Essence of Bhagavath Geetha

Chapter 0: Introduction

Many of us ponder who we are? What is our true nature? What happens to us after our death? Just thinking of it, we go into deep pondering. Suddenly deep silence sets in. The moment has come to transform us and discover our True SELF. Our Hindu Sanathana Dharma has plenty of Scriptures to preach Spirituality and Enlightenment. To start our spiritual life and how to pursue and practice, Bhagavath Geetha is the best. 

Sri Krishna, the God himself spoke about how to start a yogic life and practice to attain him. He explained all the theories, concepts, questions and dilemmas a yogi will encounter while practicing spirituality to attain him. It is the unflinching quest, devotion, surrender, karma and Gnana will help us to attain Paramatma.

There is a moment in everyone's life, we question our fate, outcomes, worries, happiness, achievements, money, enjoyment and purpose. That is the right moment to read, understand and practice Geetha. Krishna is ready to enlighten you.

Chapter 1: Arjuna Vishadha Yoga

Vishadha means dejection, sadness, depression of Soul, grief, sorrow. 

Bhagavan Krishna tried his best to avoid Kurukshetra war. All his efforts failed. Krishna provided Arjuna an option to choose him or his Narayani Sena or Army. Krishna will not bear arms and dont fight the war. Wise Arjuna chose Krishna as his Charioteer.

The day to wage a massive Kurukshetra war has come between Karuvas and Pandavas. Karuvas possessed 11 Akshohini and Pandavas 7 Akshohini armies. A total of 18 Akshihini massive army. 

The anticipated moment came for Arjuna to show his valor in the war. He looked at both the armies and people. Suddenly realized that at the end of the war, many may not be alive including his brothers, gurus, grandfather Bheeshma and many of his friends. His hear filled with Vishadham or Sorrow. Dejected dropped his weapons. Looks at Krishna and cries. I cant fight this war. The fame and the kingdom that I receive after this battle is useless for me when my brothers and loved ones are not around.

There were no bounds of joy for Dhuryodhana seeing Arjuna dropped his weapons and hesitating to fight this war. At this very crucial moment the enemy is not ready to fight. He ordered Bheeshma to start the war, so that he can defeat his enemy easily. Pitamaha didn't agree. Kirshna and Arjuna are conversing, we have to wait till Arjuna lifts his weapons and ready to fight.

With overwhelmed thoughts Arjuna questions very purpose of his life and consequences of his karma. Krishna looks at Arjuna with full of grace and divine love. The moment that he has been waiting has come. This is the right moment to mould the body, mind and soul to realize Divine Krishna.

Krishna slowly gets down from chariot and approaches Arjuna, sees his soul trying to shatter Maya or Illusion that he weaved around this world. Now Arjuna is ready to receive the divine knowledge from God himself. What a blessing!!!

Chapter 2: Sankhya Yoga

Sankhya means "Enumeration"(the action of mentioning a number of things one by one.) consists of an analysis of physical reality. Many of us are also in the same sorry state of Arjuna, where  we are exhausted of life's intricacies, happiness, betrayals and battles. The internal soul’s pondering starts. The soul awakens from its slumber and sees beautiful divine Krishna.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna, look at both armies and tell me, if you don’t kill them, anyone is going to be alive forever? A being which was born must die. The soul in you is the imperishable one. Which can’t be cut into pieces, burn, moisture by water or air.

The imperishable soul, will leave one body and takes birth in another one. This starts the cycle of janamams or births. Each birth, it gains more and more spiritual knowledge and experience. After millions of birth and deaths, a soul attains Human body. Which is the perfect opportunity to attain enlightenment.

Ohh Arjuna, get up and follow your Kshatriya dharma of vanquishing your enemies. Rest leave it me. Your ignorance and relationship bonding is stopping you from performing your karma. By abandoning your karma, you are committing a sin. Those who are trapped in this vicious cycle will never attain me.

Chapter 3: Karma Yoga

We are in dilemma. What action to be performed in this world? What is good, bad, sin, truth and a lie? What action that we should perform to be eligible for Krishna’s blessings.

