Krishna Stealing Cloths

The gopis loved Shri Krishna very much and desiring to obtain Him as their husband they performed Kātyāyanī (one from of maa Durga) vratam for a month. On the final day of finishing their puja, the gopis went to Yamuna for bathing:

evaṃ purṇe ca māse ca samaptidivase tathā

snātuṃ prajagmugārpyaśca vastrāṇyādhyāya tattaṭe


"Thus after the passing of one month, on the day of the completion, the gopis went to Yamuna for bathing carrying with them clothes, jewels, and many other things."

In a sportive mood they put their garments on the shore and went into the river without clothes. However, entering into water without clothes is offensive to varuna (the god of water). So to teach them a lesson, Shri Krishna and their friends took their clothes and hid at a distance:

vastrāṇādāya te sarve tasthurekatra dūrataḥ

śataśaḥ punjikāstatra sthāpayāmāsurunpukhā


Collecting the garments they went away and hid at a distance. Thus they gathered and created a heap of hundreds of clothes there.

Then Shri Krishna told the gopis:

"You have vowed to observe the auspicious vratam for one month. Then how are you bathing in the water naked which is destroyer of the fruits of the vratam? Varuna (god of water )himself gets angry on him/her who baths naked in the water during the vratam”

When gopis found out that Shri Krishna and His friends had taken their clothes, they requested Shri Krishna to give them back:

"O Śyāmasundara, we are Your maidservants and must do whatever You say. But give us back our clothing. You know what the religious principles are, and if You don’t give us our clothes we will have to tell the king. Please!

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: If you girls are actually My maidservants, and if you will really do what I say, then come here with your innocent smiles and let each girl pick out her clothes. If you don’t do what I say, I won’t give them back to you. And even if the king becomes angry, what can he do?

After the gopis did as Shri Krishna told them, He returned their clothes. Thus after lovingly teasing and testing the gopis, the Lord granted their desire and told them that their wishes will be fulfilled:

"Go now, girls, return to Vraja. Your desire is fulfilled, for in My company you will enjoy the coming nights. After all, this was the purpose of your vow to worship goddess Kātyāyanī, O pure-hearted ones."

Inner Meaning

Please read the transformation of Arjuna to Arjuni topic Krishna's Divine Secret:

The entire concept of Gokulam is to reach Krishna who is incarnation of Maha Vishnu on earth. Krishna was never born on earth. It was creation of Rishis to provide a path for spiritual journey and attainment of Krishna. He is Purusha, uses Prakrithi or Feminine force for creation. Spiritually he is the only Purusha and rest are feminine forces. To understand the true state of aanandam or blissful state, a seeker must turn into a famine force and do conjugal play with Krishna. All Gopis are Rishis, Yogis, Munis, Gurus and everyone in Gokulam are seekers. Whoever born and lives in Gokulam are his creation or blessed by Krishna to attain him. He performs Leelas or divine plays to provide spiritual experiences to finally attain him.

In Hindu scriptures, a river represents the divine flow of knowledge from Brahmma Lokam, which is powerful, creative and Goddess. This powerful force is full of Prana and by flowing on earth , it enlightens the souls with divine knowledge. How do we get rid off our Avidya or Ignorance and Paapam or sins that we committed due to Maya and Greed? By completely submerging and taking bath in the divine rivers like Ganga. Meaning, when you cleanse yourself in the divine knowledge, all your Ignorance will be gone and replaced by Pure divine knowledge and will repent the sins that you had committed. Now you are an enlightened pure soul, which Krishna wants you to turn into.

The divine secret is, to reach Krishna, first a feminine primordial feminine force must be born inside you. Goddess or Mother blessed you for spiritual journey. She will protect you from all forces to help you to attain salvation. So you do Vratam to Tripurasundari meaning most beautiful woman in all worlds for blessings to turn you into a beautiful famine force in deep meditative state. She wakes up inside you, slowly transcend to the complete feminine state. 

Gopis, take bath in the holy river Yamuna or divine knowledge with no cloths meaning, you are completely naked and not hiding anything for Krishna’s blessings. At this time Krishna comes and steals your cloths meaning all your Avidya or Ignorance, Paapam or Sins and Maya taken away by God himself. Now Krishna asks you to come and collect your cloths meaning, you stand in front of God naked nothing to hide, fully transparent pure soul, body and mind. Surrender to his lotus feet…

Krishna blesses with eternal divine conjugal play to attain him.

Ignorance Understanding

  • River Yamuna or Varuna is angry at Gopis that they bathed naked. Krishna is trying to help them teaching hard lessons not to do it again.
  • The entire image of 'jala krida' or the bathing of Gopis in river, is again a metaphor for experiencing birth and death. It is spiritual birth. No death.
  • Krishna is testing Gopis whether still they are attached to their bodily sentiments.
  • Gopis to attain him as their husband or want one with similar qualities.

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