Chakras and Brain Waves

The human body creation is a marvelous design by the creator. We are biological machines with soul, Conscience and Subconscious information. Everyone of us are brilliant but masked by Karma. The karma performed by a butcher to pooja performed by Brahman are all equal in nature. We materialistic humans sees butcher as worst and the other one the best.

Different types of Brain waves helps humans with different kinds of behavior to live and realize self. The waves are Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and the Ultimate is Gama. Brain is made up of frequencies with 35 billion neurons, according to scientists but according to me it is 108 billion. Based on the frequency waves at different points, the human behavior and realization is different.

Beta: This frequency  is 12 to 38 HZ. This is the state most of us live when we are awake. When we are working, thinking to solve a problem or to pay attention like in an interview , the brain will be functioning at this frequency. If a person’s brain can’t functional at that frequency means, we call them retarded or in famous Indian Term Loose.

Alpha: 8 to 12 Hz. This is a relax state of mind. After day’s hard work or problem solving or tired, your brain is functioning at this frequency. You can do whatever that relaxes you like best things are watering plants, reading a book, watching comedy or enjoying nature. The ability to switch to this state quickly helps you live happily. 

Theta: 3 to 8Hz. The OM is 7.83hz. To go to this state you need to do meditation. This is semi awake state where it is gateway for learning, memory, intuition and senses are withdrawn inside from the external world. In this state your brain start rewiring for higher state of conscience and your Sub conscience mind is awakened. All you need to do is pray and meditate.

Delta: 0.5 to 3 hz. This is the deep sleep state where we love to sleep. No connection to the external world. Only subconscious mind is active. You may dream here. In this state the brain heals the entire body, transfers and purges the information for that day and new information is downloaded. That is why after good sleep, we feel refreshed and energetic. 60% of the world population can’t sleep in this state.

Gama: This is 40 to 100 Hz. 40 Hz being typical to a human being. To become extraordinary, we need to elevate this frequency closer to 100Hz. This only possible with compassion, blessings and meditative heart. What it means is, imagine when your favorite god is blessing you, his/her Gama is 100Hz. This where the bliss can be attained.

Normally we use 10% of our Neurons out of 35 billion. But according to me it is 108 billion. 35/108 billion = 32.5% of the brain neurons only scientists can think of. Normal human being uses 3.5/108 billion = 3.25% of the brain is used. Imagine if we use 10% of it.

What is the use of understanding this? The uses are many for materialistic and eternal world. The more neurons you use, the most IQ you have on earth. The most Gama frequency you generate, you are getting closer to bliss and enlightenment. 

How to meditate? First be in Beta state. Think what you want know or achieve. My self, I ask for Universe Creation secrets and Vishnu live dharshanam on earth. Now take your mind to alpha state. Relax gardening, watering, reading etc. Now sit for meditation and take deep breaths. You can listen to OM meditation music or you can chant yourself. As you keep progressing, you are reaching Theta state and can feel the energy flowing from medulla oblongata area to third eye area and all of your brain is full of energy.

At this state, you show all the compassion and divine feelings with genuine heart beats and thinking. You will be slowly getting into Gama state. Here you will be trying to attain Samadhi state and bliss. Practice this sincerely, it will happen. The Brain wave colors match the Meditative Chakras.

Red and Blue Shift

Redshift and blueshift describe how light shifts toward shorter or longer wavelengths as objects in space (such as stars or galaxies) move closer or farther away from us. The concept is key to charting the universe's expansion.

Visible light is a spectrum of colors, which is clear to anyone who has looked at a rainbow. When an object moves away from us, the light is shifted to the red end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get longer. If an object moves closer, the light moves to the blue end of the spectrum, as its wavelengths get shorter.

Redshift is defined as the change in the wavelength of the light divided by the wavelength that the light would have if the source was not moving — called the rest wavelength.

The frontal lobes are located directly behind the forehead. The frontal lobes are the largest lobes in the human brain and they are also the most common region of injury in traumatic brain injury. ... The frontal lobes are considered our behaviour and emotional control centre and home to our personality.

When we are meditating, the focus should be on the Front Lob which is between the eyebrows. When all the brainwaves and chakras are aligned, we will go beyond senses to enjoy the higher realms.

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