Theory of Meditation


As a human being we have limitations on what we can do in this OM Universe. Especially when it comes to connecting with Vishnu and higher dimensional worlds and truths. Few hundred years back, it is almost impossible to travel entire earth and be alive. It is so big, but today with help of technology we can easily go all over earth and also to space. Even in space the physical travel has its limitations. The OM Universe is unimaginably large and also, we may not able to travel from one end to another without new technological inventions. The best way to experience this Universe and its bliss, is through Meditation.

Doing Meditating is not as easy as said. The goal is to reach Maha Vishnu. It demands many impossible qualities, characters, attributes and efforts. Yes it is not impossible but all cant achieve it. Bhagavath Geetha provides lots of advise and methods. Start with Bhakthi, Karma and then Gana Yoga to develop requited qualities to be better at meditating. If your goal is simply to calm the mind, get some glow, longevity etc silly things like that, you will never reach the higher levels of meditation.

The goal of meditation is to discover the inner self which is hidden deep inside the layers of your conscience and waiting to be discovered. The subtle being is ready to reveal its experiences, truths and soul's true nature. For this extreme act, Mother Earth to all Gods should bless us. By practicing Yogic activities everyday with at most sincerity, we get better and better. There is a replica of our Universe inside us. When we synchronize with the Universal energy, the Universe inside us comes alive and transports us to higher worlds.

Human body is a precise beautiful creation. It has enormous potential to achieve many things in this Universe. What it can achieve is individual's discovery. Ida is a feminine and Pingala is a masculine force. By winding, it produces egg shape energy during meditation. These are also represented as male and female snakes climbing around backbone called Sushmna. The unmanifested area is at mooladhara chakra or bottom most tip of the spine. The shakthi or feminine force is at the Gharbhodhaka ocean of the humans and this Kundalini shakthi is trapped and guarded by Asuras or demons. By yogic sadhana, ignite the eternal fire or Agni, then you discover this Shakthi, shoot it up like a winding snake as Ida. This follows with Pingala Purusha. This energy travels from one chakra to another using spine as purusha. There could be blockages of Chakras for many reasons. 

As this energy travels up and goes above your head a beautiful 1008 petals or Sasharadhara lotus is formed. Remember, Vishnu did the the same and gave birth to Brahmma. It is similar to that. By manifesting this lotus, you are connected to higher worlds like Sathya or Brahma Lokam. Again this energy from top comes down to Bottom. Ida goes left and pingala goes right. A beautiful infinity is formed. Through the spine, the energy is shooting up, this start generating bliss. This phenomenon brings down the divine and its eternal truths to Yogi. The Akasha Ganga is flowing from Brahmma Lokam. The yogi is slowly gaining the enlightenment. Siva is the best example of meditation. 

Rig Veda 1. 170 Indra

नू॒नमस्ति॒ नो श्वः कस्तद्वे॑द॒ यदद्भु॑तम्

अ॒न्यस्य॑ चि॒त्तम॒भि सं॑च॒रेण्य॑मु॒ताधी॑तं॒ वि न॑श्यति ॥१॥

na nūnám asti no iti śvaḥ kaḥ tat veda yat adbhutam

anyasya cittam abhi sam-careṇyam uta ā-dhītam vi naśyati


It is not now, nor is It tomorrow; who knoweth that which is Supreme and Wonderful? It has motion and action in the consciousness of another, but when It is approached by the thought, It vanishes.

It is not now, nor is It tomorrow; who knoweth that which is Supreme and Wonderful? It has motion and action in the consciousness of another, but when It is approached by the thought, It vanishes.

We have so many opinions, scriptures, experiences that was preached or propagated to us. We are already biased what is going to happen. Thousands of people or Gurus will give you thousands of opinions about meditation and experiences.  In our mind we imagine that great Rishis or Gurus as role models and try to achieve it. The internal journey makes your life miserable. Oneway to notice the progress is, the seeker is slowly being detached from earthly life. This may create imbalance in family and work life. Spirituality slowly will push you away from materialistic life.

The internal journey is complicated. All you tried to do is withdraw senses and quieten the mind. In deep meditation, you will be aware of yourself and then for long time not. Out of blue suddenly things will appear and information is planted in your mind. It is like a dream. If I ask you to explain, you remember vividly and the dream is hazy, not clear. When things do appear, I tried to concentrate to see clearly. The moment I try, It disappears.

Agasthya a great Rishi clearly explains this experience. He says he dont know what it is but it is supreme and wonderful. It is some kind of conscience in motion. when you try to focus and perceive, it disappears. Now you are in dilemma , what you have experienced is real or illusion or projection of mind. You experience many things which are inexplicable. Gurus will dismiss it as non sense. Like life, every seekers journey is different and in deeper meditation, each experiences are different.

You have the knowledge in you which will guide you. I experience many unbelievable things. Always contemplate to perceive it. Now I am trying to perceive beyond mind and senses. 

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