Body is Temple


Enlightenment 81 - Body is divine. Not a curse. Don’t torture it

Our body is brilliant creation with many features and capabilities. This body is the medium to realize self and enjoy the creations of Maha Vishnu. Our scriptures many times mentions that this is impure and a curse to live in. It is prone to cravings, sexual intentions, violence and unpredictable. Rishis, Yogis all try to deprive the very nature of this body of creation. In the name of bhakthi and devotion, food is not provided properly, unreasonable fasting for longer times or days, daampathyam etc. The belief that these extreme acts will enlighten you is not true.

We have to maintain this sacred body very very lovingly, healthy and entertaining it. A hungry body cant focus on god and meditation. We have to bring this body to a state of alive with divine prana to achieve many things in realizing Vishnu. If anyone sees this entire life, creation and body is a curse, they cant see the beauty of creation and will hinder the progress of the yogi. Earth is a beautiful expression of Vishnu. If we cant enjoy and see its true nature, how we are going to enjoy the higher realms?

Our body has immense potential and holding this entire universe and Vishnu inside us. The internal journey will lead to the root and its creator. In meditation when it produces aanandam, which the best pleasure and beyond earthly related pleasure. This energy can keep this body alive for many days without food and water, but it is almost impossible to achieve it.

In this life, I am have best of the material and divine worlds. Enjoying this nature, body and Vishnu Leelas with glimpses of enlightenment.

Enlightenment 82 - Punyam Vs Paapam

We all point to other person as bad and dangerous rather than ourselves. In this we have our own versions of what is paapam and punyam. We try to do many things to acquire punyam under assumption god will recognize and bless us for salvation. Paapam we never commit, others do. These two what it is on earth is debatable. Same way Dharmam and Adharmam.

Many times I dont know what my actions are interpreted as. Geetha clearly says that the more punyam that we acquire by doing yagam, pooja and helping others and if we expect phalam or fructification of it, we reach swargam or Indra lokam. Enjoy divine pleasures, once punyam is completed, we will take birth again on earth and lower worlds. Paapam is always bad and gives us an opportunity for repentance. Arjun goes on Tirtha yaatra to repent his sins. 

Vshnu is the decision maker of what is paapam and punyam. How, why, what, when does something I dont know. The pure bhakthi and quest will be always blessed by him. My connection to vishnu opened many doors for worlds in this cosmos. Why we cant see them, It masked by maya and our body is not capable of seeing it. Perform punyam which helps a yogi in his journey. Paapam gives an opportunity for repenting. 

Vishnu sees both equally and opposite. I understanding then have a  glimpse  of  enlightenment.

Enlightenment 83 - Saranagathi

I pondered about this concept and practice. Why this is important for yogic journey and realization? This is part of Vaishnava sampradhaya. Why this was developed? How earth and solar system behave in the cosmos is too much to understand. Humanly we are not capable of understanding the gigantic, complicate, intrigue workings of this creation. When we understood little, made tremendous progress in science. Realized how much ever I boast that knows more, it is negligible and also impossible to comprehend. Best way is surrender to Vishnu.

Krishna in Geetha says that, those who surrender to me Manasa, Vaacha and Karmanaa, i will lead them. This surrender is not easy to do. It is absolute and complete surrender. Whatever happens to me in life, that is his way of leading me to the realization. The experiences may be worst could be humiliating as well and also marvelous ones. I feel aanandam, when the divine sightings are trying to enhance my experiences. It says whatever I am experiencing is true and correct under the circumstances I am in.

Surrender is the only way? Scriptures says that great Asuras like Hiranyakasipu defied, rebelled and fought against in every step of the way and slayed by Vishnu himself. What a great blessing, but  that is not the right way and no capable of rebelling. The human psychology is kind of surrender to elders and follow whatever they say without questioning. The person feels happy may bless the surrenderer. Similar concept of surrender with Vishnu.

There is always a debate what is the best way Bhakthi, Karma, Gnana yoga or surrender? or All four? It is your choice. Mine is all four and I do challenge Vishnu as needed.

Enlightenment 84 - Why no desires on earth? So we can move up

We are here on earth for a purpose. What is the purpose? I really dont know. Like almost all I am doing the same nothing extraordinary in life. Born, live and die. Many say that is not all to life. There is much more beyond death. How do we know? Most scriptures says there is a soul in every being. Can we see? It is said in meditation it will show as  small bright light of thumb size. I have seen it. Based on the faith and belief what is said, it seems true. The hardest realization is that there is something called soul in a body. If Scriptures dont say it, we may not even know. Buddhism says there is no soul it is of energy.

