Varaha Avataram


Varaha Avataram

Vaikunttam is the abode of Lord Vishnu.  Jaya and Vijaya are the doorkeepers guarding the seven doors of this Divine Realm.  They love Lord Vishnu and feel honored to serve him.  They perform their duties very sincerely. Many divine souls comes  to pay respect & worship Lord Vishnu, so Jaya and Vijaya make sure no one wastes Lord Vishnu’s precious time, so that he can help the ones in real need.  No one is allowed through the seventh door of Vaikuntha without Jaya’s and Vijaya’s approval. This is how the story is explained. 

The 7 doors represents the divine conscience levels. Earth is the 8th dimension, rest 7 dimensions to attain Vishnu is the toughest. The guards are the mental blockages or negative thoughts that prevents us from entering the divine realm. Our goal is to pass the guards by their mercy. So Jaya and Vijaya's approval is needed. Jaya means Victory. This is feminine in nature. Vijaya is also means victory but of masculine in nature. We need both the forces in internal journey. Once we are blessed by these 2 forces, we are allowed to step into the 1st divine realm.

One day, as Jaya and Vijaya were standing on guard at the seventh door of Vaikuntha, they saw four children approaching. They were mystified, as they have seldom seen children visiting the Vaikuntha in all their years guarding the doors.  It was very rare.  Jaya and Vijaya discussed among themselves and decided that it will be waste of Lord Vishnu’s time to see these children.  They didn’t want the children to bother Lord Vishnu.

Reaching the ultimate abode of Vishnu is nearly impossible. The children represents the Sanaka means Ancient, Sanathana means eternal Dharmam, Sanandan meaning bliss Aanandam and finally SanthaKumara meaning inner peace. Jaya female and Vijaya male forces never saw these children of various young forces in appearance. To have the ultimate experience, these 4 young forces are not matured enough. So they decided to block the door to Vishnu Abode.

Four children came to the doors of Vaikuntha, passing through the first six to arrive at the seventh, only to find two gatekeepers with four arms and red eyes stopping them.  The youngest said, “Open up!  We want to see the Lord.”  Jaya shook his head and said, “Children, please do not disturb the Lord.  He is not available at this moment.  You go and play somewhere else.” Another child burst out, “You think we are children!  We are not children.”  Though Vijaya was a bit confused, he resolutely shook his head negatively.  He said as kindly as possible, “The Lord is very tired.  He is resting.  Please come some time later.”

The expression on the children’s faces went from bad to worse, so Jaya and Vijaya were a bit scared that the children might be divine sages in disguise.  The oldest of the children, said “Do you know who we are?”  Continuing without waiting for an answer, he said, “I am Sanaka; he is my younger brother Sanatana…” pointing to the one who was quietest of them.  “And these are Sanandana and Sanatkumara, my youngest brothers.” pointing to the ones who had spoken earlier.

Hearing this and realizing who these four children were, Jaya and Vijaya were very upset about refusing passage to them through the seventh door.  “You are the four Kumaras, the sons of Lord Brahma,” they said faintly, kneeling before the four children.  “We apologize for our behavior.  We mistook you for some mischievous children.”

These four forces are creation of Brahmma inside us. They are always young, intelligent and rest less. They are the key forces for our Sadhana. Eventually to have the ultimate experience, we must mature these. For that we need Vishnu's help. Now the 4 children are restless that they were stopped from experiencing the ultimate experience of the divine. So they must be removed as guards to under go the changes they needed for perfection.

The four were far from relenting.  Sanatana spoke, breaking his silence, “You closed the door of the Lord to devotees like us.  We pray to him all the time.  Lord Vishnu is always available for us.  You said he is not available!”  Sanatkumara interrupted his brother, saying, “We curse you for this.”  Trembling, Jaya and Vijaya said, “Please do not curse us, we did this unintentionally, not knowing who you were!”

By the curse these four set the stage for the Anomaly to come on to earth. How this can be fixed? Now these things happened with knowledge of Vishnu? Was he really in yoga nidra? What lessons the universe should learn from this event? Time and now, in the creation imbalances happens due to unexpected illogical sequence of events. Vishnu cant control many, only he should find a way to manage.

Hearing the raised voices outside the door, Lord Vishnu came to the door accompanied by His Consort, Goddess Lakshmi.  He saw His doorkeepers kneeling at the feet of the four children of Lord Brahma, with Sanatkumara completing his curse, “You will no longer be the doorkeepers for Vaikuntha.  You will be sent away from Lord Vishnu, for not letting His devotees see the Lord!”.

Now Brahmma is in bind. His children committed an divine action, who must fulfill it. Father Brahmma and Grandfather Vishnu? Now this means with no guards all divine beings can have dharshan of vishnu?

