Descending Light


Enlightenment 21 - Vishnu only Purusha

What this means? How come I and other males with attributes of purusha are not Purusha. Why did I and Rishis say that Vishnu is the only Purusha. By acknowledging this many truths we will learn and realize. In a logical way these statements are very silly and ridiculous that I am not purusha. To realize Vishnu understanding him as Purusha is very important. Vishnu's name is Purushothama means he is the best among purushas in this cosmos.

Vishnu is Purusha who is the root and seed, so the creation is Prakrithi and feminine. Her job is to create and expand with help of purusha. So all creations by her are feminine. Internally for conjugal propogation, the duality male and female are created based on the attributes of Purusha and Prakrithi. For vishnu we are all females, he is a male. So Vishnu is only Purusha in the universe and his symbol is Naamam.

Here is the best kept secret. Only Vishnu will give you salvation and ultimate experience. He is the owner OM Universe. Next it is Shiva and Paarvthi blesses me with all qualities needed to attain the greatest state of Maha Rishi. All these forces are equal and great, but differ in their own karma or actions. So I as Purusha or Shiva sit in mediation still. The feminine force in me evoked. Paarvathi mother comes alive in me provides her forces to experience the Bindu or root or Dot which is the ultimate creation. With this power and quality, I let my feminine force dominate, turn me into a Gopi or one of most beautiful woman. Be ready for ultimate Krishna rasa leela or conjugal play. The best aanandam or bliss is provided. Then blessed to turn into a Maha Rishi and be with Maha Vishnu for eternity...

Enlightenment 22 - Rama Praying to Eesha in Rameswaram

Ravan, the Asura King who ruled Lanka kidnapped Sita- wife of Sri Rama. To get her back and free the people of Lanka from the demon king, Rama reached the seashore with the Vanaras under the leadership of Sugreeva. This place is called Rameswaram. 

“How can I cross the ocean? How can I defeat Ravan?” SriRam thought. Suddenly, he felt thirsty. The vanaras brought sweet water to Ram. He had a vision of Lord Shiva while he was drinking happily. He put down the bowl of water and started doing Poojas for Lord Shiva. His stotras made Lord Shiva contented. He appeared before Ram.

SriRama spoke with devotion. “The Ever Great Maheswara! You are my Master and I am your servant. I can succeed only by your blessings. Ravan is ruthless yet he is your devotee as well. He is undefeatable because of the boon you granted him. His ego and pride made him confident even to conquer the three worlds. I can never be successful defeating him without your help.”

Lord Shiva said, “Rama, you will be prosperous. I’m contented by your devotion.” Rama replied,” Oh Lord! SadaSiva! Please give me the power to win over Ravan in the war at Lanka.” “Let it be. You will emerge victorious as you wish.” Lord Shiva blessed Rama. “Lord! If you are satisfied with me, please stay here so that everyone else can pray to you on this sacred spot.” As per the request of Rama, Shiva turned into a Lingam at that spot which is the famous temple of Rameswarm.

Rama is an avatar of maha vishnu, what is his basic symbol for creation? Naamam. From this emerged Lingam and for the lingam to perpendicular, prakrithi must spread. Together forms Shiva Lingam. Which is root of the creation he created. So Rama prayed to the root to convey that is where all truths are. Through that shape we reach maha vishnu. The symbolic praying of Rama is to show us this truth.

Enlightenment 23 - Naamam is feminine

What is the root of creation? Based on our knowledge, observing earth and cosmos it is feminine. Plants are 99% females. The flowers in the middle have the pollens which is male. Same pollen for the same plant is not useful. Other plants are the best. We have seen the root of creation is this naamam shape, which means it is feminine. The basic geometrical shape is used in every creation is triangle or tetrahedron. Maha Vishnu and Venkataramana swamy is portrayed prominently with naamam to reiterate that root of creation is this symbol which is used by Vishnu to create marvelous cosmos. So Vishnu is male and all of us created by naamam are feminine at the root.

This distinction is the key understanding in the yogic journey. With human emotions it is very difficult to understand this truth. A woman has all the feminine attributes dominating and knows her role and play the conjugal action. It is easy for her to imagine or turn into gopika sree, do poojas to tripurasundari to turn into cosmic female to mate with Krishna to enjoy the ultimate bliss and attain salvation. This what is all about RadhaKrishna depicts.

Imagine for a man to under go the same process. In the yogic pursuit many try to same thing as external acts. Dressing and acting like a gopi. This is not an external acts. This happens internally and it takes highly evolved yogi. Even you can call it as Maha Rishi State. Only few are blessed with this kind of boon. I realized this truth in my journey. What paths our scriptures laid out for us? There are so many variations. The real truth is lost. Each person's individual journey will lead you. If your journey is based misunderstood truths, there is no progress. Only the person feels that he is saint.

