shining

Dhimahi: We meditate.

Dhiyo: Our being of intelligence, intellect, understanding, mind/heart

Yo: Who, which

Naha: Our

Prachodayat: May enlighten, direct, inspire, guide, impel.

“Let us meditate {dhimahi) upon the Parambrahma (tat), who is the cause of all causes, (om), and the destoyer of all existence in the universe (bhur, bhuvah, svah). As the independent source of all energy and life (bhargo), He is the shining (devasya) Supersoul of the sun (savitur). Let us use our intelligence (prachodayat) to reach the transcendental world.”

My Interpretation of the Mantra:

Om Matha Aditi the primordial conscience of this OM Universe, you are shinning with brilliant radiance which is the source of prana for all Gods in the realm of physical mental and celestial creations. Radiate in me. Matha attract me closer and closer to you.

Om Matha Usha, you shine with golden hue with mesmerizing colors during twilight or Sandhya and travel towards me with your son Sun on golden chariot with raging horses of prana to bless me. Matha attract me closer and closer to you.

Om Matha Sandhya, because of you supreme Lord Vishnu is shinning and radiating as he is the transcendental paramatma for this cosmos. You are the creator of the Sun or Savitur the creator, preserver and destroyer of Earth. Matha attract me closer and closer to you.

Om Matha Gayathri, we meditate upon your radiating conscience, bless me with intelligence and intellect to pray to you and intensify my Agni the eternal fire in me to enlighten, guide and inspire me to merge with you. Bless my soul with your primordial conscience to lead me from ignorant soul to enlightened by you mother.

Ohh Matha attract me closer and closer to you…  Om om om om…

Ohh Matha attract me closer and closer to you…  Om om om om…

Ohh Matha attract me closer and closer to you…  Om om om om…

Chanting Gayatri Mantram

Surya represents the illuminated mind. All gods are illuminated and also all minds are illuminated by Aditi or Gayathri or Savithri. She is the mother of all illuminations in this Universe.

Gayathri Mantram is chanted at the time of Dawn and Dusk called Sandhya. The best times are early morning when the sun is rising and 45 min before sunset. The sun rays are fully of creative energy and our body absorbs all the divine rays for us to function the day with full of energy. During this time we will be getting most needed Vitamin D and all celestial Gods in the forms of Objects like Sun will be blessing us.

A Sun ray looks like whitish yellow color. When look under the lense or Divya Drishti we see seven different colors. They are Gayathri, Brihati, Ushnik,Jagati, Tristup, Anustup and Pankti. VIBGYOR. Actually there are 3 fundamental colors Blue, Yellow and Red. Rest of the colors are made by combining any two of 3 colors.

Gayathra Mantram and Humans

Humans are Biological Quantum Super Computers which are made of light or Photon , who operates at the speed of light. We are made up of 108 Trillion Cells and each cell has 108 billion atoms. The whole human body is vibrating at the Atomic frequency and related to Atomic Clock. The DNA is our human Hard Drive, which stores all the information to perform our karma, abilities, functioning and Spiritual Elevation.

All living beings needs 3 types of energy. One Based out of food 33.3333...%, two  Based on Sun Light or Photons 33.3333...% and three Cosmic or Krishna Energy 33.333...%. We believe food is the only source of our energy.

The brilliant design of beings is in the DNA. Humans have 12 Dimensional storage of information of Cosmic Creation. Currently we have 4 Dimensional understanding such as Length, Breadth, Height which forms 3D objects and 4th dimension is Time. We are trying to understand 5th and 6th Dimensional view and operations. Like keeping 5 senses under control and using 6th sense to predict the future.

Now how to unlock the higher Dimensional experiences and knowledge. The secret is by LIGHT. Our source of light is SUN. The DNA in our body keeps unlocking by exposing to twilight Sun Rays, sound vibrations or Frequencies and to our spiritual thoughts. 

By standing in the sunrise or sunset, the light is absorbed by the body DNA and provides 33.333...% food needed for the body to generate enzymes, fluids, tissues etc and finally the Mantra generates the divine frequency for which DNA responds and unlocks the higher dimensions which in turn keeps your body and mind healthy for Spiritual Journey for Salvation.

The speciality and spirituality is not in the words and meanings of the Gayathri Mantram but in the sound divine frequency vibrations it generates when you chant in a musical way.

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