Pervaded Krrshna


Krishna - Blackness

Murali Krishna Gokula Nanada

Hiding behind the veil of darkness

Helping me to remove the darkness

In my heart and flickering mind

Madhava Madhusudana Hari

Blinded by ignorance of materialism

Can’t visualize your presence

Present me divya drishti to visualize you

Bhakthavastala Narayanaa Nandana

It is my blessing in this vast cosmos

To experience your divine light

Remove the veil for your darshan 

Krishna Gopala Nandana

How long you test this poor soul

Longing to reach your abode

Pardon my sins and bless me

From mortal to immortal and ignorant to divine light in your presence, Ohh Maha Vishnu saranu saranu.

Commentary: Krishna means pure unimaginable blackness who is hiding in plain sight and pervaded every where in everything in this OM Cosmos. Behind the veil, he is helping me to remove my impurities so that I can be eligible for eternal knowledge. Due this materialistic life, I can’t perceive your true nature. please present me with extra perceptional senses to see you like Arjuna. In this infinite Universe, I am blessed to experience your divine light. How long this soul must wait to embrace and reach my abode Vaikuntam!!!

Vishnu’s Radiance

Deva devaa Namo Vishnu

Soul yearning to perceive your radiance

Intelligence and intellect defining you

Pervaded everywhere and in everything 

Still can’t comprehend your nature 

Namo namo Pundareekasha 

In meditative stillness frantically searching

Hiding in the darkness to emerge

Blinding light appears and disappears

Hide and seek is your favorite play

Deva devaa Namo Govinda 

Surrounded by your naamams everywhere 

Nature Painting the sky with your emotions 

Charioteer leading the way to glory

Mind trying to comprehend your attributes

Namo Namo Lakshmi Narayana

Burning quest burning brighter

Agitated soul churning for eternal realm

Riches and bliss to be experienced

Descending light glorifies my soul

In that calm and stillness, I see you, Ohh Maha Vishnu.

Commentary: I am trying to perceive and understand who Vishnu is. My physical self is trying to define who you are but still can’t comprehend it. In meditation, the key is being still, searching for Vishnu, suddenly a bright blinding light appears and disappears playing hide and seek with me. Still searching… I see your signature symbol Naamam everywhere. You are showing your dazzling nature on earth in every possible ways. With that my mind is trying to understand who we are. My quest to be with is burning brighter. Your descending light brightens my soul and I realize your nature as well.



సామజ వర గమన సాధు హృత్-
సారసాబ్జ పాల కాలాతీత విఖ్యాత


సామ నిగమజ1 సుధా మయ గాన విచక్షణ
గుణ శీల దయాలవాల మాం పాలయ


వేద శిరో మాతృజ2 సప్త స్వర
నాదాచల3 దీప స్వీకృత
యాదవ కుల మురళీ వాదన
వినోద 4మోహన కర త్యాగరాజ వందనీయ

pallavi: O Lord, with the majestic gait of a large elephant! O protector of the lotus-like hearts of the saintly! O Krishna, whose fame transcends time!

anupallavi: O Expounder of the nectar-like music arising from sAma vEda! Thou of great qualities and mercy! Care for me.

caraNam: The acme of the vEdas! O Light in the mountain of music, based on the seven swaras of Goddess Saraswati! Member of the yAdava clan! Player of the flute! O mysteriously attractive Lord, worshipped by tyAgarAja!

Commentary or Bhashyam

Oh Krishna your name and fame reverberates for ever in this cosmos. Your majestic walk like an elephant and protector of many tender divine hearts, when I think of your melodious divine music is being penned down by this bhaktha. Show mercy on my soul and present me great qualities to praise you more and more. You are Vedas, pure light and mountain of music with seven swears of Saraswathi, Oh clan of Yadava, mysterious dark Krishna, I am worshiping you for this life and presenting me talent of singing on you.

Thyagaraja Keerthana- Brochevara revarura 

Meaning who is going to save, protect, guide and lead me to Rama? Indirectly referring, Rama it is you. Simply words and singing in musical is expressions of Bhakthi Yoga. 

The poet begs of Rama ‘O Sita’s husband, don’t you have regard for me? Can’t you listen to my pleas? Aren’t you Vasudeva who rushed to rescue the king of elephants. Dispel my sins, hold my hand and do not let go’.  

