Understanding infinity


How to define infinity? It is a concept of endless, unlimited and without any bounds. This is human way of interpretation. Where as true meaning of infinity is an imagination of the incomprehensibility of its true nature of limitlessness. It masks its true reality of finiteness by expanding when its limit is found. Thus truly becoming infinite, where we can never find the beginning and end. 

So God is defined as no beginning and end, thus portrayed as infinite. Human limitations will restrict understanding the infinite nature of God, thus making us to surrender to provide the ability to comprehend this phenomenon. In its true nature, he is limited as well but capable of expanding without bounds. Maha Vishnu represents this nature where he creates trillions of  universes of unique nature and influences his will and karma on them.

How did this symbol came into existence?

Egg is the most efficient geometrical fundamental shape of creation, which can transfer energy from one end to another in most efficient way in this universe. Two egg shape symbols equal and opposite will provide perfect balance at the meeting point called DOT, from which creation starts. Our Universe is based on duality meaning, equal and opposite in nature will do the perfect balancing act. Man vs Woman, North vs South, Love vs Hate. etc. The beauty of infinity geometric symbol is that energy can be transferred from one end to another in most efficient way in this universe by maintaining perfect balance and thus provides an ability for creation. Even slightest possible imbalance will destroy the creations. It must be perfect.

Maha Vishnu's karma is to balance Infinity.

Infinity in Nature

You can see this symbol by keeping together equal and opposite objects. Our entire earth is full of creation with these symbols.

The Magic of Infinity

In physical reality, a thought is the fastest thing. By imagination and thoughts we reach places and other dimensions in no time. Even for a thought to happen there should be space and for that space to exist,  an infinite phenomenon should happen. Thus forms an infinity. This is not a symbol, it is The Enigma, which makes the creation possible.

Infinity + Infinity = infinity

infinity - Infinity = Infinity not zero.

Infinity * Infinity = Infinity

infinity / Infinity = infinity

From the simple equations above, you observe, old infinities are destroyed and new infinities are formed. Each infinity is not same. When transforming, it looses all its properties and forms a new one. Sometimes the infinities cancel out and void happens. This is due to destruction that creates this Sunyam or Nothingness. From infiniteness comes the finiteness of creation. The creator should start somewhere, so a space is chosen for creation and there is infinite space for expansion. The creation needs self sustaining vast amounts of energy to function.

All came from Nothingness or Sunyam and goes into Sunyam. 

Mathematics of Infinity

In maths infinity is a nightmare, because we don't know what it means. For our calculations to thrive, it must have a finite value. Many times, we deduce the equations to finite simple numbers like 1 or -1. The infinity is infinite. It acts to be bounded at certain conditions and not. So we can never find the true value of it.

An attempt to explain.

Here is an imagination how infinity is not infinite.

Why anything divided by Zero is Infinity?

The mathematics that we know is based on the nature and understanding of how nature works. Many equations and summations are assumptions in mathematics. Now imagine, zero is divided by anything is zero. There is nothing, how will you divide it. Now What happens if any number is divided by ZERO?

Everything came from Nothing or Sunyam meaning all are inside this nothingness where the duality is cancelled out like -2+2=0. All dualities resides in this void. When it jumps out of it for creation, it starts assuming infinite nature and ready to expand as needed. That is why any number divided by zero is infinity. Mathematically we will try to justify many ways, but it is time to realize all is Sunyam.

These are called fractals and it is abundant in nature on earth. As you going down or up it keeps expanding repetitively masking its true nature. We will never find out where is the beginning and the end. As the boundary is reached, new space is created and the creation repeats. Thus the illusion of infinity. We Humans are limited in capability in understanding the true nature of Creations of Infinity where it came from Sunyam.

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