Towards God's Identity


Enlightenment 51 - Towards God's Identity

The real meaning of this Earth-Life movement is the evolution of Nescience into full Omniscience. From the original state of complete absence of consciousness in this material universe there is a slow emergence of rudiments of consciousness and thence a steady growth of consciousness towards its full state of all-awareness. The ignorance that prevails and envelops the human mind in its functionings is only an intermediate state of transition from unconsciousness to full developed consciousness. It is not a static nor a permanent condition. It is a process in the movement towards Knowledge-Truth. In this process of growth of consciousness what were once instincts get converted into right thoughts, intimations of truth through the thinking faculties; thoughts develop into faultless perceptions, illuminations from a self-existent Knowledge. The Earth-Nature ascends, through the development of its consciousness, towards union with the Spirit.

The above paragraph summarizes very well what is a yogic life is. Many times every individual unconsciously does the same. Geetha keep screaming dharma, karma and dhyanam in every slokam. What maanava or human dhramam? Here it refers eternal or divine responsibility. What ever is our purpose on earth, our dharmam is realize self which leads to Vishnu. The maya is needed for the creation to sustain. It our responsibility to see beyond it. Still we will be living on earth, maya still exists but it will not influence us. Krishna never says to abandon life, in fact keep the mind entertained. It needs it time to time. Once it gets its food, the body relaxes and ready to meditate.

Many yogis abandon family and friends, seek lonely place. Still they have to look for food. Many stays in monasteries. for similar company and food, so that they can focus on Vishnu and meditation. In fact it is not necessary, being a family man and working, enlightenment can be seeked. Remember it Vishnu wish to bless and he only knows the criteria. All we could do is keep seeking.

Enlightenment 52 - Remembering the Past

Last I wrote about 3 janmams in this life. Hope you remember it. The difference between Krishna and I is that he remembers all his Janmams, I dont remember any. Logically I wrote the I see my janmams in this life. How? First one is from childhood till I started pondering about Vishnu. The second one is from pondering to connecting with special bond with Vishnu. The third one is Yogi life, the 4th one when I am enlightened. I have so much past in this world.

The first janmam is always fun. Growth in the physical world. Lot to learn, keep doing many things. Sometimes if I think about it, dont know how many times Vishnu saved me. Every time I do stupid things, he was/is there to rescue me. So many opportunities to experience to learn about Visbnu. Many many fascinating stories and miracles. At that time never believed them.

The second janmam is there is something in me which is changing in a very different way. Getting me ready for bigger thing in life. I thought it was material one. Yes it is but again Vishnu was pushing me in different direction. Well one day he desperately want to catch my attention.

The third life is Yogi life. I may have started around 5 years with awareness before that unknowingly i was doing it. The life is different. I see truths in different way. Manu times it clashes with others and also it is an opportunity to learn more.

Waiting for the 4th janamam. Vishnu descent with pure light. When will it happen?

Enlightenment 53 - Vishnu only purusha

What this means? How come I and other males with attributes of purusha are not Purusha. Why did I and Rishis say that Vishnu is the only Purusha. By acknowledging this many truths we will learn and realize. In a logical way these statements are very silly and ridiculous that I am not purusha. To realize Vishnu understanding him as Purusha is very important. Vishnu's name is Purushothama means he is the best among purushas in this cosmos.

Vishnu is Purusha who is the root and seed, so the creation is Prakrithi and feminine. Her job is to create and expand with help of purusha. So all creations by her are feminine. Internally for conjugal propogation, the duality male and female are created based on the attributes of Purusha and Prakrithi. For vishnu we are all females, he is a male. So Vishnu is only Purusha in the universe and his symbol is Naamam.

Here is the best kept secret. Only Vishnu will give you salvation and ultimate experience. He is the owner OM Universe. Next it is Shiva and Paarvthi blesses me with all qualities needed to attain the greatest state of Maha Rishi. All these forces are equal and great, but differ in their own karma or actions. So I as Purusha or Shiva sit in mediation still. The feminine force in me evoked. Paarvathi mother comes alive in me provides her forces to experience the Bindu or root or Dot which is the ultimate creation. With this power and quality, I let my feminine force dominate, turn me into a Gopi or one of most beautiful woman. Be ready for ultimate Krishna rasa leela or conjugal play. The best aanandam or bliss is provided. Then blessed to turn into a Maha Rishi and be with Maha Vishnu for eternity...

