Chandra or Soma or Moon


Chandra is god of Moon. He is a lunar deity and also called Soma. Chandra is one of the Navagrahas, presides over Monday. He is also a fertility god and son of Rishi Atri.


  • Father: Atri
  • Mother: Ansuya
  • Brothers: Durvasa, Dattatreya
  • Wives: Krttika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Purbabhadrapada, Pushya, Aslesha, Magha, Svati, Chitra, Purvaphalguni, Hasta, Radha, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshta, Mula, Purbashadha, Uttarashara, Sravana, Uttaraphalguni, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati, Ashwini, Bharani
  • Sons: Budha, Varchas, others
  • Daughters: Bhadra, others


Ansuya’s fame and glory had spread all over the world. Devas were afraid that she might snatch their celestial treasures from them. They told the Trideva about this. The Trideva explained the greatness of Ansuya to them. But they agreed to ruin her chastity.

The Trideva took the form of beggars and came to Atri and Ansuya’s hut to beg for alms. At that time, Atri had gone to offer his daily ablutions at the river. She welcomed them and washed their feet. Ansuya was waiting for Atri took come back so they could give food to the three beggars.

But the beggars said that they couldn’t wait for the return of Atri. They demanded that the food be served right now. But they made an unusual request that she serve the food to them disrobed or Naked. Ansuya was really confident that the spiritual strength of her husband would save her, so she did so. When she entered the room, the three beggars had turned into babies. To teach them a lesson, when they do mischievous acts, she spanked with motherly love. The trapped trimoorthis understood their limitations. 

When Atri Rishi came in, he saw Ansuya with three babies. Ansuya offered the three babies at Atri’s feet. Atri realized that they were none other than the Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Trideva assumed their real forms and Atri greeted them with folded hands. The Trideva requested Ansuya to ask for a boon. She asked that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva actually become their children. They granted the boon and vanished. After some time, three sons were born to Atri and Ansuya: Dattatreya, Chandra, and Durvasa. Dattatreya was Vishnu, Chandra was Brahma, and Durvasa was Shiva.


Chandra soon married 27 of Dhaksha’s daughters. Chandra loved all of his wives, but especially loved Rohini more. When the other 26 wives realized this, they became agitated and went to Daksha. They told him about how Chandra favored Rohini. Daksha also didn’t like this. He went to Chandra and said, “Oh Chandra, how can you love one more than the rest. Please don’t do this.” But Chandra did not listen to Daksha. He was deeply in love with Rohini, so he ignored the rest. After requesting a couple more times, Daksha became distressed. He cursed Chandra,” You haven’t listened to me multiple times. Thus, I curse that a wasting disease will fall upon you!”

When the devas and the Rishis heard about this, they became agitated. They went up to Brahma and informed him about the situation. Brahma said, “Chandra has done many wicked things. He kidnapped Brihaspati’s wife and at one point, allied himself with the Asuras. But if Chandra wants to be cured, then he must go to the auspicious place of Prabhasa and please Shiva.” On hearing the words of Brahma, the devas came to the place where Chandra and Daksha were present. They consoled Daksha and took Chandra to Prabhasa. For the next six months, Chandra performed penance using the Mrutyunjaya mantra to please Lord Shiva.

Finally, Shiva presented himself in front of Chandra. “Please make it so that my body doesn’t decay.” Shiva granted him the boon and then vanished. All of the devas and Rishis rejoiced.

Everywhere moon calendar is used, even today in almost all religions Hindus, Muslims, Chinese, Budhists etc. For humans, who lived few hundred years back this is a perfect calendar because, based on the moon shapes, we can calculate the day, time better when there were no mechanical instruments. There are lot of issues with this calendar, it is not accurate. This calendar is in no use today, but we cant get rid off this, because all Hindu festivals and religious activities are tied to this. New Hindu calendar must be written with religious understandings. We can follow the calendar with spirit but dont attribute any good or bad  and also predictions based on it.

