Frist Glimpses


Enlightenment 1

I am a luckiest one. Vishnu was/is protecting, guiding and observing me all my life on earth. Guiding different kinds of experiences, questioning, pondering and moving along. Sometimes the divine desperately trying to catch my attention, one day it did. Many things that is not true as mentioned in Scriptures, are real, as things were displayed internally and externally. That is the starting point of my realization and glimpses of Enlightenment. The initial realization was profound and thus started my Yogic and spiritual Journey. Of course the Ultimate goal is to merge with Vishnu.

Once a master and his disciples were gathered in the jungles of India.The Master had been teaching his disciples: "Everyone is God, everything is God". and we should bow down to God in everyone and everything". This is profound realization of Brahmman which is first glimpses of Enlightenment.

The next day, when the disciples were out in the jungle gathering fruit for their meals, off in the distance was heard  the bellowing, trumpeting and crashing of a great bull Elephant, wild with rage; And, all of a sudden, he was crashing through the jungle  precisely in the direction of the assembled group of disciples. The Mahout,(the man who rides the elephant) was shouting to all in front of him,

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! The elephant is mad!" 

Seeing the approaching terror, all of the disciples began to run, except for one; He remembered the Master's words,

"God is in everyone and everything and we should bow down to God in everyone and everything."

The elephant was thundering towards him and the Mahout was shouting for him to get out of the way, but, remembering his Masters words, he bowed down to the approaching elephant. The elephant, plunged towards him, picked him up with his trunk, smashed him to the side and thundered on through the jungle.

The disciples came back after the elephant had gone and finding him unconscious they brought him to the Master. When he came to his senses, then the Master asked him : 

"Why did you not run away?" The student replied, Master, you yourself had said that God is in everyone and everything and to bow down to God in everyone and everything. I have simply followed your words". The Master replied: "It is true, God is in everyone and everything. There is God on the Elephant, but, there is God in the Mahout too, and the Mahout said; 'Get out of the way!'

The realizations and practical applicabilities are different. Even though I am realized, still should live in this world with ignorant nature to transform myself.

Enlightenment 2

In Hindu scriptures, there are many gods and goddesses. These are all understood as aspects of the ‘Divine One’. Brahman is this ‘Divine One’, also known as the Ultimate Reality. Brahman is eternal and everywhere at once. Everything is Brahman, and Brahman is everything.

Brahman is the one present everywhere and is the great one who is above all.  Katha Upanishad 5.2

Brahman is greater than any one human can understand. Brahman is beyond the material universe, or ‘above all’. Brahman is in every single particle of everything that lives but also beyond the universe.

This whole universe is Brahman. In tranquillity, let one worship it, as that from which he came forth, as that into which he will be dissolved, as that in which he breathes. Chandogya Upanishad 3.13.1

The Hindu scriptures have two ways of thinking that help us understanding. The first of these is nirguna, which means ‘without form’ and ‘without qualities’. The second way of thinking of Brahman is saguna, which means ‘with form’ and ‘with qualities’.

Nirguna Brahman. This is the idea that Ultimate Reality (God) has no shape or form. People find this a difficult idea to imagine, so Nirguna Brahman is represented in different ways. One of the ways Nirguna Brahman is represented is byaum or om symbol, which is used in meditation. Hindus believe that aum is the sound that began the universe.

Saguna Brahman. In this idea, Brahman has a form and qualities that can be understood. In this representation of Brahman, many gods and goddesses worshipped by Hindus across the world are seen as manifestations of Brahman. According to this idea, there is no god or goddess that is wholly Brahman. In this way, Hindus can begin to understand Brahman and gain spiritual insight into the nature of Ultimate Reality.

But you cannot see me [Brahman] with your present eyes, therefore I will give you divine eyes. Behold My mystic opulence! Bhagavad Gita 11.8

A yogi who strives for Divya Drishti will see the divine Vishnu and its creations through his eyes.

Enlightenment 3

Advaitha vedantham preaches a seer or yogi should be able to see Brahmman in everything and everyone. This is not simple theoretical or superficial seeing. It must be realized very very deep by the soul and conscience. That may take many years or may not be for many. Realizing and perceiving how deeply all the material and immaterial things connected. How this connected universe is communicating itself? Once you understood this connection, you realize the influence and impact of Brahmman. 

The beauty of this material manifestation is, even though all are originated from the same root or Brahmman, it appears all are different and unique. So look around. We see lot of humans and know that all are not same and unique. Why do we come to that conclusion, even though the process that we were conceived and delivered is same. If you look at it superficially all are same. If we say Human or Manushya, well, all are united and  no difference. If we segregate Purusha and Sree. There is difference is shown.