As I listen to this beautiful song, I too pray ‘Rama, I have neither beautiful words nor melody, but I plead the same; Please don’t let go of me’ !!

Bhashyam or Commentary

O Rama, descendent of Raghu, who will save me other than you? O compassionate one, I cannot leave your lotus-like feet.

O Who is worshipped by the four-faced one (Brahma) etc, why are you so aloof sir? I am not competent enough to (assumed sing) your story. Please grant me a remedy quickly.

O Lord of Sita, don’ you have affection for me? O the one at whose feet stays (worships) Hanuman, cannot you hear my pleas? Aren’t you Vasudeva who saved the King of elephants?  (refers to Gajendra moksha). Cleansing me of all sins, will you not hold my hand firmly?

Thyagaraja Keerthana - Deva Devam Bhaje

The God of Gods worship; the divine influence; Ravana the demons' enemy; the battle's bull is Rama

Among the best of kings(he is) the summit; the sun dynasty's moon long armed one; blue-cloud (colored) bodied; kings' enemy's Kodanda bow, for the Kingly discipline, (he is) the teacher; Lotus eyed, the pleasant moon

blue-cloud symmetric bodied; magnificent broad chested, immaculate lotus-naveled (the defeater of timeless one,Yama?), establisher of law and order; Earth's child's(Sita) Lord; snake as bedrest.

One praised by Lotus seated one(Brahma), (he is) the supreme being; The one sought from  Shiva, that Janaka's bow's destroyer;

Lanka's destroyer; the one who charmed Vibhishana; Lord Venkatesa, (he is ) by sages and wise men praised one;

Bhashyam or Commentary

Rama you are the ultimate God of Gods who can provide salvation. In my yogi journey, like a ferocious bull you fight and chase away the demons and clear my path to reach you. Your beauty is inexplicable. The lotus eyes, blue colored, long armed and perfect symmetrical body with Kodanda bow, very disciplined  with Niyamas, great teacher and your body&skin radiating like a pleasant moon. What a grace and beauty for my eyes. Time is not applicable to you Rama, so chiranjeeva, you are the husband of greatest Mata Sita and also great ruler of this earth who rests on coiled snake called Ananthasesha. Rama the great one, praised by Brahmma and liked by Shiva, with your bow, the destroyer of Lanka and charmed Vibhishana, Venkaresha and all the time praised by great Rishis and wise men.

Ohh Rama lead me to your abode.

Thulasikathir Nulliyeduthu'

Kollam: 'Thulasikathir Nulliyeduthu' on Lord Krishna is among the most beloved devotional songs for Malyalalis; sung by Karunagappally native Hana Fathima, it is viral on social media. On Sree Krishna Jayanti day, meet Karunagapally native Thodiyoor Sahadevan who penned the lyrics of the popular song many years ago. 

Original in Malayalam


Literal Meaning

Ohh Kannaa alias Krishna, plucking healthy, pure and beautiful tulasi tender branches, making a beautiful garland to decorate to enhance your grace Kannaa Kanna Kannaa.

Blue colored Krishna is spread everywhere when he smiles there is aanandam or bliss everywhere. Kanna the Leelas or playful acts that you performed , I also want to perform with you. Kannaaa kannaaaa where did you disappeared suddenly.

With black eyelashes and sandal wood tilak, play with beautiful peacock and also with me. Kannaa the leelas that you performed, we also would like to perform. 

Kannaa kannaaaa again disappeared and searching for you. Tulasi kathi plucked it and making an excellent garland for you to enjoy your graceful beauty. Kannaa Kannnaaaaa

Commentary or Bhashyam

Thodiyoor Sahadevan penned this poem who understood Krishna at level of bhkathi bhavam. In Tamil and Malayalam Kanna means usually a naughty handsome toddler, whatever he does, even bad things is such a pleasure. Usually parents call their son Kanna like Yasodha did to Krishna.

Kanna I am making a beautiful garland of tulasi for you, thinking how handsome you are!!! What kinds of playful and mischievous acts that you have performed in gokulam. I am remembering all that and please play those acts with me. Ohh Kannna I am so mesmerized by you. 

You decorated yourself so handsomely. Look at the black eyelashes, sandalwood tilak, dress with the perfume that you are wearing. It is enhancing your blue colored body when you are playing with blue color peacock and Gopis like me. Ohh Kanna play the same leelas with me. Kanna Kannnaaa…

Please accept my tulasi garland.