We are integral part of this universe. All souls are connected to paramatma. It is this realization that reestablishes the connection. We should do our karma as opportunities are provided, very sincerely. There shouldn’t be any likes or dislikes. All work is divine. We should not expect any fruits of it. All our work, efforts, action all belongs to Krishna.

If every action is Devine, how come we do crimes? Why there are some rich and enjoy all comforts? Why so many suffer? Arjuna asks Krishna. By killing my cousins, gurus and grandfather, how come I am not a sinner? Krishna explains, As long as the work is done for the divine, it is not a sin. The work that is done for selfish gains without following dharma is by demons.

The divine karma is always higher calling. The enlightened souls always performing mundane daily actions but the greater karma comes from Krishna. We are just executors.

Chapter 4: Gnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga

Gnanam or Knowledge is power. The divine knowledge is rare to be possessed. Prarabdha karma which is accumulation of all karmas from previous janmams will help you in this janmam to perform Karma Yoga. This will lead to sanyasam meaning seclusion for Yogic sadhana. 

Krishna says Ohh Arjuna the difference between you and me is that I am aware of all my previous, current and future Janmams. Where as you are aware of this Janamam only. I am here to lead you to your salvation, for which you have to perform your karma. 

A person who doesn’t perform his karma based on the kala chakra that I have created will not attain me. The nature works on three Maya shakthi action, inaction and forbidden action. Without action nature can’t perform. Inaction is needed for a yogi to understand my Maya and there are actions which are forbidden to be performed by yogi for salvation.

Ohh Arjuna, I am eternal and unborn. Whenever there is decline of righteousness or Dharmam, that times I take birth to establish righteousness on earth. 

Ohh Dhananjaya, why are you worried about your actions, I am the one who put into action, you are mere a performer.

Chapter 5: Karma Sanyasa Yoga or Yoga of Renunciation

Renunciation is not abandoning the family, friends and this world to be secluded. It is shunning the actions which are not conducive for a yogi. By practicing renunciation, the mind, intellect and intelligence gets purified. You acquire a balanced approach for the karmas to be performed. Which leads you to be a karma yogi.

Ohh Arjuna, a karma yogi with purified intellect performs worldly karma without any attachment and they dedicate all their works to me. Thus no punyam and paapam will attach to them and they remain pure like a water droplet that will not stick to lotus leaf. 

A karma yogi builds equality and equanimity in all beings. He won’t differentiate between a Brahmin, cow, elephant and a dog eater. A Karma yogi is not interested in this worldly pleasures provided by the senses but enjoy aanandam by reciting my name. 

Arjuna, a Sanyasi controls mind, intellect and senses by performing various austerities. By shunning the worldly pleasures he become free from fear, desire and anger.

Chapter 6: Dhyana Yoga or Yoga of Meditation

Meditation is the best channel to attain enlightenment. The unification of mind, body and soul is just the beginning. The goal is to synchronize the entire human being and its conscience with that of nature. A yogi prepares himself for higher divine that will descend and deluge him. To perceive higher nature and krishna, we must go beyond senses.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna, A yogi tries to conquer the mind through meditation. A trained mind is your best friend and untrained one is your nemesis. By Performing severe austerities one can’t progress in spiritual path. The body is a temple and you should keep it happy by satisfying its basic needs. 

Arjuna: Ohh Krishna, I can’t control my mind and desires. It keep enticing me for sensual pleasures. At times I feel helpless.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna, mind is like a flickering lamp in a wind. By practicing Yogic activities and focused on me, you can keep the mind quiet.

Arjuna: Ohh Krishna, it is too overwhelming for me practicing spirituality. What will happen to my practice if I am not able to attain you in this janmam?

Krishna: Ohh Bharatha, it will continue in your next janmam. Of billions of people, only few wants to realize me. Among those, only few will succeed in attaining me. So focus your entire energy on me, I will lead you.

Krishna says A yogi who try to unite with me is superior than tapasvi, gnani and karmi.