What is the difference between a male and a female. There is none externally. Internally female has a womb and male Y chromosome. That is only difference at microscopic level. We easily identify male and female. How about fish and plants? As we started identifying ourself, it looks like unique and different in material way. Once we are named, The mind body heart thinks that I is this physical entity and forgets or ignored true inner nature. 

In this world we have unique attributes. This is really helpful to live and progress. When this uniqueness exceeds its intended nature, the materialistic Aham or Ego or Self is portrayed. Which pushes a human farthest from Vishnu.

Enlightenment 4

Let us explore how we are made of same thing and connected. Every pot is made up of clay. The different shapes that comes out of the potting wheel is will and skill of the potter. The will of the potter is to make a pot for utility and decoration. We look at pottery, dazzled by its beauty. Potter makes pots for sale. His will and skill is on every creation. The owner of the pots many not know the creator and also dont know all came from clay. Like wise we are all including micro and macro things all came from Naamam and Brahmman.

There is Vishnu's signature in everything. We see him through his symbols Naamam, Chakran, Shankham, Gandha, Shesha, Garuda etc. These are creator's expressions. Naamam is the basic symbol. By combining these two in equal and opposite way Lingam is formed. The prakrithi rotates around it in an elliptical orbit creating  creation. Can Vishnu create without Lingam and Parvathi? Can they exists without Naamam? When we debate who is greater? without naamam, lingam and parvathi cant exist and without these two, Vishnu cant create. All are dependent on each other and equal in nature. These 3 are power behind each others and all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses in creation. 

When we look at a grain of sand, tree, nature, beings, gases etc, the basis is an atom. 108 billion atoms makes one human cell. For this to happen, they are precisely connected to each other. Now this one cell is a living organism. Does this have a soul and conscience? No. It is the basis for bigger cosmic creation. A human being is made up of 108 trillion cells.Imagine how they are connected to make this one being called a Human. How they are precisely connected to each other and every day millions of cells are created and destroyed. So we are not the same person as yesterday.

A complex creation made a human. The physical manifestation is established.  The  conscience was induced covered by Maya.

Enlightenment 5

It is amazing a human being connected by 108 trillion cells each of which is created by 108 billion atoms. Imagine in every atom Vishnu is present. How many we have? 108 trillion * 108 billion atoms = 11,664 * 10 power of 21 = 11.674 * 10 power of 24 atoms. 24 matches with 24 hrs of earth rotation. So we are earthlings and cant live outside earth. In theory it is 12 * 10 power of 24. In a human being sarvam Vishnu mayam. The will of Vishnu, Shiva and Parvathi is in everyone.

There were/ are so many Vishnu bhakthas sees everything as Vishnu and same way Shiva bhakthas sees Lingam everywhere. If you think of Lingam, Prakrithi should exist. All are connected. How about other beings that we interact with? We refused to recognize the fact that we are connected. Every atom on earth is connected with each other makes this Bhoo Matha a living conscience entity with its own karma. We are connected but segregated by our own assumed identities. 

The karma of Bhoo Matha is to produce conscience beings who are very negligible in size compared to Vishnu, still can control him as a Yogi. It strived for this perfection for billions of years. Many species were created and wiped out because it didnt evolve into a conscience sentinel being who is capable of reaching Vishnu. We have such an opportunity to enjoy happiness, sorrow and pursue yogic journey to be enlightened.

It is pure delight to perceive how all are beautifully connected with mathematical precision.

Enlightenment 6

Bhagavath Geetha Chapter 7 Verse 7

मत्त: परतरं नान्यत्किञ्चिदस्ति धनञ्जय |

मयि सर्वमिदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा इव || 7||

mattaḥ parataraṁ nānyat kiñchid asti dhanañjaya

mayi sarvam idaṁ protaṁ sūtre maṇi-gaṇā iva

There is nothing higher than myself, O Arjun. Everything rests in me, as beads strung on a thread.

This is such simple statement made by Krishna. To understand the connected universe, it needs highly perceivable divya drishti. Shree Krishna states about His dominion and Supreme position in this universe. He is the substratum over which this entire creation exists; He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Annihilator. Similar to the beads strung in a thread, which can move in their place, God has given individual souls the free will to act as they wish, yet their existence is bound to Him.

In this universe everything has its place at precisely where it needs to be to function in a very synchronized way, otherwise it cant exist. Imagine when we walk, our hands dont follow the body. All connected things communicate with each other including us.

Enlightenment 7

I really dont know what enlightenment is? In my yogic journey there are many stages you realize something. It is like a bulb switched on. Suddenly it is clear. These are snippets of moments you realize what a certain thing means. The concept of God Who what how it is? all depends upon each person's belief and experiences. Some of them are difficult to show but only can be expressed. No one need to believe me what I experience and connection with Vishnu. I try to show and share as practical as possible to explain what I see and experience. 

