Types of Spiritual Seekers


Many of us in our life at sometime think Who am I? Even Atheists, they have their own way of saying that God doesn't exist, but nature does. It is formed on its own, lives and dies. The world has different approaches and philosophies how to pursue religion and spirituality. In Hinduism, we use so many terms seekers in different ways. All paths leads to the same root which is Maha Vishnu.

Muni is one who uses Intellect- Buddhi- Conscience in satwik nature to deal with world and life, They try and keep away from tamasik, Karmas and Rajasik impulses. A muni does mananam on mantras and extracts a wealth of knowledge on it's contemplation. They produce scriptures. Narada Muni is the best example.

A Rishi has dharsan of Mantras. They are associated with mantras. Rishi Khoushika gave Gayatri Manta to Humanity. Therefore, he is called Viswamitra Rishi, a friend of humanity.

A practitioner of Yoga. A yogi may be either married or unmarried, and may or may not have formal religious ties. He is in unison with Soul, body, mind and heart.

Baba is a word found in several Middle Eastern and Asian languages, including Sanskrit and Hindi, that means “father,” “grandfather” and “wise old man.” ... A suffix is sometimes added to the word itself, creating babaji, meaning “revered father.”

A Sage can do philosophy, but not every philosopher is a sage. A sage practices sagehood, which is linked to self-cultivation and the striving for balance, harmoniousness, and human perfection. A sage’s thinking is concerned with the relationship of himself with other human beings, and the relationship of human beings with the greater order of all things.

In Sanskrit, Pandit generally refers to any "wise, educated or learned man" with specialized knowledge.

A Mystic is a person who has a direct experience of the sacred, unmediated by conventional religious rituals or intermediaries,"

All the knowledge acquired through the intellect is illusory. It is based on dualism (World and Self) and is tantamount to ignorance.


Once off from Samadhi or Meditation in to open world, Mind assumes its natural form namely the six internal enemies (arishadvarga), eight kinds of mada(pride), and the two qualities of rajas (restlessness) and thamas (inertia). One must also give up kartrithva and bhoktrithva (the sense of doership and enjoyership).

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