Vishnu Maya


Enlightenment 91 - Spurning and Fighting With Vishnu

Can we love constantly without fighting, quarreling, arguing and spurning as a human being? It is impossible. We do many things. If my actions are helpful for other person, then i am their friend. If not, whatever is their imagination. Is it always transactional? Not necessary. When it comes to God, Krishna clearly says we should expect karama phalam or fruit. He knows what to do with the seeker.

Many seekers I know tried/s hard still nothing happens to them. Many times it is frustrating The constant faith and rituals is hard to maintain without any returns or progress. Many cries in front of God, why you are not coming or blessing me. What I have to do or done wrong. How long I have to do this. Why there is no mercy for your bhaktha. Vishnu knows the future, laughs and keeps quiet. 

Many get mad and stop praying, pooja and the journey itself. They live free materialistic life. I have seen many and they laugh at me why I am doing this. Some highly evolved souls defy Vishnu like Hiranya kasipu, Viswamitra, Durwasa. They declare the war on the god himself. Mostly it ends with good only. Imagine Vishnu himself punishing then. Many considers it as a soon. For many years, I also declared war on him. Fight, fight and bitter fight like there is no end.

If he dont bless me with enlightenment. I will fight him eternity.

Enlightenment 92 - The myth of Vedas and Science

We have lot of misinformation about Vedas and Hindu scriptures. Many want to prove it is superior compare to other religions. In that process many try to tie it to a scientific discover and claim that Hindus already invented it or had advanced knowledge. Many unbelievable scientific advancements were but it was stolen from hindus by the west. They prospered at the expense of Baharat. Hindu civilization was in such an advanced state, that rest world were cavemen. 

All these are self boasting, illogical interpretations and simply the height of blind faith. Hindus were intelligent for the time they lived. May be 1% of the population was educated and cant understand what was written and preached. Even today many dont know what these scriptures are preaching. 

Reading and memorizing vedas increases brain power or expands it, the scientific formulas are coded in mantras, memorizing and chanting will provide superior power, all diseases will be cured by chanting them etc There are many illogical presentations. The talent is lost when it was not understood properly. The Indian scriptures which deals with core spirituality, 

Hindu scriptures are treasure trove, use it for realizing self. Secrets of creation will descend. Look at nature and understand. Dont try to misinterpret. 

My goal is simply to let Vishnu guide me towards enlightenment.

Enlightenment 93 - Enlightenment and Performing Karma

Krishna says that even a yogi who attained enlightenment should be performing his karma on earth. Still there are many ways to get trapped in this maya also. There is a story on buddha that a demon constantly pestering him to marry his beautiful daughters. Buddha keep refusing the temptations. As long as this body is alive, it is its nature to seek pleasures. It is a boom to be enlightened and live on earth. The aanandam will be flowing, see Vishnu all the time, perform his will, bring this divine mind on to earth and let flow. People should experience what I am experiencing.

Many rishis went into seclusion so that they can focus intensely. The beginning of enlightenment is divine want to express through me in whatever form. That is why many say I am incarnation of this god, that Rishi, yogi etc. When Vishnu expresses through this soul, it is letting the earth get its grace. Earth is in pain and happy to receive this bliss. Rishi also stays in this intoxicated state. It is very addictive and many around him will not understand. It is inexplicable.

Ramakrishna, Vivekaananda, Bhattadrel etc suffered diseases and experienced immense pain before death. Why they have to go through this? Karma is strange. Many say we shouldn’t try to understand because it is vast and secretive in nature. The future is set and also the end. The end can be reached many ways but cant be changes. Once I am enlightened, the precarious tempting life must be lead carefully. Always there are distractions. 

Even at the time of death Vishnu will play trick to entice me. I will not fall for it.

Enlightenment 94 - Divine Art/Work is not for sale

Many Rishis and great people lived by the principal that divine karma is not for sale. The reason behind it is that Vishnu is making them do these work which is helpful for the society. But how can they live? Many lived in poverty and begging. Singing, Writing, Dancing, Art etc are done by a person blessed by Vishnu. He is making us do these things for the greater good of the society. If we become greedy and materialize them, then it is bot treated as Vishnu karma anymore.

