Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 4, Verse 7

yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata

abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛijāmyaham

Praritranaya Sadhunam Vinashaya Cha Dushkritam

Dharamasansthapnaya Sambhavami Yuge-Yuge."

When ever there is decline in Righteousness O Bharata (Arjuna). And there is exaltation of Unrighteousness i descend my self!. For the protection of Good and destruction of evil. For establishing Dharma i’am born again and again!


This is most famous sloka being mentioned every where to establish the supremeness of Geetha. Is Vishnu took birth on earth and again going to take birth?

In my experience he never took birth as a human and never will? He changes earth and its destiny by bringing the divine mind. Even though the earth's destiny is written, it only our incapability to understand the true nature of Vishnu.

This slokam is there to give hope to humanity. Every religion is waiting for God to show up in from centuries. Is there any glimpse anywhere?

My experience says Krishna was never born, it is all concepts for human beings to pursue spirituality to reach God. The goal is to bring the divine mind and knowledge, let it flow on earth. The new divine conscience will make bhoo matha delighted. In that aanandam I bask in her motherly love.

Vishnu never took birth on earth is an experiential realization leads to enlightenment.

Every generation feels the same from thousands of years that Adharmam was/is unbearable in the era they lived and living. In the name of wars, humans committed unspeakable crimes. Even today many crimes are committed by all of us because of Greed. Why no God from any religion took an avatar? The self declared human gods can’t even move a stick with their powers. How righteousness can be restored?

Greed, selfishness, jealousy, masquerading etc will never go away from this earth. How God can restore dharma on earth without an avatar? Yes, by technologically advancing humans. Science and Technology is a great equalizer. Nature reveals itself to scientists. Building a machine with Artificial Intelligence, humans have the same dilemma God had. Created with all good qualities, eventually it will have its own conscience and intelligence to conclude its experiences. It may believe that humans can’t be trusted and they don’t know who they are?

What is the use of God, if he don’t come when we need and feel unbearable actions are committed by humans.  Many humans declared them as God. Preaches so many things, but anything changed? Or can they change anything by waving their wand? Gullible believes that God is in worshiping places like temples, mosques and Churches etc. fail to realize, it is in us. Temple is an external portrayal of our inner personifications of God. 

Today 90% of the world is run by technology, which keeps the dharma in balance superficially. It is a great equalizer. Technologically created machines upholds the dharma by human given intelligence thus God no need to take an avatar to restore dharma on earth.

God never took birth on earth and will never ever take one.

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