Padmam or Lotus Flower


Our Ancestors knew how sacred Earth is. They looked at the creation through the eyes of the mother Earth. Like a baby looked into the sky for God to come, play and cuddle like a mother. From that thought and realization came the Geo Centric Model of Earth being the center and rest of planets, stars, Galaxies even the universe revolves around it. 

ptolemy great greek astronomer saw the divine creation and came up with this Geo Centric Model. But for practical purposes it was very very difficult to use it because if you track the planets and stars, sometimes they look like they are traveling backwards. When try to map the rotations it looked entangled and provided no use for science as well. So all branded it as idiotic but they missed the divine secret.

Copernicus published a simple model that all planets revolves around sun in an elliptical orbit. That made so much sense to all the people. They tracked all planets based on star, the navigation, calculations, predictions all fall in place. But the Maya set in. They missed the beautiful creation.

The Earth is one of the Eternal Truths where all masked under this duality. Only if you raise above it, you see the creation.

The Lotus flower represents perfect creation of our universe. Combined with electromagnetism and precise infinite mathematical calculations the universe came into existence. For creation even Gods should  meditate on Aditi the Primordial Conscience. Looking at the Lotus Flower we can understand the creation. 

In a pond the lotus is just 1 feet above the water. If you start following all the way down, it could be 5 to 100 feet as well. Such is the depth that is needed for the lotus flower to sustain. The no of petals is based on Fibonacci Sequence, for maximum sun light the petals are spread at Golden Angle called 131 degrees. All the creation is spiral in nature so that the objects can achieve optimal circular motion.

Earth has all the divine secrets in miniature version. All scientists study earth and chemical reactions to come up with scientific breakthroughs. The best creation is always at Bindu or Dot or Blackhole which is center of Lotus Flower. Imagine the Earth, lotus flower and the root is at the bottom of Universe. This is how you see the God’s Creation.

Cosmos is infinite. There existed nothing. For a Visible eye it is empty space or sunyam. All is in dormant state.  Just stand still. For creation to start from infinite, it needs a finite space. So in a finite state of our universe, InConscience or Dreamy state Or Gharbhodhaka Ocean, Cosmic Conscience came alive. Vishnu went into meditative state and dreamed. 

Our Universe is created on precise mathematical and Scientific way. To start the material creation, a creative energy or entity must be created. This entity must slowly posses the eternal knowledge or Sanathana Dharma. Vishnu combining all the divine energies from meditative state, a stem emerged. This stem for many unimaginable ages it started growing from Gharbhodka Ocean, passed middle part or materialistic layer and extended up to the cosmic conscience layer. There the Lotus Bud came into creation which is of yellowish in color and full of creative energy. This is called Hiranya Gharbha or Golden Egg. The creative energy inside IT called Brahmman. 

As the Lotus Flower blossomed, there emerged this baby called Brahmma. He opened his eyes and saw complete darkness and emptiness. Scared and confused he saw stem going down. The baby made an attempt to slide down the stem. It went down for many kalpas or unimaginable earth years. Finally he decided to go up by not seeing the root. Brahmma don’t know what to do. He sat in the middle of Lotus Flower and meditated. Vishnu blessed him with vedas in the form of Hayagreeva. From that emerged the knowledge for creation which is called Saraswathi. 

Lotus being template for the universe, the creation started.

To reach the root of creation, SELF or AHAM BRAHMMASMI the internal journey is the Key. The Kundalini concept and yoga kept as eternal secret. Only it is transferred from Guru to shisyas. A shisya should work hard for at least 10 years to get this practice. The theory and concept will be slowly explained by memorizing all the Hindu scriptures.

There is a scientific concept called Red and Blue Shift. The light that emerges from a far far away star will tell us how far it is from us. If the light is more red, then it is many many light years away from us. If it is blue then it is very very close to us. One of the reason God is depicted as blue means in meditation, if we see blue color means we are very close to God.

The 7 chakras in Kundalini yoga is same the light spectrum. The Mooladhara chakra is RED in color meaning we are far far away from god, lotus, eternal truth etc. when you are meditating you should slowly overcome each chakras to reach the shasharadhara means 1000 petal lotus. 

The lotus is above your head, the mooladhara or the root the generates the fire or divine energy which travels through spine as eeda, pingala and sushsumna. This energy travels faster than light to generate electromagnetism to form the beautiful lotus above your head. Now you touched the SELF.

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