The Lord looked at Jaya and Vijaya with empathy, while they were kneeling silently, not knowing what to do.  The four children of Lord Brahma bowed, worshipped Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.  They said that they would lift the curse which they had cast it in haste.  But Lord Vishnu said that this curse is going to bring a greater good, not only to Jaya and Vijaya, but also to the three worlds.

The obstacles are part of sadhana. The Jaya feminine and vijaya masculine forces needs to undergo changes with the help of Vishnu.

Lord Vishnu turned to Jaya and Vijaya, finding them sobbing without control.  Vijaya looking at the Lord says, “We don’t mind any curse, but we cannot bear being separated from you.  Please, Lord do something!”  Lord Vishnu was touched by their great devotion and decided to give them two choices.  He said, “Either you can take seven births on earth as my devotees…”  Vijaya jumped in looking horrified, “Seven births? You mean, we can’t see you for seven births.  No, no, please Lord… No!”. Lord Vishnu continued “…Or take three births as my enemies.”  Jaya said in a whisper, “As your enemy?  Oh, My Lord!  How can we even think of not liking you, let alone being your enemies?” Lord Vishnu looked at them with a grace-filled smile. They agreed for 3 births.

what this mean? A seer being tested. He has been pushed to abyss by the sequence of events. What is the fastest way to reach Vishnu? By being good, sadhana elevate 7 conscience levels one at a time. This takes a longtime, many be 7 births or more. Easier way is, being bad, let the Vishnu slay you. You will have his dharshan and test his mightiness.

Jaya and Vijaya were first born as the brothers Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha, to sage Khasyapa and his wife Diti.  Through his wisdom & knowledge Kashyapa discovered that these brothers, who were conceived at an inauspicious time by Diti, were going to be evil.  Coming to know this terrible truth, Diti held them in her womb for a very long time until she came to know that Lord Vishnu would come to save the three worlds from her evil sons.

Aditi is the ultimate feminine force. Her counter part is Diti. Now the seer is experiencing the evil side of conscience. The Asura Diti also will protect her children to the core. Time and again remind them of Vishnu. In these tough times also, you experience and chant Vishnu name all the time but in antagonistic way. More tough times to come for seer. In this journey there are good and bad experiences as well. 

Meanwhile, the earth was not in a good state; the people on the earth were in turmoil all the time, fighting with each other, using devastating weapons that harmed Bhumata (Mother Earth) very much.  Bhumata prayed to Lord Vishnu to come and protect her and the good people on earth.  The great sages on the earth also realizing the damage that was being done, so they performed great yaj~nas (Vedic fire ceremonies), specifically to please Lord Vishnu.

We, all human beings are Hiranyakshu. Exploiting the earth, destroying nature and constantly seeking pleasures which hurts mother nature. Today she is crying for help. Like a mother she cant destroy her creations completely. How else she can handle? Prays for divine mind to descend on earth, so that humans can be closer to her and Vishnu.

Hiranyaksha, elder of the brothers, wanted to become the most powerful on earth, and performed severe austerities while praying to Lord Brahma.  Happy with Hiranyaksha’s devotion, Lord Brahma appeared before him and granted that he not be defeated or killed by any humans or devas (gods).  Powered by this boon, Hiranyaksha tormented everyone on earth, as well as the devas.

Here is a tricky situation for Brahamma. His boon will bring lot of destruction, loss of life on 3 worlds and also so much grief to Earth. All the Gods blesses her to have more strength. If you want materialistic/divine boon pray to Brahmma and Shiva. Why so? Is it because they are bound to by the previous chain of events like in this case of Jaya and Vijaya?

Brahmma is proud of his creation. When anyone prays to him intensively, the being must be rewarded whether the intention of the seeker is good or bad. He cant give a boon beyond his capacity like no death at all. The anomaly that is going to occur in the universe have a weakness and that allows the destruction of it. With that comes a greater good for the creation. 

Where as in the case of Bola or Innocent Shankar or Shiva, he gives without even thinking because, he has confidence in his destruction. Sometimes this may violate the destructive rule, the balancer must step in with new force for destruction. 

The creator and destructor dont have the complete view. Vishnu the balancer has broader view to fix the Anomaly with an Avatar.

Both the brothers are creating havoc on earth. Whenever they walk or fight wars, commit sins, mother earth shivers with fear for the beings on earth. Pachabhoothas are in control of them. The divinity on earth is lost. Gods are continuously blessing Bhoo Mathaa to endure the pain. One day Hiranyaksha was to capture the mother earth as prisoner. Earth trembling with fear, took the form of a COW and started running away to from the bothers.

Here let us discuss about Divine Nakedness of My Mother BhooDevi. She loves her beings especially those who are connected to Thri Moorthis and that too Vishnu because she is one of the wives.  So I am her divine child. She happily reveal her nakedness to me without even any emotion of lajja or shyness. What is this nakedness means? She will reveal all her secrets, methods of operating the earth and its beings. She will happily connect me to all beings and panchabhoothas. Where as if anyone like current humans on earth try to disrober her for selfish purposes, she feels violated of her sacredness and hides her nakedness like draupadi desperately trying to avoid disrobing. 