Today yoga and meditation are so much commercialized and its real essence is lost. Performing asanas, loosing weight, body fit etc became the goals. The meditation turned out to be done when stressed to relax. It turned into corporate yogas. Is something is better than nothing? Yes. People may not know the true nature of the Yogic experience, at least some of them may pursue just being a normal human being. 

In today's world all sorts of divine karma is for sales. There is nothing wrong with it for the purpose of living the life. The time has changed, we have to make money to live. Remember the ultimate goal is to turn it into a divine work. A yogi should absolutely get better at Vishnu karma and he will show you the way to  perform his

will. Remember one thing my responsibility is to impress only Vishnu. 

Learning and performing any art with Vishnu Bhakthi, will lead aanandam. Many Rishis writing attained the blissful state. In this I have glimpses of enlightenment.

Enlightenment 95 - Every Second focusing on Vishnu

Sanyasam is the concept of fully focusing on activities to realize self. It is like every breath you take, saying OM Namo Narayana. It is recognizing everything, second and activity as vishnu. When a person does this all the time, most brand them as crazy or lunatic. Anything doing beyond human limitations and torturing the body in terms of bhakthi is not bhagavan naama smarana. The point I am trying to drive is that we should loose focus on the ultimate goal.

If we do yogic activities intensely there are many super human qualities that will be blessed as siddhis. We have to use them for further progressing the journey rather than show tricks in front of people. Even when I am sincere in the pursuit, many obstacles and hinderances will happen to test the resilience. Vishnu is very trick, not easy to please, so we should recognize then and do the best to overcome.

I keep praying to Vishnu every time get a chance. When doing a work remember karma yoga, relaxing chanting vishnu, doing pooja bhakthi. Look around and see naamams everywhere in every shape and in everything. Then wonder what is next? What more to learn and see? I may see glimpses of future and past and may not recognize them. For me past is an experience and future is the destiny but most important thing is today is where I focus to be with Vishnu.

Many Rishi constantly praying to Vishnu all the time and proved that he will bless, in that I see glimpses of enlightenment.

Enlightenment 96 - Kanaka Dhara - Stream of Gold

We all strive for betterment of life, kanaka or gold plays a bigger role. Gold is the world currency. In yogic life blessed by goddess Lakshmi means Aiswaryam. The eternal wealth, which is used for creation. She is very easy to impress. Just show love and dedication to Vishnu, but hard to gain the gold. Once she is happy the Kanaka dhara will come. Now it is up to me how to manage the divine wealth. 

In real life we pray to this goddess to bless us with money. Wealth is the permanent rich and also manages many including rich and poor. There is saying that money cant buy everything but most of the things. The divine wealth can do anything. Without her the creation cant happen. Without money can we live in this world? Everything is money oriented. 

Enlightenment 97 - The Ascension of Soul

What happens after death is a big mystery for us. In my opinion everyone scared of it. Spoke to many, closer to death, even if they are old like 90, They are scared because Not sure what is going to happen and scared they they not part of the reality of earth. Not sure Whether we will be reborn again or go to heaven/hell or to higher realm or born as an animal on earth. The departing of the soul is not an easy process. Only yogis who are connected to vishnu will be happy because the chances are brighter to see him in different reality.

There are 2 theories what happens after death. One the soul is an individual and moves on to its next course of journey in its karma. The previous relationships are gone. Even if they recognize the past, it is not relevant anymore. The second theory is that the evolved soul waits in higher temporary realm. There it says like 1 day is like one year on earth. It waits for its relations and they come, moves on. There it forms new relations and new karma takes over.

Highly evolved souls which are determined by Vishnu, will cut off its relations and focuses on higher spiritual growth. What I will be blessed with only Vishnu knows. Hope he blesses me with Vaikuntam and next to him. Even if he takes a different view, I may have the privilege to discuss my next venture which could be higher or lower. 

