Science is a religion


Science is a religion to attain God

The famous quote: Where science ends the spirituality begins. 

The key for self realization starts with by connecting to the nature. Earth is the best place to start learning. Our planet is the fruit of labor of this entire cosmos called Universe.  It is a miracle that we exist. If we look around us to billions of light years away from earth, we don’t find conducive atmosphere for life. Earth is alive and thriving in harmony with Universe.

If we observe our solar system, which is precise, most efficient mathematical creation. The way earth creates, nurtures and destroys is based on mathematical calculations. This is the basis for scientists to discover and invent things. When they did, they were awe struck at the power of nature. They see invisible mind and conscience that created and driving it.

Scientists baffled when they first saw and realized the true power of nuclear energy. It is enormous. It can destroy anything in this cosmos. Same way when a scientist said the smallest thing is not a sand but an atom, which is makes every thing. No one believed him. Next when the layer of atom was peeled, atomic particles were discovered. They are going deeper inside micro worlds. Scientists are excited to see the fundamentals of creation.

When a scientist saw an amoeba under microscope, joyous moment.  Scientists were able to see micro and macro worlds, and awe struck by the creation. Many times scientists revealed, nature don’t want to reveal it to them, It’s secrets. They struggled and waited for years and may be centuries.

Through science we can travel to micro and macro worlds. Enjoy unimaginable inventions. Anything imagined by a religion that god can do, we can do it too through science.  We are creating artificial intelligence and worlds. Machines have more intelligence today.

Anyone who travels to space and looks at earth becomes spiritual. It is alive. The true darkness is amazing. The massive sizes of celestial objects and faithfuls following laws cosmos is mind boggling for scientists. Scientists sees viswaroopam in micro and Marco worlds.

Many scientists realized self and god through their inventions. Thus science is a religion. I am true follower of it.

The stunning video of Earth from Space. Science made it possible.

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