Communication to Vishnu -> OM

The Universe exists in vibration. From all the matter in the material world to our emotions, thoughts and feelings, everything is vibrating. According to yogic thought, we can also assume that Divine Energy, the myriad forces that guide the universe into existence, are also vibrating. So we could say that though the sacred and powerful art of Mantra chanting, we are harmonizing our personal vibrations with that of the Divine and entering the state of union / Yoga with Divine Vibration.

The nature is full of vibrations and emotions. God and nature understands them. The bhavam is that emotion which connects you to certain frequencies. The bhakthi bhavam that we express Godly rituals propagates your emotions which is the language the cosmos understands. Vibrations are  manifestation of the supreme Sound of God (Aum). This Aum vibration exists at all times and is the seed of creation.

Geetha 8:13

oḿ ity ekākṣaraḿ brahma

vyāharan mām anusmaran

yaḥ prayāti tyajan dehaḿ

sa yāti paramāḿ gatim

The one who chants the Eternal mono-syllable OM, the vibration of Brahman, constantly remembering Me, leave their body and attain the Supreme Goal.

In all creation His transcendental sound vibration OM is the root of all sounds and all pervasively always vibrating within and without. Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe. Music is a divine art, to be used not only for pleasure but as a path to God-realization. Vibrations resulting from devotional singing lead to attainment with the Cosmic Vibration. 

By praying, chanting the Gayatri, all the inner organs, Gnanedriyas, Mans, Buddhi, Chitta and the Para Brahman in the Form of Witness reveal themselves, the first four being cleaned by the Gayathri. Holding the attention unbrokenly on the real Cosmic Vibration, Aum or Om, not on an imaginary or an outward sound, is the beginning of real superconscious chanting. Words that are saturated with sincerity, conviction, faith, and intuition are like highly explosive vibration bombs that have power to remove the rocks of difficulties and to create the change desired. 

The sound OM is Brahman. The Rishis and sages practiced austerity to realize that Sound-Brahman. After attaining perfection one hears the sound of this eternal Word rising spontaneously from the navel. "'What will you gain', some sages ask, 'by merely hearing this sound?' You hear the roar of the ocean from a distance. By following the roar you can reach the ocean. As long as there is the roar, there must also be the ocean. By following the trail of OM you attain Brahman, of which the Word is the symbol. That Brahman has been described by the Vedas as the ultimate goal."

Everything in this creation has certain vibrations. Each is connected to the macrocosm and brings down a particular type of cosmic ray into the planet, that manifests particular vibrations. The whole creation is filled with consciousness, filled with knowledge. You are nothing but a particular vibration, a wave function, a frequency. Your body is emitting vibrations or energy all the time. You are losing energy and gaining energy from the cosmos. There is a continuous flow and every cell in your body is changing. You are exchanging energy all the time. Your consciousness is also a wave function and it has so many possibilities, so many avenues. We have to change our vibrations, make them more positive by doing meditation and pranayama.

When chanted Om vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz – the same vibrational frequency found in all things throughout nature. Om is the basic sound of the universe; chanting it symbolically and physically tunes us into that sound and acknowledges our connection to everything in the world and the Universe.

It with great insight based on the Vibrations in nature. I figured out the frequency of God to communicate. It is 1034 Hz, the highest divine Vibration on earth. See the infinite numbers that comes out this based on dimensions. Dimensions: 3 , 6, 9, 12,  15, 18




1034/12= 86.1666666666666...

1034/15= 68.93333333333333...

1034/18= 57.44444444444444...

1034/360 degrees= 2.872222222222222..

The luminous being of the perfect consciousness which is non-different from the entire cosmos and which is inherent in the multitude of words whose essence consists in the knowledge of the highest non dualism is the secret of mantra.

Om is the seed of transcendental sound, and it is through transcendental sound one can transform the mind and the senses. By chanting Om, the mind becomes aligned with the breath, which enables a person to get into an elevated state of consciousness called samadhi. The activity of attaining samadhi brings the materially absorbed mind under control, which enables a person to have one-pointed focus towards spiritual realization. Because the Absolute is beyond the understanding of the mundane material senses, spiritualizing the mind — the center of all sensual activities, through sound vibration, is necessary to set in motion the process of transcendental realization. 

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