Only person who can take you and me out of om universe to Vaikuntam is Maha Vishnu and his magic symbol is naamam.

Enlightenment 24 - The power to become immortal

Prarabdha karma means all the karma that we accumulated in all our previous janamams which drives us in this janmam. We are here on earth for an experience. What is that? In today's world it is full of material enjoyments. Anything wrong with it? NO. We see this new world, which is brilliant in creation. Many ways to enjoy including man made scientific advancements. This generation of humans are enjoying the nature and instruments to generate the material bliss. All of us took birth for this enjoyment?

Many of us descended from higher bliss and sacred worlds or promoted from hellish lower worlds or took rebirth again on earth. Wherever from we are, doesn't matter. We are here. So what is next? We can live blissfully in this world of maya or find out true nature of us. Who am I? Many of are not blessed with riches to enjoy the life of material and yogic life. That is why many abandon and take full sanyasi life to pursue spirituality. Many of us wonder why a person has to go through toughest path and still may not realized and blessed by vishnu. 

All gods in many forms remind us one thing. We have the power to become mortal to immortal and human to super human. For this transformation we have to see beyond our senses and mind. It is not easy and for many and may not happen. Beyond senses and being in touch with higher realms we see the true nature of us and the soul. The shakthis or power dawns on us to make us immortal and super humans. This when we can perform many humanly impossible acts. We should not be performing these in real world because we are interfering with divine creation.

Enlightenment 25 - No Vishnu Blessings and salvation based on Untruths

What is truth and untruth is highly debatable and personal opinion. When we all agree it becomes a truth and also untruth. The truths based on logical human interactions and analysis are truths which are applicable under certain conditions only. In another set of conditions, the same truth becomes untruth. There are material and divine truths and they keep changing as the parameters change. In reality truth and untruth are of same reality and non reality. In spiritual quest, both must be understood.

Earth has certain truths and untruths. Which we should make an effort to understand as much as possible. These belongs to earthly. Some of them are true in higher realms. The human comprehended truths are to be understood and be careful in application. So most of the opinions, preachings, commentaries are a rish's view. We all differ on our own way in yogic journey but practicing untruths and propagating them will not make you eligible for Salvation. Then what are truths? How we learn?

Worshiping a cow or GO as god is untruth. The inner meaning of GO is eternal. By doing pooja and praying to cow will not make you eligible for vishnu blessings. Then what is the way? One open mindedness. Learn all, see the truths and untruths. The deeper practices and meditation will provide you the ability to see them. It is called dharshan and revealing Brahmman. There is another best way, which is called Saranagathi.

The bhakthi which provides absolute confidence, leads to state where the goal is attaining vishnu. Yogi dont worry about other factors. If you write incorrect answers in the exam and expect pass, is stupidity. Same beleivibg untruths and practicing them will not make you eligible for vishnu dharshan.

Truths and untruths are glimpses of enlightenment.

Enlightenment 26 - Punyam and Paapam

Most of the religions revolves around these two words and each of them have their own words. The simple logic is we are paapis or sinners as a human, shed our paapam and accumulate punyam to reach heavens. If I am a divine soul, how come I am a sinner? God is feeding us and make us perform all actions and karma, then who is sinner? Are we responsible for our actions? Yes. Love and hatred are equal parts. If we express love, the heart opens up new divine channels, same way hatred it opens a different worlds, where it thrives on negativity.

What is punyam and paapam? Ultimately decided by Vishnu. Based on our understanding, we agree what is punyam and paapam. If we help any being and nature it, is punyam. If we hurt with intention to cause pain and suffering, it is paapam. Many times we all experienced both. What makes us eligible to see and connect with Vishnu? In fact it is both. Our scriptures says if we do good deed or punyam we should forget it, Because it is vishnu's desire. If we committed sin or paapam, we should repent and Thirtha yatra to wash away. Meaning, hardship in pursuit of God and repentance will cleanse your sins.

Our Scriptures says,  if we have more punyam, we go to heaven. Not higher worlds than that, especially vaikuntam. If you have more paapam then, it is difficult to ascend. We commit both in equal parts. If more punyam makes me ineligible for Vaikuntam, should I do more punyam? The trick, yes we should do more punyam and should not claim it as mine. It is Vishnu's. Then we have all sins, what to do now? Vishnu absolves all those and blesses you for Vaikuntam.

Enlightenment 27 - Why I want to strive for enlightenment

I laughed many times at seekers. Mine is of more like that they are not genuine in seeking. The ashrams that I have seen are more like a power house. Many of their preachings and philosophies are not up to the mark of Rishis. Yes many shown very good divine qualities and talents in sanskrit, singing, writing, dancing, preaching etc. I feel many dont have deeper knowledge. I dont believe a human is God. Many gurus declare themselves as gods. They try to control the religion and people. Some live whole life as bachelor and sacrificing all pleasures. Will this really make them connect with God and salvation?

