Kaalindi or Primordial Snake

Realizing Krishna and his dharshnam is not easy. It is all inside of us. Every experience that was explained in Gokulam is the internal journey and experiences of a Rishi. Initially I thought that the concept of Gokulam and Krishna Leelas are mythical stories. Later I realized through my yogic journey that these are cleverly illustrated stores of internal experiences of Meditation and how to reach Krishna. Yogic journey is not as easy it seems. This very very deep and personal journey which can’t be explicable to others. The divine inside me is always willing to express and let the knowledge flow on earth. By comparing and contrasting with material world of these stories we understand the true inner meanings of it. 

Meditation is the main activity which helps a Rishi to go beyond senses and experience the Brahamman and its dimensions. Sitting spine straight for longer hours is nit an easy act. It comes with practice. In silence may energies slowly form and engulf the yogi. Slowly it will gather and travel through spine reaching the mind and trying to express naturally. It forms the shape of a snake. If we Look at a yogi it forms a snake behind his head. I see these snakes in my meditation. They are powerful and menacing. Controlling these snakes are not easy. It needs divine intervention. So krishna descends to tame these snakes and their pride are reduced, subdued and provide bliss. Sheshas should be kept in control. Imagine Maha Vishnu managing Anantha or Infinite Snakes.

In my deeper meditation, I start generating bliss, which rolls down in the form of tears. Slowly I experience many suns, moons,chakram, Goddesses poring water for me to drink, overs raging down from heavens etc.  Suddenly out of no where unfurls the Anantha Shesha. I see like 5 or 7 head snake. Sometimes more. This snake will be coming menacingly towards me, as if it want to swallow or scare me. I try not be scared. Now as this snake changes colors and makes violent swings, i keep watching it. Then suddenly bala krishna appears on top the of snake and start taming it.

Vishnu starts jumping, dancing and rolling on the heads of the snakes. There is an epic struggle between Snake and Vishnu, sometimes intense. After some time, the snake stabilizes, now you see Krishna dancing on it. After sometime, he sleeps on it, and looks at me. Changes his positions. After sometime he looses interest and sits on the main head his feet hanging, suggesting finish your meditation quick, I am bored. The snake is very quiet.

The real meaning of this phenomenon or leela is that Krishna will bless you with eternal blissful experience of generating primordial energy snakes, which leads you eternal realms of Aanandam. As a Rishi generating them is blessings of Maha Vishnu and experiencing the iterates the divine truth that Kishna is my best friend.

The ultimate ideal, liberation, is attained only when we are rid of all our sins for sin places a distance between us and Krishna. Sin is overcome when we remain devoted to Him for then we try to lead a pure life when there is no ill in thought, word or action. Krishna's encounter with the serpent Kaliya is symbolic of His benign grace that not merely took away the effects of the serpent's poison in the cows and cowherds, but extends in more subtle ways to cleanse us of our sins that we have accumulated through countless births.

Krishna went to the banks of the river Kalindi along with the cowherds. Unable to bear the scorching heat, the cows and the boys drank the water from the river. Such was the poison in the waters that mere contact with it rendered them all unconscious and lifeless. At that time Lord Krishna, the Supreme Being, appraised the situation and by His benevolent glance brought them back to life.

The fierce serpent Kaliya residing in Kalindhi manifested unrestricted sway over the entire vicinity leaving the trees on the banks withered and causing the birds flying around to fall down dead. So the Krishna decided to rid the river of the serpent. He climbed a withered Kadamba tree on the banks of the river and dived deep into the water.

The impact angered Kaliya who began to attack the Krishna. The serpent bit the Lord and finding Him still alive, it coiled its long and huge body around the Krishna making Him almost invisible.

There was consternation among the Vrajas who were anxious about the Krishna’s welfare. But soon the Krishna released Himself from the clutches of the snake and appeared on the water surface.

Krishna then mounted the hoods of the serpent and danced so that the hoods were trampled and the body of the serpent began to bleed. Kaliya's wives pleaded with the Lord with fervent prayers to pardon him. They acknowledged Kaliya's evil nature. Krishna ordered the serpent to quit the river and henceforth reside in an island in the mid-ocean with his family.

In the vanquished Kaliya’s prayer to Krishna, there is a plaintive admission of the helplessness of the serpent to desist from evil. According to the Bhagavata, Kaliya says: “We are born wicked, ignorant and rancorous. And it is hard to get rid of one’s natural disposition, O Krishna, because of its tenacious hold on one. Thou hast made, by means of the gunas, O creator, this universe with its infinite diversity and multifarious dispositions, every creature being unique in its nature, strength, energy, heredity, mind and size. Among these, O Krishna, we serpents are of a congenitally vicious temper; how can we, deluded creatures, free ourselves by our own efforts from the power of Thy maya, which it is so hard to overcome? As only Thou canst effect that for us, being the Omniscient andSupreme Lord of the universe, vouchsafe us Thy mercy or deal out punishment, just as Thou wilt”. 

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