This is body is limited in aspects on earth. There are lot of basic qualifications are needed to realize the divine experiences especially the aanandam. Compassion, talk without hurting anyone, always good actions with best intentions, not addicted to anything especially to material life. Basically no attachment to anything and the soul focus is vishnu prapthi. Continuously improving all aspects of life and prepare the body, mind and heart for something extraordinary. The ultimate experience demands that.

Say Vishnu blessed me with enlightenment or some super human qualities, I shouldn't be using them for show off, selfishness, interfere in natural creation etc. I should at most calm, peace, enjoy the creation and the bliss being provided by Vishnu. If a hidden desire to dominate the world or make money or grab power, then the realization purpose is lost and also eligible for higher divine realms. That is why all gurus are preaching, no humanly desires what so ever except divine ones of Vishnu.

I do have lot of human desires. Eventually it should go and the time will come for enlightenment from Vishnu.

Enlightenment 85 - Yogic will and Quest

We all know that to achieve anything need hard work, Strong will and divine luck or karma. To realize self and enlightenment, you need extraordinary will and internal burning fire and patience. Few yogis are sincere seekers. They want to reach Vishnu or their God. Many are inherited the power and sect, still not sincere in their efforts. Vishnu connection and blessings are very very hard to get. It is his will and ready to be anybody's best friend. 

The yogic life is constant battle between inner and outer world. The outer is more charming and instant pleasures. The inner, mostly it is a struggle. At many yogis gets frustrated, even though they are trying with sincere efforts, Vishnu is not blessing them. Dont know why. You read or heard songs, Rishis are chanting, day and night I am constantly praying for you, Ohh swamy you never show up. This is internal journey. Even many attain good progress, they may loose it based on their activities in the material world. Vishnu will not bless a Madcap meaning irresponsible person. 

Reading books, pooja, charity, spreading the glories of Vishnu is only the basic activities. Yogi should strive extraordinary activities. If a person became Maha Rishi like Viswamitra, why cant I? Simply aiming is no use, should deeply understand what it means. I realized and see many things like Vishnu is everywhere, naamam is replicating again and again creating this wonderful universe, we are all same, all are very well connected, the bliss etc. Still I am far away the true experience of the ultimate experience called Maha Rishi. 

Still there are so many things to realize and perceive. Whatever that I experience is a glimpses of enlightenment. 

Enlightenment 86 - The eternity of time

For us the times moves forward. We have this imagination that we want to go back in time and see the things that happened in real time. To measure the time as accurately as possible and try to use it everyday life was a major problem at least till 200 years back. What is the time? It depends where you are. There are 2 concepts developed, one based on the moon which is waxing and waning easy to visually estimate day and time. Day time mostly based on position of sun and shadow. This obsession lead many fascinations of how it impacts humans daily life. 

For us time is fixed based on sun and moon as well as life time of us. In that we frame time. At least now we have the depth to ask what is the time means, depends upon the place on earth. Based on average we live 60 to 80 years. What happens if this is increased to eternity or thousand of years. Unbelievably long time and new life style must be designed.

I am fascinated by the idea of living longer and younger. Materialistically a great achievement that humanity is trying to achieve and it may happen. How this is useful spiritually? We are here for a specific experience and to perform karma based on the solar system creation. Once this is done, we move on to next janamam and experiences. This will hinder the progress of my journey. Many may say a human living 1000 years is also karma as designed by Vishnu. Again it is divine play to test you. 

Understanding infinite nature of time is very important to understand vishnu.

Enlightenment 87 - Aaanandam or Bliss

Aanandam is happiness. We many human emotions that gives happiness. The quickest to get are material pleasures. The typical addictions are Power, money, Sex and alcohol. Most of the human beings can be trapped with these pleasures. Each one of them provides different kind of happiness and all of them we seek. A yogic journey is control this happiness and slowly overcome this, to seek the Brahmmandandam, which is ultimate in this universe and it is very addictive. 

