Wisdom Quotes - 3

The paths are different, the destination is same to reach Vishnu. Converting from one religion to another is each person’s perception, and to achieve the same goal. Conversions don’t make one religion great and another one inferior. God blesses you for enlightenment.

We are different from animals because of our Intuition and sixth sense. It means we can logically predict things that are going to happen and also foresee future. The ability is extraordinary. The divine secrets are hidden beyond our vision. The divya drishti or extraordinary perceptional senses is sensed through the divine blessings. To cultivate that a Yogi does grueling sadhana, hoping he can. It is only possible by blessings of Krishna.

God expressed his will on Earth with her feminine force. Bhoomi is full of feminine forces in which attributes or Vibhuthis of Purusha are enjoying the illusion of Maya of materialistic pleasures. Senses, body and mind are happy. The inner wisdom wants to perceive what is behind the veil of Maya.

Bhoomi looks to heavens for guidance of her creation of a yogi. Krishna blesses the feminine force to lead yogi. Maatha Bhoomi blessed by boon to nurture a yogi with  spiritual experiences, embraces her child. Slowly she unveils her dazzling beauties, revealing the glimpses of her secrets of creation. Yogi catches hold of her bosom for eternal knowledge. She reveals more of her inner workings and love. Bhoomi in her nakedness, I as a child, see her ocean of glowing motherly love.

Being educated to uneducated to intellectual thinking intelligently; intelligent intellect based on education leads to uneducation; intellect based on intelligence of uneducation to education; uneducated intellect of intelligent education are all not wisdom. We are butterflies in life. Transformation from uneducated->Educated->Intellect -> Intelligent will lead us to wisdom. Through eyes of wisdom, we perceive the world with love and care. 

Rajeev. Meaning :Achiever, Blue lotus, Blue lotus, One who rules all, Achiever. Lotus flower significance in Hinduism is amazing. It represents the creation force. All Gods originated and adorns Lotus flower.

Blue is attributed to Krishna especially in drawings. The color looks best in paintings. To portray black ,then background must be different. Actually Vishnu is jet black and the Light Lakshmi is white. When both meet, it is like blue or space gray. Our sky is blue and all are painted on it.

The 3 forms of bhavams are Bhakthi, Gnanam and Karma are the key for reaching the state of Para means very very far or different dimension. All efforts and acts of a yogi on earth is to reach a state of say pure bhakthi bhavam or experiences, at their peaks, push you into a state of Para meaning Para Bhakthi, Para Gnanam and Para Karma. A state where you excelled and Vishnu must bless you. The State of para aides a yogi with blessings of eternal knowledge to transform completely to this state where you live in chanting the name Maha Vishnu all the time.

What is Krishna expecting from us to be blessed to join him in Vaikuntam. We should be pure, loving, helping, no ego, bhakthi, no anger, no Kamam, Dedicated karma, Gnanam, meditation, vishnu smaranam, complete surrender, not interested in wealth, understand scriptures, spread knowledge etc. Is this possible? OM Namo Narayana, yes with his blessings because God operates at infinity.

We are here for a purpose and experiences, which is the primary goal. So we need to developers Bhavams or experiences related to this. Karma, Gnana and Bhakthi Bhavams to be developed. From these each when perfected leads to Karma, Gnana and Bhakthi yogas which are higher transcendental activities. Connects to Vishnu. When we perfect these Bhavas and yogas, we see the god in everything and everywhere. This gives a living yogic experiences which are very crucial for internal journey. Luckily we have so much information, it is your efforts which will show the truth masked behind the Maya.

Maha Vishnu says that Madcap and Ignorant person, can’t be bestowed with eternal divine knowledge and powers. They tend to misuse with ignorance and create imbalance in the natural cosmic laws. When a person does severe and strict yogic practices that are needed to attain the grace of the God, he/she will be blessed with qualities of God. When the seeker misuse it beyond tolerance, it will be taken away. Madcaps and Ignorants will never be blessed by God for Enlightenment.

