Hindu God's Polygamy

Many Hindu gods are depicted as polygamous, with two or more wives. The goddesses are not actually wives in the physical sense but pure universal energies who assist their gods in creation of the universe. If you apply practicality we loose the sight what is being explained as a creation. Our practicality on Earth has limitation due to laws of nature and also human mind has its limitation even thought it is best on earth and imitates God’s conscience. We have to understand the forces at its fundamental levels and its nature for creation. The basic laws of nature can’t be changed.

In our OM Universe anything which gives birth is called Feminine or Female. The opposite which provides the seed and dominates the feminine force is called Masculine or Male. From creation sense one male and many females is the basic law. Example a SUN and multiple planets. Earth is feminine definitely not masculine and Sun is male. One male can mate with many females to expand the creation otherwise it will not expand at the rate which supported to sustain. The Macro, Physical and Micro Worlds are full of it. In an atom the protons are at the middle and electrons go around it. In nature a Bee is male. The plants are females which also has the seeds of Males. The Bee becomes the male to carry those pollens to another flower, so that it can start fruiting. There is always the conjugal playing going on in nature fo procreation.

When there is no creation in the cosmos or it is in dormant state where it is like dead dead dead… state, there are no gender related forces. It is nothing, Sunyam. The dormant forces to come alive, it must come with creation laws of physics, in which one can dominate the other at different stages for creation to happen, sustain and destroy. There are infinite possibilities but all creations can’t sustain. Our OM Universe is built on simple duality which is equal and opposite. Everything that exists and doesn’t, it has duality. By multiplying this as fast it can, it will expand. The two fundamental forces Masculine and Feminine must work together. Masculine in stillness holds the feminine which expands horizontally. Together they sustain the creations.

Vishnu's Wives - Lakshmi or Sri Devi and Bhoo Devi

Vishnu is creator of this Universe whose mail goal is to sustain it. He in control of Masculine and Feminine forces for creations. Lakshmi is the matter in this Universe. Vishnu or Krishna is the darkness in the Universe, the light that emanates through objects is called Lakshmi or Sri Devi. Vishnu needs her for creation, under his control and at his will. The best way to describe is wife of Maha Vishnu. Bhoomi is fully feminine, 99% of it are females, only 1% is male. The creation is possible only when she is wife of Vishnu. So Vishnu has two wives for creation.

Shiva's Wives - Parvathi and Ganga

Shiv and Parvathi are called cosmic couple. The perfect duality for creations. From human prospective naturally they are husband and wife whose goal is to raise family. Parvathi represents the nature with both peace and ferociousness. Now Shiva has second wife called Ganga. Who is she? She represents a force of divine knowledge which has too much ferociousness and impossible to comprehend and control For that Adi Yogi qualities are needed. Ganga is knowledge which is in the mind. It is depicted in the Zata Zoom or Hair. So she is the second wife of Shiva. Wherever shiva goes, Nature or Parvathi and Divine Knowledge or Ganaga goes with him, two wives coexist may be peacefully.

Muruga Wives - Valli and Devayani

Muruga is the divine incarnation of first cosmic couple, meaning a force of their love. In reality it is a seeker like me. Muruga asks his father what is the meaning of OM? Shiva pretends he don’t know. So Muruga through his sadhana, understands and explain the creation of this Universe, thus giving him full 14 dimensional view which is equal to Brahmma.

Bhoomi is 8Th Lokam + 6 Lokams = 14 Lokams

In real life how do we show and explain Aarumugam or six faces. Imagine 4 faces in each direction around the head. Then one up and down. Total 6. This can’t be depicted on an idol. So we added heads next to each other. If you imagine all 6 heads are looking in all directions meaning 360 degrees View and understanding. We pray to Muruga to bless us with complete view like him and enlightenment. When he was a baby Muruga was blessed for enlightenment by Shiva, of course Parvathi as well. 

Devayani represents the nature and Valli represents the matter. He has two wives.

Chandra or Moon - 27 Wives

The ChandraDev(Moon God) was married to the 27 daughters of sage Daksha, who was the son of Lord Brahma. He has 27 daughters are the Nakshatra(constellations). These are moons wives.

Ashvini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttar Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttar Ashadha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttar Bhadrapada, Revati 

When Daksha made marriage to his 27 daughters to ChandraDev(MoonGod), then he made a promise from the Moon that he will treat his 27 daughters with equality, love, and care. And, ChandraDev accepted the promise of the sage Daksha that he will treat her 27 wives with equality, love, and care. But among his all 27 wives, ChandraDev was more fond of his fourth wife, Rohini, and spent most of the time with her. The other 26 wives were not happy with the state of affairs of ChandraDev, they too wanted the regular support with their husband, and they pleaded that he should stay each of them as well. When ChandraDev ignored the saying of her wives, then 26 wives resented to the father that ChandraDev makes indifference to them. By listening to the complaint of ChandraDev from her daughters, Daksha got angry. Due to this reason, Daksha cursed his son in law that he will decline all his power with the passing of each day fro 14 days waning and then ragain when waxing. This is how new and full moon is explained.

By keeping tracking of moon phases and the 27 stars constellation around it, the planetary position and time can be calculated. The stars are his wives which revolves around moon.

The biggest ignorance in Hinduism is that we apply the concepts of wives in scriptures in practicality and fully traverse on the wrong path in trying to understand the concepts. Most of the world practiced polygamy extensively, even today it is in practice. The concept of wives in scriptures is to explain the forces in a practical way. These were written thousands of years back then science was not involved as much today to understand. We are in much better position to understand how these forces work practically. Krishna with 16108 wives, Moon marrying 27 wives, immediately we apply practically wandering how he can mate with them so many. Is it not morally wrong to have multiple wives. These are concepts, not reality. 

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