I never had any inclination to be a seeker. Yes normal bhakthi and pooja like others. Many times never prayed. If i think now, Vishnu was watching and i should be matured to start my journey. I showed too much interest in deeper space, which started the curiosity in seeking without i am being aware of it. Still I was adamant that many things explained in scriptures are humbug and real truths are different.Still i am reading with open mind of all the things that i came across. Vishnu was desperate to catch my attention. His weakness was my blessing. At least he provided glimpse of his dharshan, which started my journey on its own without me seeking it. He Bombarded with revelations. Things that I didnt understand are now clearer. 

The higher and lower worlds are real and segregated by conscience layer. The soul's evolvement makes me eligible to the higher worlds. This where seeking comes. All the techniques that are preached is for evolvement. Only Vishnu should bless me at his own will. All other gods and humans contributes towards it. There is manual called Bhagavath Geetha. When Vishnu will bless me? It is purely his wish and will. He started it, so let me see how far he will take me. I will do my part.

Enlightenment 28 - What it means no beginning and end? 

The fundamental logical question to ask is How Our universe, God originated and created? Very very easy and logical question to be asked and make sense right in the world we live in. This question is impossible answer or explain because at least I am not qualified to answer. I can give you few scenarios to understand.

If show you a circle and ask you what is the beginning and end? You answer is it is not possible to answer. Interestingly you will say the starting point is the Center of circle or root. That is the origin. From that point either it expanded in a second or gradually. To understand the creation, we must go to the root. Exploring the circle we will never find the answer.

Easy way to understand this concept is, a bicycle wheel. Rotate fast and move your eye away from it for few seconds. Focus on the wheel. Sometimes it looks rotating forward and suddenly it looks rotating backwards. After the spin started it is not possible to answer our question.

If you observe galaxies, it seems moving in clockwise and if you shift the observation from the opposite direction, it is vice versa. So scientists declared safely that half rotates clockwise and rest opposite. So every creation should be looked at the root to understand its creation.

In yogic journey, the moolam or root is Vishnu. If you attain him, we can answer this question.

Enlightenment 29 - What is real and unreal?

Seeing is believing that is human nature. As long we see, it is true, if not doesn't exist unless if we find a way to prove it. In today's world, If i ask where is internet, everywhere is the answer. Show me the root? It is bunch of people make it available. Is internet real? When we experience it many ways, then it is real and our understanding is elevated. same way spiritual journey is. God is unreal till we experience and imagine it.

Among humans we also have levels. Either by luck or by birth, we can experience the levels of luxury by making money, accumulating power and people. If i am lowest level, i have an idea how the high level society works, but cant experience it. For many no idea what of things they do, so it is unreal. 

The creation is classically masked by layers of actions and inactions. The deeper meaning is maya. We cant define it simply, through experiences we can understand it. On earth we are governed by certain natural

laws and experiences certain degree of maya. Based on many factors, heaven and hell is on earth. Many experience both at various degrees. Some only suffer and other full enjoy. Why?

As a yogi, the goals is to understand the Maya as much as we can and shatter it like a mirror, then only we cans see what is behind it. For this Vishnu help is needed. If keep breaking the layers and degrees of maya, I am elevating to higher worlds. If keep doing things in opposite way, to lower worlds.

Till we reach vishnu, maya cant be shattered. Real and unreal are same.

Enlightenment 30 - The Gods of higher worlds

What is in the higher worlds that is not in this world and also what is so bad about the lower worlds that we dont want to go there. Why do God do this play? Vishnu says all actions in the universe, we are mere executing it, then how come i am responsible for it? It is because Vishnu gave the soul an independent conscience which is almost equal to his. It is individual soul's quest to realize its potential. In this process all souls go through many transformations and experiences. Most fail, only tiny tiny few achieves it.

If I am blessed by vishnu on earth, after my death, the higher worlds awaits for me. They compete to have me and experience their worlds. The experiences are immensely useful for the soul and at the same time, there are chances of loosing the focus. In my opinion straight going to Vaikuntam is the best.

How these higher worlds are? The gods are splendrous subtle bodies like advanced human and divine minds. The finite and infinite meets. The time dissolves into eternity means unimaginably longer lives and power. They experience and support many forms creative forces that are needed for this universe. They became Gods of their own planet and impose their will and rules. A souls which enters these worlds should satisfy this god for further elevation. Higher worlds are full of laugher and joy with plenty of opportunities to achieve impossible things. I can turn into a demi god but better way is to be a Rishi, so that quest remains the same.

Vishnu knows where to place me and elevate me. I hope straight to vaikuntam.

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