Pathanjali Introduction


Yoga essentially consists of meditative practices culminating in attaining a state of consciousness free from all modes of active or discursive thought, and of eventually attaining a state where consciousness is unaware of any object external to itself, that is, is only aware of its own nature as consciousness unmixed with any other object. This state is not only desirable in its own right, but its attainment guarantees the practitioner freedom from every kind of material pain or suffering, and, indeed, is the primary classical means of attaining liberation from the cycle of birth and death in the Indic soteriological traditions, that is, in the theological study of salvation in India. The Yoga Sūtras were the techniques and practices of meditation, but also nature and function of mind and consciousness, for the mechanisms of action in the world and consequent rebirth, and for the metaphysical underpinnings and description of the attainment of mystical powers.

Pathnajali Maha Rishi or Yogi clearly and concisely composed techniques or suthras how to attain salvation. This is an overview of all Hindus scriptures preachings. If you understand his suthras, that is sufficient enough to realize Vishnu. Spiritual journey does not fit into materialistic approach and thinking. This is not reward or karma phalam based, it is soul based and it follows Prakrithi cosmic laws. 

Many ways to start spiritual journey. 1. Learn, contemplate, understand what is being said in scriptures 2. Start with Bhakthi. No knowledge nor intelligence is enough to understand the bigger concepts. All the knowledge and intelligence will be transferred to you. 3. Due to your Prarabdha Karma or previous janmams, you may start yogic journey at very higher level of transcendental knowledge.

Pathanjali suthras are very concise, convey profound meaning and each suthra is 1 or 2 lines. We may not understand all of them at once, even preached by enlightened souls. As you read, if you are able to understand the Pathanjali thinking, emotions and intentions, you understand his suthras. Read, practice, contemplate and read again. Every time new knowledge will be dawned upon you.

Chapters. 1. Samadhi Pada, 2. Sadhana Padha 3. Vibhuthi Pada 4. Kavalaya Pada

1. Samadhi Padasamādhi defines Yoga as the complete cessation of all active states of mind, and outlines various stages of insight that stem from this. The chapter points to the ultimate goal of Yoga, which is content-less awareness, beyond even the most supreme stages of insight.

This is the beginning of your spiritual life, most important step and also the toughest. You may be learning many spiritual things in your life but this will not make you eligible for this pada. 

Samadhi - Perfect union of the individualized soul with infinite spirit; samadhi is a state of oneness and complete absorption.

1. Yama 2. Niyama 3. Asana 4. Pranayama 5. Prathyahara 6. Dharana 7. Dhayana 8. Samadhi.

Everyday start at 1 and complete all the way to 8. Again start at 1 the next day. Each day passes by you get better and better at it, now the Samadhi started. This means you made connection with Vishnu. In this process if the kundalini is not awakened, it will be. This is very tough time in your life. Life may be turned upside down for many. The attitude is simple. Sadhana or practice and don’t expect any results. Let the process change you.

2. Sadhana Pada: Means practice. It outlines the various practices, and moral and ethical observances that are preliminary requirements to serious meditative practice. It is not just simple practice. Sincerity and consistency is the key. As you keep practicing, you face numerous challenges like deluge of thoughts, body pains in meditation, difficulties in living materialistic world. All challenges will be disappear and from multi focus gods or objects, will lead to one god or vishnu and one point of concentration of OM. At this stage you may achieve samayama, means you see a light. As you practice more, the light stabilizes and stays with you.  

Remember, Vishnu promotes or elevates you, you can’t reach yourself like goals of materialistic life. If you see a light and it stays with you means, Vishnu promoted you with this Siddhi.

3. Vibhuthi Pada: Vibhuthi means the attributes of God or Vishnu. Vibhūti pada, primarily deals with various super-normal powers that can accrue to the practitioner when the mind is in extreme states of concentration. There seems to have been a widespread culture in ancient India of engaging in Yoga-like practices but not in pursuit of the real goal of Yoga as defined by Patañjali, but rather in quest of such super-normal powers; this chapter can be read as Patañjali’s warning against being side-tracked in this way. 

Samyama is the beginning of this pada. You will start gaining unbelievable siddhis which will make you pride, arrogant and also egoistic. This when celestial beings strikes you with an invitation to their world or realm.

Sidhis you will gain are 1. You will know past, present and future. 2. You know your previous and future janmams 3. You know when is your death and what is next janamam 4. Your soul can travel body to body and comes back to your body. 5. You read other people brains and intentions at the subconscious level 6. You can disappear by not illuminating your body. Physically present but others can’t see you. 

7. You gain strength of 1000 elephants, meaning unimaginable strength. 8. Your body will be like steel. 9. You will know cosmic creation 10. Through Navel, you will see how human body parts are functioning. 11. No bodily things like hunger, thirst etc is not applicable to you. 12. You gain coronal Light behind your head. There are many.

At this time Indra or celestial gods or yogis will entice you with many things to stop you moving to Next stage. Parhanjali says you should reject the offer with a smile. If you accept it, after enjoying all the celestial pleasures, you will born again and start the process. 

4. Kaivalya Pada: Means liberation. This is the toughest to achieve. You absolutely conquered all the obstacles. At this stage your achievements still can be broken and presented with Bandha Vimukthi. All your humanly things must be abandoned. Karma is not applied to you anymore. You achieved oneness, OM , Vishnu and Infinity. This is not the end of it. There is one more called Perpetual Enlightenment. Forever you are part of Vishnu and that is end of you.

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