How is this experienced? You would have seen many dancing and crying chanting Vishnu naamams. This is bliss of bhakthi. This is not easy to generate or experience it. When I am deep thinking or in meditation, there is gush of energy flows in the body and overwhelms me. The tears starts rolling down the cheeks. It stays with me and I go into complete state of silence and calmness, experiencing the inner silence. It is like i dont want anything in this world and let me stay in this blissful state.

Imagine the state of Sat Chit Aanandam. Arjuna experiencing the ultimate experience by turning into Arjuni is ultimate. This bliss is also addictive like the real worlds ones This state also should be conquered. Bhakthi will start with this aanandam. It takes time to generate and experience but if you are persistent it will happen. Build a strong connection to Vishnu, he will bless you.

Experiencing the bliss gives a peek into the enlightenment.

Enlightenment 88 - Understanding Lakshmi

Lakshmi with all feminine and divine attributes is my mother. She is the key force to help to reach Maha Vishnu. That is why she depicted at the heart. Sri Devi on left and Bhoo Devi is on right. The duality of feminine forces, who are my source of everything. If they decided to provide me with enlightenment, these two will pester and influence Vishnu. So it crucial I have their motherly love and influence.

How can I define this force Lakshmi? She is Aiswaryam or divine wealth which is key for creation. Vishnu needs this wealth to create universes. In the story of Kubera arresting Venkataramana swamy for not paying debt that he  barrowed when Marrying Lakshmi or Padmavathi. Lakshmi left Vaikuntam means Vishnu became bankrupt. Aiswaryam left him. To regain that wealth he must pay for it with austerities, living a life of Yogi. Naturally she will reach otherwise creation will not continue. The material riches are in heaven. 

As a yogi I must be blessed and loved by nature or parvathi, saraswathi or knowledge and Lakshmi. I gain this extraordinary divine forces, which helps me propel in the journey. No Gods can touch me to stop my journey. Vishnu understands this feminine divine force very well and always placates her. Stories says, whenever Lakshmi asks Vishnu, he executes them immediately without a question. 

Understanding the mother's love, realizes the glimpses enlightenment.

Enlightenment 89 - Vaikunta Vishnu

All evolved souls in Bharatha Khanda try to explain this ultimate creator. They did it in many ways and forms. Maha Vishnu, Vishnu, Gharbhodhaka Vishnu, Ksheera Sagara Vishnu, Krishna, Rama etc. These rishi's were blessed by Vishnu in many ways. They were so excited and happy, want to bring this experience to all the beings on earth. How can they share their knowledge, experience and brahmmandam!!! Wrote many scriptures for us. We should not follow them blindly but as a guidance and opinion. 

I wondered, If all must die, then Vishnu can exists forever? Sadly not. When the all Brahmmandam dissolves, all forces also dies. This we may not even experience it because unbelievably long time. When new forces emerge, it is new Maha Vishnu with the same soul. His karma is different creation. When he blesses, hope I understand what all he is capable of. That experience itself is best for my soul.

It is important for the yogic journey to connect with Krishna and realize vishnu. If there is a real connection and friendship, all should be able to experience his leelas. When I struggle to write by understanding a topic, there comes a divine intervention to preach me. Somehow i understand it. You can feel the eternal connection with that comes aanadam.

All the tricks I do in my journey is to be blessed by Maha Visbnu. Connection provides me with glimpses of enlightenments.

Enlightenment 90 - Divine Karma is free.

When I say Bhagavan Karyam or work, many will try to help with the intentions that it will impress god and bless them for riches. Ram temple issue is one. It is divine work and the whole hinduism is dependent on it. Religious bhakthas will go to any extent to construct one, thinking that divine karma. Will this really help them? NO. This is same for other religions as well. When religions fight, why god cant stop it? It is maya that making them not see the truth. To live it is necessary. Again every religion should defend themselves from extinction but they should not be the aggressors. 

The divine karma is part of yogic activity. Which means that bringing divine mind on to earth to make people to focus on realizing self is the goal. Today we have access to so much material, preachings, videos etc to understand the spirituality. Whoever on yogic path wants announce they are the chosen one by the God to lead the humanity. Even though many things were understood wrongly at least the divinity is going. 

In 100 years, science advances so much, religion may be become irrelevant. Humans become multi planet spices, then what will happen to Vedas and horoscopes that were developed. Other planets may not work the same way as earth. What is divine karma then? 

A yogi who sees the naamam everywhere and understands Vishnu is the creator who inside me, then sees the glimpses of enlightenment.

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