The universe is created in a complex way with science, divinity, spirituality and Conscience mixed with mysterious thing called soul which drives the whole thing. To realize the real secret or maya, you need to raise above this. Which is only possible with yoga, meditation and samadhi state. We are always basking in the grace of God, don’t realize it.

Veda is a worship of the personified sun, moon, stars, dawn, wind, rain, fire, sky, rivers and other deities of Nature, the propitiation of these gods by sacrifice, the winning and holding of wealth in this life, against hostile demons and mortal plunderers, and after death man’s attainment to the Paradise of the gods. 

The cows were the radiances or illuminations of a divine Dawn, the horses and chariots were symbols of force and movement, gold was light, the shining wealth of a divine Sun—the true light, ṛtaṁ jyotiḥ; both the wealth acquired by the sacrifice and the sacrifice itself in all their details symbolised man’s effort and his means towards a greater end, the acquisition of immortality. 

The aspiration of the Vedic seer was the enrichment and expansion of man’s being, the birth and the formation of the godheads in his life-sacrifice, the increase of the Force, Truth, Light, Joy of which they are the powers until through the enlarged and ever-opening worlds of his being the soul of man rises, sees the divine doors (devīr dvāraḥ) swing open to his call and enters into the supreme felicity of a divine existence beyond heaven and earth. This ascent is the parable of the Angiras Rishis.

 Bhagavath Geetha is the best to start with. If you are sincere and pure in heart and thoughts is karma, the knowledge from God will flow to you as Gnana. These two propel you to make the divine connection with God. From that state arises a bhakthi called. Bhakthi Yogam. In that state what you see in all and in you is only Paramatama.

The scriptures Rishis wrote was what God want to express for humanity. Which is why scriptures are divine. Does not mean we follow as it is. They are guidelines. Your karma yoga, self connection,  Gnana and purity will make you discern which are Good and irrelevant for spiritual journey to attain Maha Vishnu. In this state comes my own State of mind of Rishi, who expresses what you are reading…

The Yoga or Yogam is the eternal divine action, seeking and practice which will result in higher dimensional experiences of realization to experience the dharshan of Vishnu.  The key for this is, first karma. The action that we do should sincerely and honestly. Like making a good tea even by area vendor. The intent matters.

Next big thing is Gnanam or Divine knowledge, is the key for spiritual journey. This knowledge is blessed by many manifestations of God and Goddesses. It comes by the quest and practice. This is in built knowledge that must be harvested.

Now the karma and gnanam leads to appreciation of the nature, it’s creation and the God’s mind. The Bhakthi that arises out these two, will transform a seeker or yogi to ultimate experiences of realization of self and Maha Vishnu. 

Rishi, in deeper meditation connects with the body, mind and soul. Mind is Indra. Agni will burn with luminosity, which satisfies Indra, he provides soma, cows which is eternal divine knowledge and all heavenly riches. This cycles continues. Asuras or demons will stop this yagnam so that we will not be enlightened. Mind or Indra looses the battles. Maha Vishnu comes to the rescue and enlightens the Rishi.

The famous quote: Where science ends the spirituality begins. 

The key for self realization starts with by connecting to the nature. Earth is the best place to start learning. Our planet is the fruit of labor of this entire cosmos called Universe.  It is a miracle that we exist. If we look around us to billions of light years away from earth, we don’t find conducive atmosphere for life. Earth is alive and thriving in harmony with Universe.

karma is the universal causal law by which good or bad actions determine the future modes of an individual's existence. …

The concept of soul is an enigma. Most of the religions says that soul is the one which departs sentinel being up on its death. Eventually it attains subtle energy divine form to live in higher realms. To experience its nature and attributes, it takes many avatars in different realms. How Yogis came to realization that Atma or soul exists and it is indestructible?

God’s actions of creation, sustenance and destruction is his karma as well. His purpose is to bring universal creations alive, make it sustain and eventually destroy. In this, God also vanishes to oblivion. Nothing will be alive forever. 

The creation starts with tiny oscillations, eventually expands by creating space. In the beginning it is full of chaos, from this comes randomness, from this comes order, from this comes synchronization. Eventually all connected at every level, the synchronized karma is performed. 

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