Chapter 7: Gnana Vignana Yoga

Gnana means knowledge and Vignana means conscience. How these work together in a human for yogic purposes? Yoga is not doing aasana or posture, it is divine action by following many austerity activities. Geetha is full of these Yogic activities. Each one of them must be read, understand and put into action. Mere reading, memorizing and deep analyzing will not help you perceive Krishna. By reading Geetha, You will be one of the few millions who just scrapping the surface of spirituality.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna let me explain my material and spiritual dimensions. This entire is universe fully connected like beads strung to a thread. All the material and cosmic energies originated from me. This entire universe is radiating because of my shinning conscience. 

A yogi who engages in my devotion and worships me with knowledge, mind and intellect is dearest to me. Those who deluded by material desires and surrendered to celestial Gods for material riches will be blessed with temporary pleasures. However the celestial Gods are also shinning because of my radiance. So It is better to pray to me.

It is not easy to understand my nature because of infinite number of Maya shakthis. I am omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience. So surrender to me and I will bestow you with divine knowledge. 

I will not manifest in everyone but in those yogis who strive for knowledge, bhakthi, karma to attain me. 

Those who know me as the governing principle of the adhibhūta (field of matter) and the adhidaiva (the celestial gods), and as adhiyajña (the Lord of all sacrificial performances), such enlightened souls are in full consciousness of me even at the time of death.

Chapter 8: Akshara Brahma Yoga or Yoga of Eternal God

Aksara is a Sanskrit term translating to "imperishable, indestructible, fixed, immutable". Brahman is the root of all creations in this universe. We are all scarred of the ultimate end which is death. Why is that? It is because we don’t know what is going to happen and also we are not part of the equation of earth anymore. I have seen many on the death bed, either they don’t want to die or scarred.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna whoever keep chanting my name at the moment of their death, he attains me. So keep practicing chanting my name in all circumstances and I will take care of your well being.

As a practice keep thinking various attributes, Leela’s, Qualities and miracles performed by me. This leads you to Yogic state of mind.

Arjuna: Ohh Krishna please explain me the Yogic meditation. 

Krishna: Arjuna... Sitting in a comfortable position and focusing the mind, body on the third eye, by holding the breath and stunning the Panchajanya boothas, will transform you beyond senses. A person who achieves this is called enlightened.

Ohh Paartha, when the time comes all beings and creations will be destroyed and slowly merges into me and in the next kalpa, I create them again.

I am omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and impossible to over come my Maya. By surrendering to me it is possible to comprehend and perceive me.

So Arjuna, don’t worry about the outcome of the war. As long as your mind is focused on me, I will guide you.

Chapter 9: Raja Vidya Yoga or King of Yogas

Raja Vidya Yoga means it is the best or king of all yogas that is preached in Geetha. God is one but manifested in many forms. Including us, we are divine. The quest is to realize the self, which will help us to discover that we are a divine being as good as Krishna. 

Krishna: Ohh Partha, I am Supreme God of this Universe. This entire universe’s karma is based on my WILL.  Those who take refuge in me, fully immersed in my devotion and chanting my names all the time, he is eligible to receive divine knowledge about my Maya shakthi. 

Those who are fully indulged in ritualistic ceremonial activities, will reach celestial abodes like heaven or Indra Lokam. Enjoy the heavenly pleasures. Once it is exhausted, again born on earth to continue karma. What is the use of these kind of ceremonies?

Arjuna choose what you want. Learned Yogi will always choose me.

Ohh Arjuna, I don’t love or hate anyone. All are equal to me because they are all my creations. Those who surrendered to me, I am their charioteer of his body, mind, intellect and soul. Every action and reaction will affect me but not the Jeevathma. 

So Kunthi Putra, keep faith in me and fight this war.

Chapter 10: Vibhuthi Yoga

Vibhuhthi means attributes. Meaning the divine infinite opulences. How can we describe the infinite nature of Krishna? By looking at earth, solar system and space, we cant even comprehend the vastness. Our size and existence is like not even a drop of water in a ocean. Our egos that I achieved this is bigger than this Universe. 

Arjuna: Ohh Krishna I am seeing new dimension of you. All along I thought you are my uncle and best friend. Please explain me your Vibhuthis. 

