Sathyanarayana Pooja


Symbolism of Sri Satyanarayana Puja

Every ritual has two aspects: an outer, visible, ritual aspect and an inner, hidden, spiritual aspect. The ritual performed with gross organs of the body externally is less significant than the ritual performed with the subtle mind and intelligence. Internal rituals performed with devotion purify us and prepare us for liberation, while external rituals may serve us to remember our duties and obligations in the world and earn good karma. They do not liberate, but secure us a place temporarily in the ancestral heaven.

Satyanarayana means Lord of Truth, or Narayana in truth form. Sat means both truth and existence, in contrast to asat (untruth and non-existence). Lord Narayana (literally meaning lord of nara, the pranic energy or the life sustaining astral water) is Brahman, the highest Supreme Self. As Brahman, He is both existence (sat) and non-existence (asat), also called Being and Non-Being. His purest and the highest manifestation in creation is Isvara, the Primal Being, or the Lord of the Universe, who is His reflection in the purest form of sattva (suddha sattva).

Lord Satyanarayana is the personification of Brahman as the Truth Being. He represents truth and personifies truth in action (dharma). The true worship of Sri Satyanarayana involves the truthful performance of obligatory duties, practice of truth in daily conduct, and commitment to truth in all aspects of life. The ritual is a promise (or vow) to God that one lives truthfully and honestly in the service of God (Narayana) and works for one's salvation. Truthfulness is one of the highest virtues in Hinduism. Without it one cannot achieve liberation. Truth has to be worshipped not only ritually but also spiritually. The mental and spiritual worship of the Lord of Truth is more important than the physical and superficial worship. The Satyanarayana Puja serves as a reminder that one should practice truth and embody it in oneself through righteous and truthful conduct.

The full moon represents the shinning conscience of divine grace. On that auspicious day all beings on earth will be brimming with love and seek conjugal actions for reproduction. Woman will be fertile to become pregnant. This pooja is done to assert our truth and also for bliss family experiences which will lead us to salvation by Vishnu. There will be so many challenges that we will encounter in this life and also tested by Vishnu many ways to leads us to divine experiences. 

The purpose of Satynarayan Puja is also to bring friends and family together and encourage unity and harmony. It is a common belief amongst Hindus that we should focus on universal happiness and unity. Thus, a celebration like this can make the world one fine place to gather together and offer prayers and rituals. Vasudeva Kutumbakam.

The Satyanarayan Puja is the worship of the Lord Vishnu in the form of Satyanarayan. It is generally performed on the full moon day to invoke the blessing of Lord Vishnu. Everyone can perform this puja irrespective of age or gender. Many devotees and families perform Satyanarayan puja every year for the family’s wellbeing, health, and wealth. It can also be performed at any time of the day. Purnima and Ekadashi are considered more auspicious for performing Satyanarayan puja.

Samagri requirements for Satyanarayan Puja

For this puja
• Idol of Satyanarayana Swami
• Framed image of Satyanarayana Swami
• Coins : 100 of any kind
For Achamanam
• Tumbler (Pancha-patra) : 1
• Spoon (Udharina) : 1
• Small plate : 1
Puja and Decoration
• Turmeric powder (pasupu): 50g
• Kumkum powder : 50g
• Flowers : 3 varieties of 20 each
• Sandalwood paste
(Gandham): 50g
• Betel Leaves : 10
• Betel Nuts : 10
• Fruits (like Bananas) : at least 4
• Coconuts : 3
• Jaggery (Bellam) : 20g
• Mango Leaves : 20
• Platform or Altar
• Akshintalu (rice mixed with Turmeric): 100g
• Cotton wool
For Diya/Aarti
• Diya Stands (Kundulu) : 2
• Cotton wicks : 4
• Oil or Ghee : 50ml
• Agarbattis : 10
• Aarti Diya with Handle : 1
• Camphor (Karpuram) : 10
• Bell (Ghanti or Ghanta) : 1
For general setup
• Towel or Napkin : 2
• Mats to sit on: 4
• Tray : 1
Thamboolam (Dakshina)
(per guest)
• 3 betel leaves
• 3 betel nuts
• 3 fruits
For Kalasham
• Gold/Silver/Copper Vessel
• Mango or Betel Leaves
• Water
• Rice
• Square shaped cloth to spread
• Blouse piece

Foods (prasadam) for Satyanarayan Puja

Kesari HalwaKosambari
Panchamrutham (mix these): ½ cup milk, ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp ghee, 2 tbsp honey, 2 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp water, 1 chopped banana

Satyanarayana puja

  1. Hang mango leaves on the door
  2. Place the platform in the north or east section of your home
  3. Apply turmeric and kumkum to the platform, spread a new cloth on top of it, and spread rice evenly on top of that
  4. Prepare the kalasham
  5. Place a betel leaf and the idol on top of it and keep them in front of the kalasham
  6. Apply kumkum and flower garlands to the framed picture and place carefully behind the kalasham
  7. Make a small turmeric ganesha and put on a small plate with a piece of jaggery (for naivedyam)
  8. Light your diyas
  9. Prepare the Sankalpam as per your circumstances to use later during the puja

Post puja

  1. Distribute the prasadams to everybody after the puja
  2. Tie the rice, fruit and other items used during the puja, in a cloth (maybe the one used during the puja) and offer it to your local priest. You can do this the evening of the same day or the next day.
  3. Drink the water in the kalasham as theertham (holy water) and/or sprinkle it around the home symbolically purifying it.

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