A yogi should always strive for higher aspirations and goals. There is lot to evolve. Each realm teaches something and blessed to experience the new reality.

Enlightenment 98 - Ganga - Stream of Raging Brahmmaopadesam

I have explained many times what Gang symbolically represents. It is raging prana of divine knowledge. Ganga is with Vishnu in vaikuntam. When Brahmma is created, the vastness startled him. Vishnu advised him to meditate and connect with him. When brhamma attained enlightenment, the knowledge in the form of Ganga was transferred to Brahmma Lokam. He was controlling this in his small pot or kamandalam. Brahmmas wife is Saraswathi. She is the epitome of all the knowledge in this universe. Calm, beautiful and serene. 

The divine knowledge is very powerful and intimidating like a small computer trying to download millions of peta bytes of data in few seconds. The system cant withstand and cross. The story of Bhagheeratha bringing ganga on to earth. It is only possible by the greatest meditator like Shiva. So as a yogi I should attain that kind of capacity to receive Ganga. By analyzing ganga you can  understand many of its attributes. 

The Brahmmopadesam by vIshnu is the ultimate truth of this universe. When ganga dawns on me means, all sins due to ignorance that have committed will be absolved, when take holy dip in the river. I emerge as enlightened new divine human being. A yogi should practice deep and advanced meditative activities to be eligible to receive ganga. I dont know how it will be when it descends on me. It will not descend until I am ready.

Ganga is trickling in little streams and glimpses of enlightenments.

Enlightenment 99 - Shakthi - The Power

Shakthi the divine to power within me.That is dormant and sleeping. It must be awakened. Many have different names for it. It coiled down somewhere inside the deep cosmic ocean inside my layers of conscience. The ultimate power is primordial conscience Mother Aditi who is manifested in many different avatars. The strength and the blessings I need is immense. Once awakened she will all the demons inside me. The divine doors opens up.

The physical human power is amazing. We need this to live in this world. Every bring that happens is for our good and pray to god to give the power to withstand it. Life is tough, we fight our own weaknesses. The power of intelligence is god's gift. When mother paarvathi blesses me, it is amazing. We display our shakthi in many ways. In olden days it is war, today there are many ways based on the power and money. When we have power, money, intelligence it is intoxicating. Just feel that power. This power is counter productive to the divine shakthi.

In meditation, it comes down with massive force and tries it best to be as gentle as possible. A yogi may not withstand it and faint lost in the amazing shakthi. The new avatar of yogi is dawned. All the worlds and its creations are visible. Mother shinning all her love and proud what I achieved. This new vigor will lead me to new horizons and its dazzling beauties. Now the ultimate is Vishnu.

The cosmic play with Vishnu is glimpse of enlightenment.

Enlightenment 100 - Saraswathi - The Knowledge

Who has the best knowledge in this universe? The mysterious cosmic conscience. All other forces draws its information. One such force is to represent the attributes of all the talents and knowledge that can have in this universe is Saraswathi. She is pure, serene and highly radiating. Brahmma chased this knowledge for yugas. Even though vishnu transferred the knowledge of creation, he needs this separate entity of the opposite of him. Together they rep-present creative knowledge. Gnanam is represented by her. When she tried to flow on to earth, does this as ganga. 

Many of us by birth comes with many talents. We take time to recognize them. Whoever has talents of art, they are blessed by higher divine realms. These are built in the realms of conscience and when we die, this also goes with the soul. Each janmam saraswathi blesses the soul with new knowledge and experiences. Whatever is you wish and talent achieve this by your knowledge and enjoy it. The acquired talents many times are transferred to new generation of  babies. We should always pray for divine blessings of mother saraswathi.

Once brahmma had a fight with saraswathi and she went away means what? He lost the knowledge. Again he has to acquire it. Can we fight with knowledge? Philosophically yes by the way pondering, trying to acquire, decipher and understand the layers of it. At each the layer the knowledge differed and may negate the others. As long as we keep intelligently analyzing and learning, saraswathi keeps us enlightened.

If blessed by saraswathi, we will also receive Vishnu mysterious brammopadesam.

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