Disrobing of Draupathi

Politics and Disrobing of Draupathi

The true meaning of politics is to make truth as untruth and untruth as truth to keep the people in ignorance and create situations to exploit as the political class wants. The division of the people and society is in such a way that no one can do anything but helplessly watch the Adharmam in action.

As a human being I am helpless when these politics are weaved around me.

Shakuni is a master politician, he believes in his goal of destruction of kuru vamsam by being on their side. Dhuryodhana feels that kingdom is his. He wants to make sure that in no way Pandavas can claim it and also humiliate them constantly. Shakuni comes with a brilliant plan to exploit weakness of Yudhistir. Invites him for Gambling. His dice are made up of his father's bones, which will listens to him whenever asked for a number. Shakuni as a politician, his goal is to make Dhuryodhana completely trust him, then exploit them for kaurava's destruction.

Dhuryodhana sends an invite to Dharmaraja. In front of all Elderly statesmen rules were declared and agreed by both parties. Bhishma admonishes both kaurava and pandavas not play this dangerous game. Shakuni provokes Yudhistir if he cant play a simple game how he can be a king!!! 

The game starts, slowly Yudhistir looses all wealth and their freedom. Now they are slaves to Dhuryodhana. When they were about to leave, provokes them to gamble Draupadi. She is innocent. She was also lost. Now is the time show the real political game.

She was dragged in semi naked in her monthly cycle to the middle of the court. She pleads to everyone to save her. She accuses Bhishma that this adharmam is happening in front of you, how can you let this happen? My husbands, statesmen, relatives, Rajamatha no one is coming forward to help me. Is this Dharmam? All hung their heads in shame.

Bhishma says that he is helpless in the politics weaved by Shakuni and Kauravas, so does your husbands and all of us in this court. Only person who can help you is Sri Krishna Vaasudeva. Pray to him. Draupathi completely surrenders to Krishna in most desperate moment to saver self being exposed. Govinda blesses her with saree and upholds the Dharma.

In any desperate situation if you completely surrender to Krishna he will save you.

Draupathi Vasraa Bhangam

The hero in Mahabharatha is Krishna and Heroin is Draupathi. The greatest friendship in terms of divinity is between these two.

Draupathi married 5 different males with different attributes and strengths. When needed they couldn’t help or save her. She was not born naturally. She was born through yagam fire started by Drupartha MahaRaja. She emerged as teenager from the fire and next day she was claimed by Pandavas by Arjuna. Pandavas took her to Kunthi. Arjuna said He brought a thing. Kunthi without thinking said, all 5 of you share it. To her surprise it was a girl. So Draupathi married all five of them one at time by going through fire, transforming and coming back.

When Dharmaraja lost all his possessions in gambling to Sakuni and Dhuryodhana, Draupathi was dragged to the Maha Sabha in front of all great people, from orders of Dhuryodhana, Dushsasana tried to disrobe her. When this was happening she reasoned with all the people in the Sabha. No one is willing to say anything or trying to save her. She was in pure desperation and prayed to Krishna. Bhagavan saved her.

In real life, when you are in deep trouble and tried all different possible ways to redeem or save yourself, and nothing seems to be working, just surrender to Vishnu. Just pray Ohhh Bhagavan please save me.  He is the ultimate savior. He will save you.

This is the inner meaning of this leela.

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