Krishna: Ohh Dhananjaya, all Maha Rishis and 14 manus originated from me and also Brahma. I have no birth and death. This entire universe is filled with my Prana and aanandam. I am infinite reservoir of knowledge, power, beauty, and glory. Whatever catches your imagination and infuses you with bliss is nothing but a tiny spark of my opulence. I hold trillions of universes in my Nabi or Navel. With human mind you can’t comprehend my Vibhuthis.

Yogi ‘s mind fixed and surrendered to me, my devotee remain ever contented in me. He derives great satisfaction and bliss in enlightening others about me, and conversing about my glories.

I am the Sāma Veda amongst the Vedas, and Indra amongst the celestial gods. Amongst the senses I am the mind; amongst the living beings I am consciousness. Being in your heart, I drive away any ignorance that hinders your spiritual progress.

Ohh Arjuna, I am pervaded throughout this universe. Only Yogis blessed by me will comprehend my true infinite nature.

Chapter 11: Viswaroopa Sandharshana Yoga or Cosmic Form

Many of us yearn to see our favorite God that we are praying for many many years. We would have seen glimpses of God and may not have noticed it. The divine mostly comes in human form asking for help. We might have refused to help and didn’t recognize, when God himself came for you. Krishna explained his infinite Vibhuthis to Arjuna. Now is the time to show his Viswaroopam.

Krishna: Ohh Kunthi Putra, All God’s and humans all the time pray to display my viswaroopam. To visual this form, I am presenting you with divya drishti. 

Then Krishna started expanding and the brightness keep increasing. With astonishment Arjuna was watching trying to comprehend what is happening. Krishna was shinning like 100 crore suns. Arjuna was blinded and disoriented by the enormity of the form which he never saw as Krishna.

Arjun sees the entire creation in the body of the God of gods with unlimited arms, faces, and stomachs. It has no beginning or end and extends immeasurably in all directions. His radiance is similar to a thousand suns blazing together in the sky. The sight dazzles Arjuna, and his hair stands on end. He witnesses the three worlds trembling with fear of God’s laws and the celestial gods taking His shelter. He can see several sages offering prayers and singing hymns exalting God. Then Arjuna sees the Kauravas, along with their allies, rushing into the mouth of this formidable form, who looks like moths rushing with great speed toward the fire to perish.

Beholding this universal form, Arjuna confesses that his heart and mind are unstable with fear. Although petrified by the appearance, Arjun wants to know the identity of this breath-taking form of God, who has no resemblance to his teacher and friend Shree Krishna. Krishna declares that in the form of Time, He is the destroyer of the three worlds.

Overwhelmed by the cosmic form, Arjuna starts praising Krishna who, in His infinite form. He also begs for forgiveness for any offenses or acts of disrespect he may have committed in ignorance, considering Him to be a mere human. Arjuna then pleads Him to take a pleasing form.

Shree Krishna then manifests into His four-armed form, carrying a mace, disc, conch shell, and lotus flower in each arm.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna you are the luckiest one to see my cosmic form. Now you know my true nature, your victory over Kauruvas are certain. Get ready to fight the epic war.

Chapter 12: Bhakthi Yoga or Yoga of Devotion

We are created equally but not in intelligence, talents and capabilities. Each of us has different skills to perform in life. The vastness of science, space, knowledge, God and its Maya, 99.99% cant understand it. If that is the case, what is the best option? Bhakthi or devotion is the higest form of Yoga. Even dullest and dumbest will be enlightened. Such is the power of this. Being in bhakthi we shouldn’t abandon work, family and divine karma.

Krishna: Ohh Dhananjaya, there are two types of yogis. one who prays to formless Brahman and the the other one is a Personal form like me. For many, worshipping my personal form as Krishna and Vishnu is the best. The form leads to form less. 

Arjuna it is rather difficult to meditate upon the unmanifest aspect of God. Hence, the path of worshiping the formless is full of tribulations for the embodied souls. Yogi who worships my personal form and dedicates all their actions to Me, such souls swiftly get liberated from the cycle of life and death. Therefore, Arjuna give up all doubts and surrender your intellect with devotion to Me. 

