

Yoni, (Sanskrit: “abode,” “source,” “womb,” or “vagina”) in Hinduism, the symbol of the goddess Shakti, the feminine generative power and, as a goddess, the consort of Shiva. In Shaivism, the branch of Hinduism devoted to worship of the god Shiva, the yoni is often associated with the lingam, which is Shiva's symbol.

The worship of vishnu is originated from mother goddess Aditi. Vishnu and Shakti are considered one and the same. Vedic people worshipped linga as Purusha and yoni as Prakrithi. This signified the power of creation. Symbols are used to signify the secrets of creation and its power. The Shiva Lingam symbolizing the penetration of Prakrithi womb or Yoni or Vagina for CREATION of Universe.

The Symbol VISHNU NAAMAM represents the YONI of Mother Goddess. Meaning Vishnu Naamam is the abode or source of creation. The Naamam represents the feminine genitalia. This way it is easy to convey nature’s creation power. When a woman stands, the private part will look like V shaped, in the middle a line. When ready for love, the legs spreads it will be like U Shaped with Red line in the middle. Here the mind should not be wander into vulgarism.

Yoni is the entry point of any world or lokam in the universe. The other way to enter a new world is through Agni or Purity. Yoni is displayed as Vishnu Naamam depicting as Vishnu Source of Creation.

Due gravity and rotation or spin, the fundamental shape of creation is Naamam. You see this every where in nature and creations on earth. Scientifically this is the best shape for creation and flow energy from one end to another.  When we display this shape on forehead or all over body, we are conveying the root of creation. Vishnu is behind these creations.

All creations on earth takes the shape of Naamam and look towards Sun, which is the primordial visible conscience in the sky. The reflection of sun rays, forms beautiful shapes of Naamam. In Geetha Krishna says that yogi who sees Naamam or me in Nature and Nature in Him belongs to me, which means I am perceiving his marvelous creations through fundamental shape where Vishnu imposes his WILL and KARMA.

The most efficient way to climb a hill is in U shape, from which naturally forms Naamam. The bright DOT on the lotus leaf is the root and the energy flows on the leaf in shapes of Naamam. The Mathematical Parabola is key for many inventions and formulas. Simple and most efficient weapon is Bow and Arrow. 

A boat is full of Naamam shape. When it sails, form this beautifully in nature. The Birds fly in V shape which is most efficient and less flapping is needed. A Hill is upside down Naamam and valley forms the perfect V shape of Naamam. 

The optimal shine of the sun and even sunset could form this easily in nature. We can see in Naamam shape in Sentinel creations like monkey. The spine and at the bottom of the ribs forms the shape. Vishnu’s signature is everywhere.

Water falls forms this naturally to fall from the heights, which can be used to generate energy. Humans, Animals, Birds and Fish fully made of Naamam. The beak and feet is best examples. Observing nature, the Naamam shapes are evident.

Snow Flake is very key to nature, which naturally forms this shape repeatedly and each one is unique. Sail and Star Shine if full of Naamam. The rocket and its launch is also forms this shape beautifully.

In Samaskrutham, Naam or Naamam means what is your name? This word conveys that your are a creation of this fundamental shape and Unique. So identify yourself. Every name we know represents an attribute of the creation and Vishnu. Vishnu Shasra Naamam conveys many attributes of him and his manifestations.

Manifestation of Naamam in the sky for me. Maha Vishnu displays the sacred symbols using natural sources.

Yoni Mudra

Yoni Pooja

Tantra Puja is a sacred ancient ritual that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is a beautiful ceremony of honoring and adoring the Divine that dwells within each of us, and brings us into a profound space of connection and universal Love.

yoni puja is a sacred tantric ritual during which the yoni is worshipped. It is very important to understand that the prerequisite for worshipping the yoni is the purification of the mind from worldly ideas about the yoni. The yoni is the form of the cosmos and encompasses the mysteries of creation. Reverence in front of Shakti’s mystery is the attitude that needs to be cultivated to perform a yoni puja. nner yoni puja implies that we must as clearly as possible visualize the image of a yoni (a sculpture, a picture, a sanctified object, or the living form of a yoni) and contemplate it as long as possible with devotion and reverence.

Yoni means “origin”, “root”, an indirect reference to the source of all creation. The universe, for example, is considered a “golden embryo”, hiranyagarba, the original divine conception. So Yoni Puja would be the worship of the source of “all creation”.

The fundamental root of creation is Naamam. Vishnu is behind the Naamam. To reach him, we have to attain the creation point, beyond that you can see him outside our OM Universe.

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