This path even if you do 50 years of service to a Guru, he will not reveal this. Again to follow this path is not easy. It may take many years like 25. Well all our Hindusim scripture essence i gave you above. As Rishi I an on this path...

Enlightenment 54 - Karma - What goes in comes out.

Karma has a bigger meaning. Most of the time we use it for human actions and reaction. Geetha highlights the consequences of karma. It says what you sow is what you reap. This statement has profound meaning. At the higher conscience level it has bigger meaning.

My definition of Karma is a set of all actions, reactions and responses from millions of Janmams towards a destination or end point of a soul to realize Vishnu. That is the end goal of a soul. Even if we take different paths and actions, the end goal will not change. Many souls lost in this in infinite nature of karma. Those who pay attention to Karma realize self. 

We discussed that root is Brahmman meaning the realization we are all same and equal. Everything is precisely connected. The whole universe is moving as one karma and its purpose. So If I hurt you, because we are all same connected that means I am hurting myself too. This is one of the highest realization. Because I hurt you, eventually it is going to comeback and hurt me. So What goes in comes out. 

Once we understood this truth, we will be very very careful with our actions. This where Yogic practices comes up. The focus is Vishnu.

Enlightenment 55 - Omniscient and Omnipotent

Having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight is an omniscient. Maha Vishnu is of this nature. Our cosmos is as a conscience is of this nature.

Omnipotent is having unlimited power; able to do anything. We say Vishnu is of this nature. If you understand this attribute of God, we have no other option other than surrender or saranaagathi.

So Brahmman is Omniscient and Omnipotent in nature. Many gods especially Maha Vishnu, Purusha and Prakrithi is of this nature. It is like they no everything and everywhere and can do anything even a thing that doesnt exists can be created by them. They may not exhaust all the possibilities but based on their inbuilt nature, they come up with many forms

of creation. Just by understanding the real nature of these two words, we see Maha Vishnu what he is.

Understanding the infinite nature is the key fior enlightenment. Once upon a time imagining who long or big earth is the biggest challenge and a person who travels from South India to Kasi, may not come alive because or various reasons. Today Earth is not infinite anymore, we can cover the earth by flying or using vehicle in few days. Once we experienced this, then the next peak is visible which is Moon and solar system. At this point we are making good progress, soon we will be going to space and visit solar system and comeback and it is not infinite anymore. Next Peak is visible and it goes on.

The beauty and experience lies in understanding Vishnu using these two words. Imagine how come he knows everything and can do anything. So God is watching and knows everything is true. We may do good and bad as defined by earth's and human nature and Vishnu is the witness. Imagine he is aware of even in my mind. So for a yogi, it must be pure. 

A yogi try to be a super human like Krishna and which is possible. To accomplish it, I must go beyond human nature and qualities to attain Omniscient and Omnipotent by Vishnu blessings.

Enlightenment 56 - If earth is pure and like heaven...

We pose this question why cant on earth all humans and other beings be equal and live happily with no sorrow, decease, war, killing, struggle for food. Each of us many times think that why all bad things happens to me only? We have millions of reasons, theories and preachings. Earth cant be perfect because it is battle ground for souls to progress in the eternal journey. 

The earth is denied lasting joy because it cannot hold it. There are vitiating elements of desire, ego and a host of other impurities and falsehoods arising there from which soon infect the play and the source of joy and bring in suffering. The mind and the vital are not content with the happiness granted to them; they hunger for more, grab at things to have more of joy, and struggle ensues. The physical body, riddled as it is with the impurities of vital desire and ego, is too unsteady and inadequate to contain the intenser joys without spilling them. It does not have the expandable quality that can grow with the intensities of greater joys and hold them. It is only in the strength of purity that real ecstasy can be contained and supported. Purity gives an unshakable stability and spontaneously rejects all weakening elements.

If there were sufficient protective strength and dissolvent power of purity in him, the state of man would indeed be different. His senses and his emotions would not be tainted with desire and forced to move in impure channels as now; they would be lifted into the workings of a higher Consciousness: the human consciousness transmuted into the divine.

