Gajendra Moksham


Gajendra Moksha Stotram

This is a beautiful story to explain how treacherous and arduous the journey to realize Vishnu for a Yogi. Many of us think that this story narrates bhakthi, in fact not only that but also ordeal. 

The elephant that is described in this story is you, the most handsome, strong, full of bhakthi, intellect etc. This is best elephant in the forest and also all the females are behind him, and others are envious of all he is. Everyone want to be him.

The elephant went to a big pond to drink water, take bath and get lotus for pooja to swamy. This where you need to understand the whole environment. All are watching this elephant. The Lotus represents the creation and Vishnu. The elephant want to understand the creation and realize maya, so it decided to do sadhana to attain it. The elephant has all the qualifications for it. 

The serene pond represents the cosmic ocean and all you see is, a lotus Vishnu. What are the pitfalls in the pond, we don’t know how deep it is, what dangers are in it, when get in, heavily sinned person like us as big as elephant can attain salvation? The elephant didn’t care. All its focus is on the flower. Got in, took bath, started sadhana to attain it. Started swimming slowly. All animals in the forest is watching, some cheering, some are thinking what a crazy elephant, some are worried it is very dangerous, some are curious etc.

With full bhakthi, the elephant was swimming. Suddenly out of nowhere a mighty crocodile which is 1008 times powerful than our strongest elephant, caught it’s leg. This explains when we are in this sadhana, however determined you are the obstacles are beyond your imagination. The elephant used its mighty strength to wiggle out of crocodile’s hold. Here crocodile represents body pains during meditation, depression, fatigue, frustration, wavering mind, material pleasures etc.

When the crocodile bit the leg and holding on to it. The elephant let out big cry OM NAMO NARAYANA... this cry for help reached Vishnu and shook his conscience. The animals on the shore saw the plight of the elephant and decided to help. They are started pulling it towards the shore. One leg was held by the crocodile and other 3 are pulled by the animals. The materialistic world is 3 times the pain of sadhana. The elephant is in horrible, unbearable pain OM NAMO NARAYANA... Here the animals on the shore represents family, friends, wealth etc. Now you are torn. Completely shattered.

The elephant was in such a distress, with the razor sharp focus of devotion it is ready to sacrifice it life. OM NAMO NARAYANA... OM NAMO NARAYANA... OM NAMO NARAYANA... and there Vishnu appeared and provided him the salvation.

We heard in many stories, the rishis, yogis, gurus they pray pray pray... Sadhana sadhana sadhana.. Vishnu nowhere to be seen. They don’t know what to do now. Frustrated, distressed, dejected ready to kill or sacrifice themselves. Then the miracle happens…

I dont believe in that if we are ready to die or sacrifice, Vishnu will come and show his darsan. Vishnu knows when to bless us, all we must do is keep practicing Yogic activities.

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