Venkateswara - 2


The Glories (Mahatmyam) of Sri Venkatesha & Tirumala Hills is mentioned in 12 Vedic Purans, Ramayana & many other scriptures. Lord Sri Venkatesha is another name of Lord "Sriman Narayan".

Vedic Puranas which mentioned about Lord Venkateswara & Tirumala are Padma Purana, Varaha Purana, Garuda Purana, Brahmanda Purana the Brahmottara Purana, Markandeya Purana, Harivamsa, Vamana Purana, Brahma Purana, Aditya Purana, Skanda Purana and  Bhavishyottara Purana. Of which the most important are the Varaha Purana and the Bhavishyottara Purana.

Verse from Varaha Purana (first canto, chapter 61):


VenkatEsAth ParO dEvo nAsthyanya: SaraNam bhuvi

VenkatEsa SamO dEvo nAsthi nAsthi maheetaLE"

  --VarAha PurANam, First Canto, chapter 61


There is no other God like VenkatEsa(sriman-Narayan) to seek refuge for protection and there is no other God equal to Lord Venkateshwara(sriman Narayan).

Venkatesha = "Ven+Kat+Esha", "Ven" means SIN, "Kata" means "BURNT", "Esha" means Lord or controller . Venkatesha means Lord who removes Sins.

According to Shabda-Shakti(Energy of sound) Venkatesha = Va+em+kata+Esha = Nectar(Amrit) + Energy(shakti)+ prosperity & wealth(aishwaryam) + Supreme Lord. That is supreme lord who bestows Nector, Engergy, prosperity & wealth.

Lord Venkateshwara is considered as “Kali-yuga varada”, that is 'the boon granting Lord of "Kali-yug" & remover of the sins. 

Who is Lord Sri Venkateshwara as per Vedic Puranas Scriptures?

In Brahmanda Puranam, Brahmma recites a stotra to Sage Narada about “Greatness of the Venkatachala Hill”. 

Venkatesho , Vasudevah, pradhyumno , amitha Vikramah | 

Sankarshano anirudhascha Seshadri patireva cha. ||

Lord Venkatesha is Vasudeva who is present everywhere and root of Knowledge. He is of Unlimited valorous Pradhyumna, Sankarshana, Anirudha and the Lord of Seshadri-hills.

Janardhanah , padma abha , venkatachala vasanah, 

Srushti Kartha , jagannatho, Maadhavo, Bhaktha vathsalah.||

He is Janardhana - one who removes ignorance in people; Padmanabha - one with a lotus on his belly; venkatachala vasanah - One who lives in the great Venkatachala hill; 

Srushti Kartha - He is the creator; jagannatho - Lord of the universe; Maadhva - husband of goddess of Lakshmi and Bhaktha vathsalah - one who is dear to his devotees.

Govindo, gopathih, Krishna, Keshavo, Garuda dwaja, 

Varaho, Vamanaschaiva , Narayana , Adhokshajah ||

Govinda - one who is all knower and Protector of Earth & Vedas. Govinda also means one who directs senses in right direction; He is Gopathi - one who is the Lord of senses; he is Lord Sri Krishna; Keshava - who is lord of Brahmma and Shiva(keshava = Ka+shiva, Ka means Brahma); Garuda dwaja - One with Garuda in his flag.

He is Lord Varaha - Lord's boar incarnation who protected the earth from demons; he is Lord Vamana - the dwarf incarnation who protected Devatas; He is NARAYANA - who is abode to auspicious qualities and the abode for living beings;  Adhokshajah - One who is beyond the perception of material senses and one who is forever victorious.

Sridhara , pundarikaksha, sarva deva sthutho hari, 

Sri Narasimho, maha Simha, suthrakara purathanah. ||

Sridhara - He is the one who carries goddess of fortune mother sri Lakshmi; Pundararikaksha - one with lotus like eyes; He is the Vishnu prayed by all devas, Hari means that He removes all inauspicious things from the devotee's life. Sri Narasimho - He is the great man-lion incarnation.

Ramanatho mahi bhartha, bhoodhara , purushothama, 

Chola puthra Priya santho , brahmadeenaam vara pradhah ||

Ramanatho means husband of mother Laxmi (Ramaa devi is Lakshmi devi), Bhoodhara - he is husband of mother earth, One who carries earth; purushothama - Superior among all beings, supreme being. cholaputra means a son who is fit to liberate his ancestors(pitrus), priyah- one who has affection on such cholaputra; santho - he is peaceful. "brahmadeenaam vara pradhah" - he is the giver of boons.

Srinidhi sarva bhoothaanaam bhayakrudh, bhaya nasana, 

Sri Ramo Ramabhadrascha bhava bhandaika mochakah. ||

He who is the treasure of Goddess of fortune Lakshmi; and one who creates fear in demons, He also destroys fear in good beings; He is Rama, He is Rama who is extremely auspicious & ensures safety; he who releases living-beings from the bondage of cycle of birth and death.

Sarva devaika saranam , sarva devaika daivatham | 

Samastha deva kavacham , sarva deva shikamani. ||

He is the refuge of all devas(Demi-Gods) and the Lord of all devas, He gives protection for all devas and he is the head of all devas(demi-gods)).


"Kruthethu Naarasimho Bhoo Trethayaam Raghunandana

Dwapare Vasudevascha Kalau Venkatanayaka! ||"

In Kritha Yuga, Lord Narasimha, In Treta Yuga Lord Sri Rama, In Dwapara Yuga Lord Sri Krishna, and in Kaliyuga Lord Sri Venkateswara are called as Prathyaksha Dhaivams (Deities).

