99% Sunyam 1% Matter


It is amazing if you look deeper into the creation of this Universe. It is almost impossible to comprehend how it works. The massive energy that is needed to run and keep it alive is unfathomable. From Marco to Micro the pattern and design is similar, but still it defers and as humans we are not able to combine them to make it into one Universal formula of root of this scientific design. The knowledge we have today gives us the glimpse of this design and I am amazed by it. An Atom is the fundamental block of all the creations.

Atoms are made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons are heavier than electrons and reside in the nucleus at the center of the atom. Electrons are extremely lightweight and exist in a cloud orbiting the nucleus. The electron cloud has a radius 10,000 times greater than the nucleus.

Protons and neutrons have approximately the same mass. However, one proton is about 1,800 times more massive than an electron. Atoms always have an equal number of protons and electrons, and the number of protons and neutrons is usually the same as well. Adding a proton to an atom makes a new element, while adding a neutron makes an isotope, or heavier version, of that atom. Virtually all the mass of an atom resides in its nucleus. 

The nucleus is held together by the strong force one of the four basic forces in nature. Protons are about 99.99% as massive as neutrons. Electrons are tiny compared to protons and neutrons, over 1,800 times smaller than either a proton or a neutron. Electrons are about 0.01% as massive as neutrons.

Electrons surround the atomic nucleus in pathways called orbitals. Today, this model is known as the quantum model or the electron cloud model. The inner orbitals surrounding the atom are spherical but the outer orbitals are much more complicated.

An atom's electron configuration refers to the locations of the electrons in a typical atom. Using the electron configuration and principles of physics, chemists can predict an atom's properties, such as stability, boiling point and conductivity

Assuming the atom is neutral, then the total number of electrons present is the same as the number of protons. If there are 3 positively charged, massive particles, i.e. protons, and there are by SPECIFICATION, THERE MUST be 3 electrons in the NEUTRAL ATOM....and these electrons are conceived to whizz about the nuclear core in all sorts of fancy orbits, with fancy energies.

The proton is Purusha Heavier of 99.99% mass and sits still in the middle. The electron is powerful Prakrithi which orbits in elliptical or like lingam. It forms an electronic cloud as powerful energy or prana for creation. Technically each electron orbits around a proton which is in the middle. This orbiting produces tiny forms of noise, which some say OMmmmmmm. I am not sure yet. A elliptical orbit is Lingam, which is held by prakrithi due to a force between them. The lingam is made up of 2 naamams. Where does these electrons get that energy from? It is called Prana. This atom is the basis for creation. 

An atom is the clock of the universe. The atomic clock that we base on is of same concept. An atom is made up of 99.99..% empty space or Vishnu, 0.11111... is the matter or Lakshmi. This is same all the way up to galaxies. Any materialistic things that we see are empty space, but the light we receive by the eye, processes it and forms a shape. We think that all is matter or material.

We are made up of 108 trillion cells. Every seconds millions are dead and created. Imagine each and every part knows when to die and when to create. Such as hair, nails are easy to see. The internal organs like heart is destroyed and created millions of times. All this information is coded in each cell. We are as powerful as Vishnu if we energize all the cells.

Imagine the beauty of creation. All these cells operate at the speed of light and stick together to form an object or human. All these synchronously communicate with each other, stay together and perform actions. Say when we move our hand, trillions of cells know exactly what to do. If we travel at the speed of light, all these will disintegrate and cannot communicate. Even though they disintegrate,  Still we can put it together as a human being.

Each cell is made up of billions of atoms, if you multiply the empty space in a cell and then multiply with 108 trillion cells, at infinite level it is only empty space. Matter is negligible, but still we a materialistic human, alive well in action. That is the beauty of this creation.

The empty space that we think empty, is not really empty. It is full fo energy and I call it as Prana, krishna energy or Dark Energy.

Our solar system is traveling in space. All the objects associated with it are faithfully following. It is a miracle to understand this celestial creation. Where it is traveling? In what direction? The massive milky way galaxy is slowly spinning. We live on outer edge of the galaxy.  Vishnu in the middle or at the blackhole or  his navel, moving this massive creation. Where does it gets this energy? The Prana which is pervaded everywhere. In the night galaxy is visible. Marvelous. Without being connected, how an entire galaxy can move.

Imagine the formula of 99% empty space and 1 % matter. With so many billions of galaxies in our Universe and these are 1 % matter, Imagine how big our Universe should be. Since we can’t comprehend, use the term Infinite and It is Vishnu, so he is beyond infinity.

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