Annamacharya Keerthana - Anthayu Neeve Raghu Rama

Annamacharya Keerthana

Ragam: Hindholam

Thalam: Aadhi

Arohana: Sa Ga Ma Da Ni Sa

Avarohana: Sa Ni Da Ma Ga Sa


Anthayu neeve hari pundareekaaksha 

chenthanaaku neeve Sree raghu raama || 

Oh lotus eyed Hari, you are everything. Oh Sri Raghu Rama, you alone are close to me.

Charanam 01: 

Kulamunu neeve govindudaa naa 

Kalimiyu neeve karunaa nidhi |

Talapunu neeve dharaneedhara naa 

Nelavunu neeve neerajanaabha  || 

Oh Govinda, my wealth and caste are you. You are ocean of Compassion. Oh bearer of this earth, you are my abode and thought.

Charanam 02: 

Tanuvunu neeve daamodara naa 

Manikiyu neeve madhusoodana  |

Vinikiyu neevae vitthaludaa naa 

Venakamundu neevae vishnu daevudaa  || 

Oh Damodara, you are my body and my prosperity. Oh Madhusudana, you are my listener. Oh Vitthala, oh Vishnu, you are in front of me and around me.

Charanam 03: 

Puttugu neeve purushotta ma Kona 

nattanadumu neeve naaraayana  |

Ittae Sree Venkateshwarudaa naaku 

Nettana gathi inka neeve neeve  || 

Oh Purushottama, you are the origin, the middle and the top. Oh Sri Venkateswara, you alone are my ultimate refuge.

Comments or Bhashyam

Oh Vishnu how many ways I can call you Raghu Rama, pundreekaksha, Hari, Govinda, Madhusudana, Vittala, Damodar and all refers to you. You are all fr me and always thinking of your abode and mind is fully occupied by you.

Ohh Narayana you are the closest to me in this Universe and I don’t want anyone except you. Ohh Venkateswara you are my wealth, aanandam. In your ocean of compassion don’t you have smallest space in your heart for me ohh Damodara. 

This bhaktha is singing for your grace and blessings, when are you going to present me  boon of reaching your abode Vaikuntam, swamy this Janamam is for you. Ohh Raghu Rama being closest to me, lead me to be with you for eternity.

Nigama Nigamantha varnitha 

nigamanigamantavarnita manohara rupa-
nagarajadharuda srinarayana ||

Oh, Narayana, the Vedas and the Vedic philosophy extole your fascinating form. You lifted the Govardhana mountain.

dipincu vairagyadivya saukhyam biyya-
nopakara nannu nodabarapucu |
paipaine samsarabandhamula gaṭṭevu
napaluku celluna narayana ||

You are reluctant to bestow me with the happiness of renunciation. You are binding me in worldly bonds. Oh Narayana, will my appeals ever reach you?

cikakupadina na cittasantamu seya-
lekaka nivu bahulila nannu |
kakusesedavu bahukarmala baduvaru
nakoladivarala narayana ||

When I lost peace of mind due to disgust, You are confusing me with your leelas(sports). Are others entangled in various karmas comparable to me?

vivividha nirbandhamula vedaladroyaka nannu bhavasagaramula nadabada jetura |
divijendravandya sri tiruveṅkaṭadrisa
navanita cora srinarayana ||

Instead of pulling me out of the entanglements, You are confusing me. Oh Sree Venkateswara, Oh Narayana the butter thief, You are adored by Indra the king of Devatas.

Bhashyam or Commentary

At very young age before marriage Annamacharya was enlightened and saw Venkataramana swamy. From that day onwards he was on yogic quest. Family got him married to sisters. With samsara he continued his effort. But he felt choked by all these worldly affairs. In that frustration he wrote this keerthana.

Ohh Venkataramana, Vedas are incarnations of you and as Krishna you lifted govardhana giri for residents of Gokulam. Such a great personality or God why are you not listening to my prayers of renunciation of this Samsara??? Again and again you are adding more bonds to me and not letting me to fully focus my mind on you.

You are totally ignoring and also not listening to my numerous prayers. Because you entangled me in various karmas I lost my peace of mind. Instead of getting me out of this materialistic life, you pushing me deeper deeper into it. 

Look at me, after this prayers of me, if you don’t rescue me from this family bond, that is your promise for me. Sathyam what I say…

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