Kirshna and Sukla Paksha

The duality in the sky

Paksha, thwa and gа̄ in Nepal Bhasa, refers to a fortnight or a lunar phase in a month of the Hindu lunar calendar. Literally meaning "side", a paksha is the period either side of the Full Moon Day. A lunar month in the Hindu calendar has two fortnights, and begins with the New moon.

The name has Sanskrit roots, with Krishna meaning “dark” and paksha meaning “side”. This refers to the fact it happens on the “dark side” of the full moon.

Shukla means bright as per the Sanskrit language. Shukla expresses bright, whereas Krishna means the dark.

Shukla Paksha (Waxing Moon period) is a period of 14 days, which begins on the Shukla Amavasya (New Moon) day and culminating Purnima (Full Moon) day and is considered auspicious because it is favorable to growth or expansion on every plane of existence i.e. Mental, Physical and Spiritual Plane.

Rishis by observing nature saw the duality in moon waxing and waning. From New Moon to Full moon is Sukla meaning full bright conscience. The equal and opposite of from full moon to New Moon or amavaaysya which is waning called Krishna or Darkness Paksha. Both are equally important for spirituality. 

As per the religious belief, people consider Shukla paksha as promising, and Krishna paksha as unfavourable. This consideration is with regards to the vitality and illumination of the Moon.

According to Astrology, the period from the tenth day of Shukla paksha to the fifth day of Krishna paksha is considered as astrologically auspicious. During this time, Moon's energy is maximum or approximately maximum – which is considered pivotal in Astrology to decide auspicious and inauspicious timings.

For example marriages, couples being married and for quicker pregnancy, 5th day of the woman monthly cycle is fertile to be pregnant. So Sukla is very good for auspicious things and some days of Krishna is good because of the moon shine and it’s influence on human. 

For practical purpose this is irrelevant today. For spirituality this is very important for understanding this duality of creation. A yogi also goes through phase of dark or bad to good or shine.  Yajur veda is divided into two. Sukla and Krishna yajur veda. So you comprehend both sides.

Eventually reaching mid point of duality or Infinity called Bindu or Dot or Root of the creation or Cosmic womb or Yoni. On the other side you beyond our Universe we see Maha Vishnu in Vaikuntam.

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