Krishna says that devotion for God does not come naturally to the struggling souls. It is not some mysterious gift that one can get; it requires consistent efforts to cultivate it. 

Ohh Ghandeeva the cultivation of knowledge is higher than mechanical practice, and meditation is higher than knowledge. However, better than meditation is the renunciation of the fruits of actions because it immediately leads to divine peace. 

Chapter 13: Kshetra Kshetragnya Vibhaga Yoga

Kshetram means soul or divine cosmic energy. Kshetragnya is a being or human with soul in a body or operator of the body. Kshetram is a place where divine or krishna energy abundantly attracted from space. Punya Kshetram is a place where you bask in the divine energy. Tirumala is a Punya Kshetram. The best holy place or punya kshetram is SELF.

Kurukshetra war means kuru Vamsa including Kauruvas and pandavas energy battle field. This is the place where divine cosmic krishna energy descended and vanquished the enemies and restored dharmam.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna material elements feelings, desire, ego, selfishness are encompassed by the Kshetra or human body. What you sow is what you reap? Being a virtuous human being the soul recognizes its true nature. 

Every action has equal and opposite reaction. There is duality in every creation.  I am being in atom to universe, running this entire cosmic field. The energy transfers from inaction to action and action to inaction. Like A sun illuminates solar system, A kshetragnya illuminates the souls around him.

So Arjuna recognizes your field and fight this war to restore dharmam and attain moksham.

Chapter 14: Guna Traya Vibhaga Yoga

Guna means it’s nature. The nature of the being or an object, it defines it. This is very important for a yogi. Traya means three. There are 3 Gunas in human nature. Satva means Good or of divine nature. Rajas means passion. This defines many of our actions. This is very much needed for Yogic life. Tamas means ignorance or very bad in nature. Due to ignorance we do things wrong in a religion like killings. We should be aware of these 3 Gunas and each one dominates the other. When and how it dominates we don’t know, that is why humans are unpredictable. We are masquerades in this world. Acts like good and virtuous person, cheats others.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna, these 3 gunas is the reason for all kind of karma and sins in this world. In order to overcome Rajas, Tamas, all the time focus on me and remembering my attributes. Still you will be performing all 3 gunas but only Satva will dominate, which will guide from material life to Devine. A soul should transform beyond these gunas for enlightenment.

To overcome my Maya and gunas utmost devotion, surrender and complete focus on me is needed.

Arjuna: Ohh Krishna, I understand what you are trying to convey but my mind is not under my control. It always seeks the pleasure and praises. It seems it is impossible for overcome this pleasure. How can I break this materialistic karma?

Krishna: Arjuna, it is possible to control all these by practice and stubbornness. It is a constant struggle. Everyday you get better at it. There are many Rishis and Yogis achieved this with my help. Those who raise above these gunas, attains Brahmman.

Chapter 15: Purushothama Yoga

Purusha + Uthama = Purushothama. Meaning best among men is Vishnu or Krishna. So we have to strive to be the best among human beings like Krishna. Who decides the best, truth, lie, dharmam and adharmam? It is Krishna. There are human morals and laws. These are made by man and we may follow or not. A yogi who is connected to krishna, will be preached with all these. That is what we should follow. These are divine. The morals or dharmam written in scriptures may not be correct based on the timeline we live. 

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna the material world is like a upside down Ashvatta tree. The souls keep growing their bondage and relationships without realizing the root of the tree. Those souls will keep getting far far away from root and will never reach me. 

The souls which are trapped in the bondage will enjoy the fruits of the world and struggle to focus on the divine. The souls transforms these desires into next janmam as well. 

A yogi clearly sees this through his knowledge that such acts will not help in acquiring divine knowledge to find the root of the creation or God.

So Ohh Arjuna, Kshar are the perishable beings residing in the material world. The liberated beings who live in the Abode of God are called akshar. The Supreme Divine Personality, who is the eternal source, sustainer, and regulator of the entire world, is called Purushottam or God. I am transcendental to both imperishable and perishable beings. Therefore, worship me by surrendering completely.