Yogic journey is a holistic view not one thing like focusing on internal experiences. There are many things to be enlightened on like about earth and its solar system phenomenon. I observe nature with humans being part of it and understand the concept and then I apply that to micro and macro level because these things are extrapolated in the cosmic mathematical design. The math is really really... complex, but at the superficial level I understand get amazed. Some of these experiences are as if somebody is trying to reveal it to me. Then all the things look different. As Bhoo Matha is showing true self to me.

When I look at all the symbols of Vishnu, try to understand their true meaning of them, is like an enlightenment who/How Vishnu is!!! I am trying to understand and connect with the divine conscience. Many say that is futile. In my opinion, Vishnu presents me with many snippets of enlightenment. This is the key. I believe all these smaller moments one day will lead to the Ultimate experience.

It is all Vishnu Maya and his wish on me.

Enlightenment 8

Many Rishis, yogis and sanyasins struggled to comprehend how all are connected, everything and everyone is Brahmman. Once they enlightened in their mind, they started running, screaming and dancing on the street all are Brahmman, you, me, beings, sand etc. It was joys moment in their life and achievement. It is not the word Brahmman is magical, it is true meaning behind it. You have to perceive. Once perceived and understood, are you enlightened? No.

The connected Universe is the favorite topic of scientists. All agree it is connected in most brilliant way. How it is connected is the biggest topic and opinions? Scientifically many have different opinions. They are unable to discover, how it is connected and communicating. The theory called quantum entanglement says that even when two particles are same and opposite in nature, however apart they are, if state of one changes, it changes the other particles state in opposite way instantaneously however farthest they are apart. Scientists dont know how these communicate. This is a secret of nature, which one day we may discover.

Quantum entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated. This leads to correlations between observable physical properties of the systems.

In my opinion, if you observe an atom, it kind of show how it is connected to another atom. A cell is made up of 108 billions of atom. Without they being connected how a cell can be formed. 

Our body is a proof that all cells are connected. So you and I are connected. We are all connected to earth. Earth is one being. This is connected to solar system, which is connected to galaxy... connected to Vishnu. Connected Universe, Called Brahmman.

Enlightenment 9

As we now we know that atom is the most basic material object that universe created. It has all the ingredients to bring this beautiful universe. When Vishnu want to express his divine creation, he put his heart and soul into this atom. He injected his will and maya into this. The tiny particles is designed for eternal existence. Proton, Neutron and Electron are all almost impossible to destroy. They keep recycling and morphing into different creation. Vishnu built the intelligence in them. By joining with other atoms, they come alive not only as a being but also in many forms, shapes and energy expressions. Atom masks, hides and does its karma.

Vishnu has this whole space fabric as a canvas to express his imagination. It started with small and finite creation. Vishnu is not creating exactly what he wants, but built enough intelligence in the basic nature, it will discover itself to mutate and expand. The imperfect creation is dissolved and new ones are created with a new will. Creating universes have trillions of combinations, we have 108 trillions of them. Imagine all of them are unique in its own way. Our universe itself we cant comprehend. Imagine a Universe where time moves backward and some of them no beings, only energy and light. 

We are the proof how all body cells are connected and interacts with each other. Imagine at the bigger scale how everything is connected and interacting. Once we know how to interact with our soul and will, with an atom with blessings of Vishnu, you experience and perceive this whole universe. This is one of the ultimate experiences. You are anywhere and everywhere. 

Hope vishnu Presents me with this gift to me.

Enlightenment 10

If you try to understand how our earth and solar system works, it is mind boggling science. Our understanding of it is negligible. Example if you plant a seed it grows automagically so huge and miraculously it gives us food. Many easily dismiss it as nature and humans cant do the same. We use same environment and create things and feel very brilliant. 

The past, present and future of this universe is defined, it cant be changed. Individually we may change some of our karma but it will have negligible impact on the Universe. You can imagine our OM Universe is a living entity. It knows what it is doing. It is inside Vishnu stomach meaning between 2 equal and opposite naamams. Like a baby it being protected and nurtured. In fact puranas says that it is like a dust in the navel. So all 108 trillion universes are inside navel of Vishnu. Imagine the magnitude of him. 

If you look at our Navel, is the source of creation or Red Dot or Bindu. If you observe clearly the navel represents an egg shape. Like same way all creations in this universe and beyond exists in this Navel which is the ultimate root. In a square centimeter of space it can have the whole energy of universe. Padma Naabha means one who grew lotus through his navel and created this universe. So there are 108 trillions of Padma Naabhas inside vishnu navel and created all these universes.

Being a human being or a soul, we can never match Vishnu.

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