Hindu Attire and Pooja


Kashaya or Saffron Cloth

The Saffron colour resonates with two auspicious things - the colour of the sunrise/sunset (sandhya) and of fire (agni). The Sun and the Fire are two of the most important elements that hold significant powers for beings on Earth. The conscience illumination is of yellowish golden color. Yogis wear this colored dress to portray that divine eternal Agni is light inside and their soul aim is to pursue realization fo Self and Enlightenment. Agni also represents purity.

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्।
होतारं रत्नषातमम्।।१।।

Agnimīḷe purohitam yajṇ̃asya devamṛtvijam, hotāram ratnadhātamam.

"Agni I adore, who stands before the Lord, the god who seeth Truth, the warrior, strong disposer of delight."

So the Rig-veda begins with an invocation to Agni, with the adoration of the pure, mighty and brilliant God. "Agni (he who excels and is mighty)," cries the Seer, "him I adore." Why Agni before all the other gods? Because it is he that stands before Yajna, the Divine Master of things; because he is the god whose burning eyes can gaze straight at Truth, at the satyam, the vijñānam, which is the Seer's own aim and desire and on which all Veda is based; because he is the warrior who wars down and removes all the crooked attractions of ignorance and limitation (asmajjuhurāṇam enaḥ) that stand persistently in the way of the Yogin; because as the vehicle of Tapas, the pure divine superconscious energy which flows from the concealed higher hemisphere of existence, (avyakta parārdha), he more than any develops and arranges Ananda, the divine delight.


If you look at a rudraksha seed, you can see nature it is made up of tetrahedron or triangle.  The tetrahedron is the basic building blocks of the Universe. When nature make this sacred platonic solid, it creates wonders and attracts the divine energy. The tree makes rudraksha from 1 Mukhi or face or tetrahedron which is very rare to all the way to 18 mukhis in nature. This represents the 18 dimensional conscience levels of this entire cosmos beyond our Universe. This is only symbolic reference. Don’t spend any money on it. Seekers wear this to show they are aware different realms of dimensional creation.

Beard and Long Hair

Seekers are not supposed to be worried tor interested in grooming their external appearances. Mostly the mustache, beard and hair are not trimmed. Over the years it grows longer and they tie their hair.

Kamandal and Bag

Kamandalm is used for to carry carry and drink. A bag is used to store the essentials and also put alms that begged for the day. Many use bowls also. Yogis need basic materials to live, meditate and sleep.


Vibhuthi means attributes. Gods are defined with their own attributes. Shiva with 3 parallel lines and Vishnu with Naamam are their main Vibhuthis. Shiva bhakthas use the ashes from crematory or calcium. This is symbolic representation of that I am possessed with divine attributes or Vibhuthis. Like common belief that there are no significance of energy transformation.


Mostly it is of red kumkum, vibhuthi and sandal wood paste is also used. The round one represents the DOT between eyebrows which is in the form of infinity. The tilak in the form as lamp flame represents the divine and flame of a soul. 


It is called Amritha kalasam. In meditative state this forms yellowish in color like a coconut and the top kudumi represents the flaming soul. This is very auspecious meaning Amritham is being presented to the meditator. 3 mango leaves(Trinity), water inside the kalasam and coconut describes the concept.

Lamp, Karpooram represents the Pure Agni and Soul. Coconut pure whiteness of knowledge. No Impurities. Fruits are the labor of nature and we want to thank God for providing food for us. Bell ringing is to affirm our Bhakti to God. Incense sticks or Agarbhathis represents the divine perfume that emanates from God. It is said that a Yogi with divine qualities will smell like a perfume naturally.

Rituals will keep us focused on Vishnu and its symbols will convey profound meaning to understand the divine knowledge. Understanding these are very important for yogic life. As we gain more and more divine knowledge, new knowledge will be replaced, thus we will experience higher dimensional realms, which is crucial for enlightenment.

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