
Parvati, prakrithi is a form of Devi, the Parashakti (Supreme Energy). In the human body, she resides in the Muladhara chakra as the Kundalini shakti. It is said that when we purify ourselves, ridding ourselves of the impurities that bind us, then Shiva automatically comes. Therefore Shiva, the Supreme God, came unannounced as Parvati was bathing. Shiva or Purusha rides on Nandi the raging prana. Parvati sent Nandi to guard the door represents the divine temperament. When Shiva came, Nandi let him pass the door because Shiva is the master of Prana.

Parvathi was happily bathing. Parvati took the turmeric paste from Her own body, and with it created Ganesha. Here a divine soul like Murali given birth by Parvathi. Yellow or Usha is the colour associated with the Muladhara chakra, where the kundalini resides, and Ganesha is the deity who guards this chakra. Devi needed to create Ganesha, who represents the earthbound awareness, as a shield to protect the divine secrets. 

Shiva is the Supreme Purusha. Ganesha here represents the ego-bound soul. When Shiva comes, the soul is surrounded by ego, usually doesn’t recognize Him, and maybe even ends up arguing or fighting with Him! Therefore, it is the duty of the Shiva, in the form of Guru, to cut off head of our ego! So powerful is this ego, however, that at first, the Shiva’s instructions may not work, as Shiva’s armies failed to subdue Ganesha. It often requires a tougher approach, but, eventually the compassionate Shiva, in His wisdom finds a way.

Devi threatened to destroy the whole Creation after learning of Ganesha’s demise. This indicates that when the ego thus dies, the liberated soul loses interest in its temporary physical vehicle, the body, and begins to merge into the Supreme. The physical world is here represented by Devi. This impermanent and changeable creation is a form of Devi, to which this body belongs; the unchanging Absolute is Shiva, to which belongs the Soul. When the ego dies, the external world, which depends on the ego for its existence, disappears along with it. It is said that if we want to know the secrets of this world, which is a manifestation of Devi, then we must first receive the blessings of Ganesha.

Shiva restoring life to Ganesha, and replacing his head with an elephant’s, means that before we can leave the body, the Lord first replaces our small ego with a “big” or universal ego. This doesn’t mean that we become more egoistic. On the contrary, we no longer identify with the limited individual self, but rather with the large universal Self. In this way, our life is renewed, becoming one that can truly benefit Creation.

Ganesha is given dominion over the Ganas, which is a general term denoting all classes of beings, ranging from insects, animals, and humans to the subtle and celestial beings. These various beings all contribute to the governance of the Creation; everything from natural forces like storms and earthquakes to the elemental qualities like fire and water, to the functioning of the body’s organs and processes. If we don’t honour the Ganas, then our every action is unholy. Therefore, instead of propitiating each Gana in order to receive their blessings, we bow to their Lord, Sri Ganesha. By receiving His grace, we receive the grace of all. He removes any potential obstacles and enables our endeavors to succeed in spirituality.

Gana + Eesa = Ganesha meaning captain of all powerful forces of shiva. He was born from pure thought of Paarvathi. What force or God he represents?

This God represents intelligence, huge strength, stubbornness, determination, focused, passionate, good heart, and hard work that is needed to complete a task or work or goal in life. When you have all these, Ganesha and other Gods will bless you to succeed.

The symbolic representation of this God is elephant. This animal is not a god. 

Shani is a god, when it occupies or catches a god or person, you will have lot of problems and may become poor. All in this universe was caught by Shani Except Ganesha. When Shani came to catch Ganesha, he was deeply immersed in writing. Ganesh wrote, come tomorrow, and put the sign in front of him. So, Shani came daily and saw, went away. He was never able to catch him. 

What this story means? Whoever has all the qualities of Ganesha and blessings of this force or God, you will not face any hurdles and difficulties in life. 

Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturti, or Vinayaka Chaviti is a Hindu festival celebrating the arrival of Ganesh to earth from Kailash Parvat with his mother Goddess Parvati/Gauri to bless all human beings to remove all difficulties.

Any works we start, first we pray to Ganesha by making an idol from turmeric and decorating wit different leaves and flowers. 

Ganesha and Mahabharatham Story

Vedvyasa is the author of Mahabharatha but handwritten by Ganesha. Vyasa is also called Veda Parayana and considered as avatar of Vishnu due to his contributions to Hindu scriptures. Mahabharatha is the longest epic poem consists of over 100,000 śloka or over 200,000 individual verse lines (each shloka is a couplet), and long prose passages.

Originally Mahabharatha is called Jaya or Victory.

Including God’s are scared of Vedavyasa, because of his Yogic status and brilliance. His quest was to write a long epic poem which will be the greatest scripture in Hinduism for future generations to come. He needed help in writing. He sets out to different divine Loka’s asking for someone to write mahabharatha. All ran away from the request. 

Someone suggested Narada Muni. You know how smart he is. He told Vyasa, he don’t have any problem in writing but there is a better person. Vyasa was curious and asked who it is? Ganesha.

Vyasa went to Ganesha and narrated his request. He wants to test Vyasa’s commitment and brilliance. Ganesha said under one condition I will write. You have to narrate the story without any break, pausing, thinking and no corrections. Vyasa put a condition to Ganesha that he must fully understanding the slokas, no repetition and no flaws in writing. Vyasa went into deep meditative state, Ganesha started writing. A flawless epic emerged in perfect form.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Writer ,
    Nice post .It heritage our culture as the only one oldest Of all Sanskriti. Appreciate your post.