Finding that some devas were still powerful, Hiryanyaksha decided to weaken them by hiding the Bhumata, the source of their power, by using “the āhuti,” offerings and sacrifices by the earthlings.  He used unimaginable weapons of great power, making Bhumata slip from the axis.  With Bhumata off the axis, he hid her where no one could find her.

The devas, now disconnected from the earth, were greatly weakened.  Knowing this, Hiranyaksha challenged them all, defeating them one by one.  At one point, he came to Varuna (Lord of water), calling upon him for a fight.  Seething with anger, Varuna knew he could not defeat Hiranyaksha, so he said, “Son, I am very old and therefore will not be a good match for you.  You need to go and fight Lord Vishnu!”  When he heard Lord Vishnu’s name, Hiranyaksha felt strange.  However, as he did not remember who he was, he just nodded and decided that Lord Vishnu was the best person to defeat.

The story says that in the internal journey the Feminine force is under the control of demon mind. It will not allow the feminine force to dominate for spiritual experience. So both demon brothers can create havoc in the seekers journey and also in the inner workings of the universe. Hiranyakshu captured mother earth hid in the Ghabhidhaka Ocean. This means, feminine force was deeply buried under abyss of cosmic ocean. All sacredness is violated. Mother earth feels she was disrobed.

Hearing Bhumata’s distressed cry to be rescued, Lord Brahma decided to seek Lord Vishnu’s help to rescue her from Hiranyaksha.  He thought, “Lord Vishnu brought me into existence, so He would be the one to rescue Bhumata.”  As he started praying and meditating for the assistance of Lord Vishnu, a tiny Varaha (boar) emerged from the nostril of Lord Brahma, soon to grow to a size of a huge mountain.  Brahma at once was grateful to Lord Vishnu for taking this incarnation for the greater good.  The Varaha started its journey towards the depths of the worlds to find where Hiranyaksha was holding Bhumata hostage.

The boar is a wild animal which can dig through bottom of the ponds, small rivers, earth for roots to eat. When ferocious it is very dangerous and very tough to catch and fight. It keeps attacking your legs, when you fall down, it will try to shred you. They are heavy and can withstand so much pain due to the fat layer in their body. So in this case this animal is used as an example. 

The boar approached Hiranyaksha, Lord Vishnu smiled, realizing that Jaya’s first birth caused by the curse was coming to an end.  To Hiranyaksha’s astonishment, the huge Varaha dived and took Bhumata from where Hiranyaksha had hid her.  Hiranyaksha chased the Varaha, challenging it for a fight.  The Varaha ignored Hiranyaksha, running faster and faster with Bhumata to place Her back on Her axis.  Bhumata thanked Lord Vishnu, knowing that it was He in the form of the Varaha.

The Agni, Mothers, knowledge all are hidden inside us very very deeply. With Vishnu's help this must be released to come up. The materialistic asuras or demons who are pleasure and power seekers will not allow it to be released. With Vishnu's help we can release it from the prison. Now the eternal knowledge will be flowing like as raging Ganga river. 

The Varaha turned towards Hiranyaksha and looked at him so furiously, that Hiranyaksha was momentarily was terrified.  The Varaha and Hiranyaksha fought each other, but this time Hiranyaksha had met his match.  The Varaha fought brutally, managing to go past all the defenses of Hiranyaksha.  Hiranyaksha was getting weak and was nowhere close to defeating the Varaha.

Hiranyaksha looked at the Varaha.  The Varaha seemed to be looking at him lovingly.  “Why would the boar look at me lovingly?” Hiranyaksha thought, but he charged at the Varaha again.  The Varaha easily deflected his attack and pushed him away.  With all his strength lost, Hiranyaksha, got the final blow from the Varaha.

As Hiranyaksha was taking his last few breaths, by the grace of Lord Vishnu, he remembered who he was and realized that Lord Vishnu has come in the form of a Varaha as he promised at the doors of Vaikuntha.  With his last breath, Hiranyaksha (Jaya) thanked Lord Vishnu for finishing his first birth on earth.

By successfully conquering an obstacle, now the seer is ready for more challenges. Bhoomatha being on my side, Vishnu being my strength and guide, I progress. 

Brahmma's creation is not perfect. Lot of defects, anomalies, imbalances etc. There are many of these occurring all the time in the universe. Some of them are powerful enough to destabilize the creation. The balancer Vishnu comes to the rescue. By fixing the anomaly, it never occurs again. The reality is sometimes these anomalies are too much to handle and also it is evening time for Brahmma. Shiva destroys the creation, so that Brahmma can learn from his mistakes and creates a better one next day. The cycle continues.

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