Shurthi and Smrithi


After many generations of primitive human beings, humans in Indian continent made connection with the Santhana Dharma or Eternal Knowledge. In the deeply meditative state they heard Vedic chantings, which is called SHRUTHI.

Many Rishis heard the Sruthi and started contemplating what it means. Even though Rishis uttered these mantras or stanzas, they are not the author, it is Lord Hyagriva or Brahmma or Vishnu. It is Avidya if anyone  claims ownership of sruthi. It belongs to all.

The Rishis based on their contemplation, experiences, they started memorizing the Sruthis with modifications. The memorized version of it is called Sruthi.


Samhitha means “Arrange them in a Union to Comprehend”. Now we have the Base for Earthly Sanathana Dharma. This concept should be put into actions.

Imagine there are 1008 Enlightened Rishis, all of them heard Sruthis and with their own experiences, had many differences in their approach. It was too confusing for anyone who wants follow. Mostly whoever guru a seeker were following, they followed his Vedas.

At last all the Rishis assembled in one place and decided to collectively analyze different stanzas and segregated them as Different sections of Vedas. All these Rishis called Veda Vyasa means who segregated vedas and arranged them in a comprehensible Sequence.

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