Purity subtilizes the consciousness and renders it fit to receive and live in the power, knowledge and felicity that belong to the higher, diviner Nature.

There would be a natural efflorescence and play of greater powers on earth without the restricting and diminishing action arising from the vitiating elements in her nature. There would be no pain and grief due to the wrong reception and pervasion by the forces of Ignorance and Falsehood. No inhibitions of imperfect nature would interfere with the freedom of the soul in the expression of its consciousness of unity with others.

Enlightenment 57 - Quantum Teleportation

Soul and Conscience transfer to other places. Many religions believe there is soul in a being. Even in these, there is a debate whether in animals and microorganisms? How about trees, plants, bees etc? Does sand, rocks etc have soul and conscience?

In our scriptures in a very crude way of interpretation, due to curse human is turned into animals, trees, even rocks, and mountains etc. So it means they do have soul and conscience. Whatever is the form, mostly human can pray, practice and attain salvation.

In non sentinel beings, I believe conscience do exists for their survival and also there is a soul which cant be realized by then, like a rock and tree. 

What is this soul? How this is important for spiritual journey? It is impossible to prove that it exists and also moves to different worlds and attains a shape by getting into. It also has complete information about itself for millions of avatars of it existence. Is this really possible? Yes.

A sperm and ovum is an example of this. It contains all the information of purusha and prakrithi and their creation of a baby. A soul is of size 1 * 10 power -30cm in size. I gave this calculation before how it is. Such a tiny one can pass through anything. Soul is the second smallest thing in the universe.

When we die, the soul regains all it nature and conscience and it is tiniest and it can travel anywhere in  no time through quantum tunneling. Such is the design of this universe. When this soul shines purely like Vishnu, it is at its best. Jeevatama is consciencely attached to Pramatama.

Enlightenment 58 - Proof of God and I believing as a Rishi

Why should I go through all these ordeal to realize self. Is there a God? Am I hallucinating? Is it internal urge that there is something beyond our capability to understand? All these up and down emotions goes through a yogi. Many times it creates psychological issues. On earth it is no easy to acquire eternal knowledge, may have to strive very very hard. A yogi bare this heavy load of seeking.

Most of us are very worried about living in this world. The current modern world is driven by many things. Money is lifeline. Too much entertainment and choices. We found a way to pamper ourselves. There are lots of pain and struggles. Remember god when we are in need. The current generation bhakthi and seeking is not at all necessity and no inclination. Due to science, religion and its preachings are not attractive anymore. 

Still a Yogi's mind believes in something that is happening. This I feel is initial light which opens up to bigger worlds. To survive in them, I need to be one of the best Yogi and it is by blessings of Vishnu. The urge to write, express, preach and speak truths very boldly are all these experiences. Yogi and Rishi words I use to express what I am and also they will not get you any blessings. It is only the effort and its sincere confidence will help you.

Vishnu do exists and he is making me do all these.

Enlightenment 60 - Dark Side of Enlightenment

For yogi is hard to express what he sees and experiences. A Rishi can at least write in  a poetic way to express what his journey is. In today's world the words yogi, baba, Rishi, Muni etc at first people ridicule them, especially scientific community. Same with Yogis, who ridicule scientists and even successful people that what they are going to to take after their death, losers etc. The urge to preach and share yogic experiences are most of the time ridiculed and sanity questioned.

This when a yogi tempted to show his magical powers that he acquired or show the nature's revealed secret. Sometimes he shows his miracles. This is called Siddhis which is by product of Vishnu blessings. Once this is displayed, the journey almost is not going to progress. Why cant we display them? First we shouldnt interfere with the creation and maya that is built on earth. This ignorance is very much necessary for life to go on. The second reason is, as yogi I am trying to qualify for higher world experiences. If i cant control myself in all possible ways, then I am very dangerous for pure conscience worlds.

Many goes to the extreme side of making money and as business. The donations can be collected as needed basis to run the organization to spread spirituality to guide souls as they seek God. In today's world in the name of God all crimes are committed. Declaring themselves as a God and advising people worship him, spreading ignorant message like drinking cow urine, Ganga water will cure everything etc. These babas are blessed in attracting people but they failed miserably in yogic journey. Many will not receive Vishnu blessings.

The dark side temptations must be controlled or completely eliminated. Pure in terms of Vishnu must be seeked.

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