Venkatadri Samam Sthanam Brahmande Nasthi Kinchana 

Venkatesa Samo Devo NaBhootho NaBhavishyathi" ||

-- Aditya Purana & Bhavishya Purana 

In Skanda Purana under "Vaishnava Khanda" glories of Lord Venkatesha & Tirumala-hill is mentioned with title "Venkatachalamahatmya (bhoomi-varaha-Khanda)".

1.Namo devasdhi devaaya, sarngine , 

Nararayanadhri vasaya , srinivasaya they nama.||"


Salutations to the God of Gods who holds the Sarnga bow,  Salutation to Srinivasa who lives on the NarNaarAyaNaadhri-nivAsAya SrInivAsaya tE nama:

SeshAchala nivAsAya SrInivAsAya tE nama:

Siva-BrahmAdhi vandhyAya SrInivAsAya tE nama:

PraNathArTi-vinAsAya SrInivAsAya tE nama:

Dhushta rAkshasa samharthrE SrInivAsAya tE anama:

BhakthAnAm pApa samharthrE SrInivAsAya tE anma:


Here the Salutations is to the destroyer of all Paapams (Venkatam), who is worshipped by Siva and Brahma and who resides on top of the NaarAyaNadhri and Ses"darsayan paaNinaikena dakshiNena Vrishaakapi:

Pada padmam gatim cha paramaam nrinaam

kati nyasta kareNaapi nija paadaabja gaaminaam

nrunaam bhava payo raasim kati daghnam pradarsayan

viraajate Venkatesha: sampratyapi ramaapati: ||".

Thus Srinivasa's postures are indicative of the incomparable combination of His Paratvam and Soulabhyam, both of which are required for the protection of mortals, for, Supremacy without accompanying mercy and related traits would make for a tyrant, while mere accessibility without requisite Supremacy would render the Lord well-meaning but impotent and incapable of protecting us. It is this winning combination of complementary and supplementary virtues which makes Srinivasa unique and matchless.


Sage SrI VedavyAsa encapsulated, the proclaimed mahima, in another masterpiece, called SrI vEmkaTESa mAhAtmyam  as part of AdityapurANAmtargata prabamdham. 

The great sage sUta maharshi described the mAhAtmyam of the Lord to the sages Saunaka munis as per their request on the shores of the holy river Ganga (at a place called naimikAraNyam - several anecdotes were mentioned in the purANAs about the sthala mahima of the place).

Appropriately, the place of narration of VEmkaTESa mAhAtmyam by the great sage sUta also adds dignity, sanctity and splendor due to the sthala mahima. The place, time and the narrator are significant factors to implant, nurture and enhance the devotion in the minds of the audience.

one of the verses of Aditya puran:

"Venkatadri Samam Sthanam Brahmande Nasthi Kinchana 

Venkatesa Samo Devo NaBhootho NaBhavishyathi" ||

In the Universe there is no sacred place equivalent to Venkatadri (Tirumala) and there is no God equivalent to Lord Venkateswara neither in the past nor in the future going to be. 

This sloka is mentioned in Varaha Purana and also in Aditya Purana by Sri Vedavyasa & this sloka was told by Suta maharshi to sages named Saunaka munis in a place called Naimisharanya.


Markandeya purana mentions "Sri Venkateshwara Vajra Kavacha Sthothram" by sage Markandeya. This stotram(Prayer) contains 5 stanzas only first stanza is mentioned below and remaining will be mentioned in the next post.


"Narayanam Parabrahma,

sarvakaarana kaaranam

Prapadye Venkatesakhyaam,

Tadeva kavacham mama. ||".....

Translation: I bow and salute that Venkatesa, Who is lord Narayana himself, Who is the divine Lord of all, And who is the cause of all causes, And chant his armour for myself.


MaarkaNDEya Puran, Second Chapter verKrupAnidhE! Namas-thubhyam VaradAya NamO nama:

VenkatAdhIsa! VISVESA! Satha KruthvO namO nama: 


Hail to Thee Oh Lord of the Universe worshipped by all the beings of Your universe! Hail to Thee Oh Lord of Venkatam hills! Oh Most Merciful One! Please protect us. 

Oh the treasure house of Daya! Oh matchless boon-granter!

Our salutations to You ! Oh VISVESA! Our repeated salutations 

to You! ses of Theertha KaaNDam:

Emperror Thoadniman and other divine seekers saw their vision in Tirumala hill. Seven Hills which fits into the 8th dimension earth and 7 upper worlds = 15th Dimensions. Based on the resemblance of the hill the Vaikunta Vishnu concepts can referred for new god. Most of the area around Chottir district including Tirupathi and Kalahasthi was a dense forest with Rivers and water sources. Kushathala river was life line for many. It flows through my village. Not much human presence and also lot of special trees like red sandal wood with exotic animals. Few seekers were meditating around the hills and rivers.

The vision was to provide a divine path, bhakthi, rituals and an opportunity for salvation for generations to come. It is Maha Vishnu, so it is bounded to bless devotees who comes for help. How to make people experience the arduous journey of spirituality and explain the in explicable divine truths. If a person wants to reach the Vaikuntam spot in Titumala, if your are in tirupati says 500 years back, it will take 3 days to trek the hills. Say if you are in Kanchipuram where Emperor was, it may take 2 weeks one way. In this process there is no guarantee that you will come back alive. As you keep visiting, the journey you will slowly understand the concept of the hill.

The name Venkateswara matches very well referring to the Vedas and puranas. It means the word "Venkata" means "destroyer of sins", deriving from the Sanskrit words vem (sins) and kata (power of immunity) We are sinned humans, till we purify oursleves, we cant reach Vishnu. Govinda means owner of the eternal truths and knowledge. we can come up with many names like Purushothama. We have a concept, Name of the God, a place where we can build temple and also stories for this god called Venkateswara.

Let us explore the divine story of Govinda.

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