Chandra always represents the fertility in all religions. On earth the waxing wand waning of moon takes approximately takes 27 days and 3 days of darkness. In theory the design, this should match with woman's monthly cycle. On 6th day or the crescent moon, we call it as Chandra Shekara, humans and animals prepare to procreate. Full moon also represents the fertile female looks for mating for procreation. The Crescent moon symbolically represents horns of a bull. You can look at a bull with good horns, you draw nice U or Naamam, which looks like crescent moon. That is why we have a bull outside Shiva temples and you should look through horns to see Shiva. There is more to Nandi concept.

Chandra is as powerful as Surya. without Chandra there will not be any procreation on earth. The nature including plants, animals, organisms all depends upon the moon rays. They all mate and deliver babies. The best example is Lotus flower which blooms with the moon light. Many animals comes to shore lay eggs and go back. The eggs hatch and with the help of moonlight, the babies goes in to ocean.

The creation of moon is amazing concept to nurture life on earth.  To Understand hinduism and its stories, you must understand all about CHANDRA. 

Why we see same face of the moon?

We see the same face of the moon, never the other side. Basically the moon is like black sphere, what light that shines on it by sun, it reflects or shines. It is a beautiful creation. It’s influence on earth is equal to Sun. Moon is the main reason for procreation. Woman’s cycle marches with it and also the mating desires. The romantic intoxicating moon in the sky and beautiful loving girl resembling it next to me, hmm I loose myself. 

The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. So Chandra married 27 beautiful women or stars. Each day he is with different wife. So each of us have a star based on the day we were born. If a woman’s cycle is out of synch of 27 days, a girl sitting in the moon will regulate it to normal. On a full moon day, females are at peak of desire for mating. Hormones are at peak. Propose to a girl at this time. 

In olden days, only way to keep track of time is moon waxing and waning. So Lunar calendar which is not perfect. The effects of new moon is considered bad and full moon is good. Like sun, all shades of moon regulates earth biology and each moon day is beautiful.

The Vedic people noticed that the moon suffered from regular waxing and waning, while the sun remained constant. Hence, for them the sun symbolized permanence and immortality while the moon represented recurrence, repetition, rebirth and the world of ancestors, to which souls that were destined for transmigration went.

In Hinduism the moon has a great significance. It represents many aspects of creation, life, and mortal existence. It also symbolizes many aspects of Hinduism such as the Vedic deities Soma and Chandra, the dream state, the soma ritual, the ancestral world, a planetary god (graha) by the same name, the eye, the mind, rebirth, a king, time, a jewel adorning the head of Shiva, and most importantly decay and impermanence.

The Vedas describe the moon as a vessel, which contains the mysterious Soma drink. It was drunk by the worshippers on specific occasions to enter altered states of consciousness and communicate with gods and celestial beings. Vedic people compares him to king Soma, the lord of the Soma Juice. He is extolled as the companion of Indra, beloved of the soma sacrificers and lord of the heaven.

Hindus believe that the moon has an inexplicable connection with the human mind and exerts an adverse influence upon people on the full moon day, making them mentally and emotional unstable. That is why the word Lunatic represents.

Most of the Hinduism is built on Moon or Chandra. Every second it dominates us being a Hindu. From Nakshatram, Rasi, moon, planetary changes, movement and its influences on sun , earth and other planets, everything built on this natural satellite. The Astrology that we practice is brutal and try to influence what we do. If you are influenced by others predictions, you have no chance in spirituality. The seeker makes a decision how he wants to lead his life not based on old, archaic calculations. Never ever influenced by Astrologers or Hindu calendar's good and bad times. Today's world operates 24hrs by 7 days.

What is this Moon? To correct the orbit of earth around the sun and to reflect the sun light gently based on phases, so that the life can thrive. This is a brilliant design by God and we see the benefits of it being alive and enjoying this planet. When moon rotates around the earth, gravity will bulge earth where it is facing, night or day. This keeps the earth in the orbit and also the moon. Sun, moon and earth need each other and a seeker must connect to all 3 before connecting to God. Earth plays very important role.

In hinduism, Moon is depicted as feminine and also same as water but soma is male. Each day of Chandra represents a star or Nakshtram. The day a mother gives birth, that is your star, time and rasi are determined. Based on the lunar calendar, your fate was written in the form of horoscope or Jathakam, now you are a slave to this. 

Chandra Mantras

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