Helio and Geocentric


The ancient Greeks, for example, considered the planets to include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — as well as the Moon and the Sun. The Earth was in the center of it all (geocentric), with these planets revolving around it. So important did this become in culture that the days of the week were named after the gods, represented by these seven moving points of light. All the same, not every Greek believed that the Earth was in the middle. Aristarchus of Samos, was the first known person to say that the Sun was in the center of the universe. He proposed this in the third century BCE. The idea never really caught on, and lay dormant (as far as we can tell) for several centuries.

Because European scholars relied on Greek sources for their education, for centuries most people followed the teachings of Aristotle and Ptolemy, according to the Galileo Project at Rice University. But there were some things that didn’t make sense. For example, Mars occasionally appeared to move backward with respect to the stars before moving forward again. Ptolemy and others explained this using a system called epicycles, which had the planets moving in little circles within their greater orbits. While two 15th-century astronomers (Georg Peurbach and Johannes Regiomontanus) had already consulted the Greek texts for scientific errors, the project continued, it was Nicolaus Copernicus who took that understanding and applied it to astronomy. His observations would revolutionize our thinking of the world.

Putting the Sun at the center of our Solar System, other astronomers began to realize, simplified the orbits for the planets. And it helped explain what was so weird about Mars. The reason it backs up in the sky is the Earth has a smaller orbit than Mars. When Earth passes by Mars in its orbit, the planet appears to go backwards. Then when Earth finishes the pass, Mars appears to move forwards again. Other supports for helio centrism began to emerge as well. Johannes Kepler’s rules of motions of the planets are based on the helio centric model. And in Isaac Newton’s Principia, the scientist described how the motions happen: a force called gravity, which appears to be “inversely proportional to the square of the distance between objects”.

Insights of Geocentric Model

The secret of transcending lies in our solar system. In the entire om universe our earth is so special for spirituality. This is the best place to realize god. That is why many great souls incarnate on earth to experience the spiritual journey. 

The center of all creations lies a dark spot which is called black hole or soul or creation. This is how it is replicated through out the universe with the basic shape of tetrahedron. When put two of these shapes together it forms infinity. If you spin the infinity it forms a sphere. Every thing on earth and all the way to galaxies, follows the same pattern.

Einstein theory of relativity states that the relative motion/speed of an object, depends on the person who is observing it. Whether earth orbiting sun or sun orbiting earth is relative to the observer. Example, in this vast universe what is the center? It is each and everyone of us because we are the observer and it is relative to us.

In the old or ancient times, earth is the center of our solar system and as well for The OM Universe. This is called Geo Centric Model. On the other way the current scientific model, Sun is the center and all planets are orbiting in an elliptical or circular path. This is called Helio Centric Model. Which is very good for 3D world where it is based on nature relative to our perception.

To understand the creation and spirituality, Geo Centric model is the best and brilliant. This is what is described in our Vishnu Purana. The same concept was used in many religions. This theory was scoffed by current scientists. The Sri Yantra, electromagnetic lines, flowers pattern and forms a sphere. In the middle it forms a dark circle space and right in the middle is Earth. So the dark circle is the black hole and inside it the earth is the creation.  

The yellow big circle is Sun and little Blue Dot is Earth. Looking at Earth as the center of the Solar System, and plotting the planetary movements around it, it forms a beautiful Lotus Flower. This is the spiritual revelation, how the electromagnetic effect and gravity is the root of creation. Vishnu designed this universe based on a pattern whose best expression is lotus flower. Do you see the earth being the DOT of Solar System Creation? We are saying we should reach the DOT and trying many tricks, but never realized that we are living in this magnificently designed spiritual DOT called earth. All it takes is different prospective to understand this brilliance.

Our milky way galaxy has a blackhole and in the center is the Swarga or Sura Or Vaikunta Loka. Which we can’t see or enter it with physical body. This is where Vishnu resides in Milky Ocean. If we are lucky enough to go there, we can see the beautiful reflection of Maha Vishnu in most realistic possible way but unlike temples on earth.

Let us explore, Earth being Center. how other Planets and Sun make beautiful fractal flowers. These are the secrets of Spirituality. We are one of the best creations of Vishnu. All the spiritual truths exists right here on earth and solar system.

Earth and Mars sun

Earth Venus and Sun

Earth Sun and Jupiter

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