Chapter 16: Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga

The dilemma is what is saintly or demonic in nature? Krishna discusses this with Arjuna in this chapter. Any action that helps the nature and beings is saintly. Helping By money, volunteer to help people are all good acts when performed by not expecting any fruits of the labor. Any action that hurts others even by using a simple abusive language is called demonic. Many of us fall into this category.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna saintly virtues are of those endowed with a divine nature, fearlessness, purity of mind, steadfastness in spiritual knowledge, charity, control of the senses, performance of sacrifice, study of the sacred books, austerity, and straightforwardness; non-violence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, peacefulness, restraint from fault-finding, compassion toward all living beings, absence of covetousness, gentleness, modesty, and lack of fickleness; vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, bearing enmity toward none, and absence of vanity.

O Partha, the qualities of those who possess a demoniac nature are hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance. The divine qualities lead to liberation, while the demoniac qualities are the cause for a continuing destiny of bondage. Harboring insatiable lust, full of hypocrisy, pride and arrogance, the demoniac cling to their false tenets. Thus illusioned, they are attracted to the impermanent and work with impure resolve.

So Arjuna, please free yourself from demonic nature to experience the peace and aanandam that self realization will lead you to.

Chapter 17: Shradha Traya Vibhaga Yoga

In chapter fourteen, Shree Krishna had explained the three gunas or modes of material nature and how they govern human behavior. Krishna says faith is an inseparable aspect of human nature and says that everyone holds faith. However, depending upon the nature of their mind, their faith adapts a corresponding color: sāttvic, rājasic, or tamasic. The quality of life they lead is determined by the nature of their faith, including the food they prefer to eat. He also classifies food into different categories and discusses the impact of each category upon humans.

Krishna: Those in the mode of goodness worship the celestial gods; those in the mode of passion worship the yakṣhas and rākṣhasas; those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.

Many perform stern austerities that are not enjoined by the body, rather motivated by hypocrisy and egotism. Impelled by desire and attachment, they torment not only the elements of their body, but also I who dwell within them as the Supreme Soul. Know these senseless people are of demoniacal resolves.

Serenity of thought, gentleness, silence, self-control, and purity of purpose—all these are declared as the austerity of the mind. When devout persons with ardent faith practice these three-fold austerities without yearning for material rewards, they are designated as austerities in the mode of goodness.

Ohh Arjuna, The word OM has been declared as symbolic representations of the Supreme Absolute Truth, from the beginning of creation.

Chapter 18: Moksha Sanyasa Yoga

The attributes of those who have attained perfection in spirituality and realized the Brahman are perfect yogis and they engage in bhakti to complete their Brahman-realization. Only through loving devotion; one can unravel the secrets of the Supreme Divine Personality. God dwells in the hearts of all living creatures and directs their movement according to their karma. We must take His shelter, think of Him, dedicate all our actions to Him, and make Him our ultimate goal. Then, by His grace, we will easily overcome all difficulties and obstacles. However, if we get driven by pride and act according to our impulses, we will fail.

Krishna: Ohh Arjuna I preached most secret knowledge and displayed my viswaroopam. Share this knowledge only with the devoted and not with those who are not austere, they may misinterpret this divine knowledge and misuse by irresponsible actions. But expounding this confidential-knowledge to the deserving souls is the highest act of love and is cherished by God Himself.

Arjuna: Ohh Krishna all my doubts, dilemma and illusions have been dispelled, and is ready to act as per your instructions to fight this war.

Who are the beneficiaries of Bhagavath Geetha? Sanjaya who was narrating the story. Who is sanjaya represent? The mind, intellect and intelligence. The next one is Dhritharastra, the blind king who is full of ego, selfishness, partial, hatred etc. Sanjaya opened the eyes of Dhritarastra meaning the gnanam opens the blinded mind. Who are the other beneficiaries of this? It is ignorant souls like you and me.

Who does Arjuna represent? Brilliantly skilled, handsome, a longing soul, who is connected and attached to Paramtma and waiting to be self realized. 

Bhagavad Gita—The Divine Song of God with a profound pronouncement that victory, goodness, opulence, sovereignty will always rest on the side of God and His pure devotee. The light of the Absolute Truth will defeat the darkness of falsehood and unrighteousness.

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