Venkateswara - 1

All religions evolved over thousands of years. The basic concept of a religion is simple. Bring the divine mind and God on to earth. Let its divine grace, eternal knowledge and truth, Aanandam flow freely on earth like a flowing life line rivers, which does many things for beings. As we grow, understand the concept of the religion, follow, connect with divine, let more bliss flow on earth. Once connected with Vishnu, the biggest challenge is merging with him. Most of seekers efforts are to achieve this. The trick is harvest the knowledge inside you, then explore the OM Universe.

In Hinduism the primitive rituals are hard to understand and practice. Imagine 10000 years back. Most of the humans are connected to nature and not much scientific advancements. The concept of universe, its creation, maya, karma etc are beyond many humans comprehension. To this complexity the language Samskrutham was added. Only few had the quest, invented the language and discovering many things. Using Asrama and Guru parampara they were transferring the knowledge. Each seeker has contributed to the religion and it is still evolving.

The biggest challenge was how to simplify the eternal concepts so that any human being should be able to connect with Divine and have dharshan of Vishnu.

Hinduism calls certain timeline as vedic era. In this humans were exploring divinity, try to understand divine and propagate. Due to unscientific mind, it is very complex to understand. Vedas were evolving. It is becoming tougher and tougher for an ordinary human being to comprehend the God. The complex concepts should be simplified. The best way is to conceptualize gods in more simplistic form and actions. Brahmma creation, Vishnu Preserver and Shiva destroyer. Their equal counter parts as wives and named saraswathi, lakshmi and parvathi. Each god and goddesses have specific purpose and actions. These creations are based on eternal truth and practicality.  

The progress has been sometimes very slow. Next few thousand years, many enlightened seekers had different visions as well. There are differences in philosophy which started their own sect to propagate divinity. Today we are the proud children of this divine mind. Scientific progress made us understand many things and also challenged the divinity. The divine mind must flow on earth otherwise its karma will be lost. Mother nature and Vishnu will make every effort to connect with seeker. If it doesn't connect, people will loose interest. Only a curious mind is required to explore Vishnu and this will turn into a quest. Once connected, the leading is easy.

The concepts of the gods, Hindu rituals were induced into life. Many stories were told so that it is interesting and also there are encoded message which will be understood slowly and the mind turns towards the divine. Puranas, Epics, Upanishads etc were written to provide more clarity and understanding and also a path for enlightenment. To introduce new concepts and gods it was tough. Even to introduce Radha and Krishna Leela, new stories epics were written. If you follow Shiva, then different scriptures and Vishnu different ones. All intermingle and there was a huge debate who is greater and mightier. 

Many enlightened seekers wants to propose their own experiences. There were 500 different Ramayana and Mahabharathas were written to express their divine mind in their own way. All we have to do is understand the intricate concepts.

The purpose of religion is to provide all necessary guidance to attain salvation. Every human being must be connected to God. No discrimination and exploitation. Only the divine goal and purpose must prevail. Many seekers were working harder and bring the divine with more eternal truths for human to realize.

How to create a new God and a concept which will be followed for next 1200 years? Thye Answer is Venkata Raman Swamy.

Who Built Tirupati Balaji Temple

One version says that Venkataramana Swamy temple was built in 300AD by Thondaiman chakravarthi who ruled around Kanchipuram area of Tamilnadu. Another version says it is in 800 AD. I think latest is correct.

There are different legends and mythology related to the construction of the temple by Raja Thondaman.

Contributions by Different Dynasties

Pallava queen Samaval is the first person with a recorded contribution to Tirupati Balaji Temple in 966 AD Along with jewels, she donated two parcels of land and ordered the revenues generated from the land to be used in the celebration of major festivals of the temple.

The notable dynasties devoted to Lord Venkateshwara were- Pallava dynasty, Chola dynasty, and Vijaynagara Empire. They donated a great amount of jewels and contributed significantly in the improvement and maintenance of the temple. It was during the Vijaynagara Empire that Tirupati Balaji Temple flourished in terms of wealth and size. The Vijaynagara Empire donated diamonds and jewels in significant amount.

Vijayanagara Emperor Krishnadevaraya visited the temple on multiple occasions and on one occasion donated gold and jewels which enabled the inner shrine, i.e. Ananda Nilayam to be gilded. King Krishnadevaraya had also constructed statues of himself and his consorts inside the temple portals.

After the decline of Vijayanagara Empire, kings from different regions like the Kingdom of Mysore and Gadwal Samsthanam worshipped the temple as its pilgrims and offered valuables to the temple. A permanent administration was also set up by Maratha General Raghoji Bhonsle which organized worship procedures and operations.

The Era of British Rule

After the fall of Hindu kingdoms, Tirupati Balaji Temple came under the supervision of various Muslim rulers and then the East India Company. Under the Bruce’s Code, the British took over the temple’s administration in order to organize the income of the temple and counter mismanagement of temple funds.

They granted special status to the temple and didn’t interfere in the temple activities.

In 1843, the East India Company transferred the administration of the temples in Tirupati including Tirupati Balaji Temple to the Mahants of Hathiramji Mutt who served as Vicaranakartas. The Mahants supervised the administration of the temple till 1933. In 1933, TTD Act was passed which gave the power to the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams Committee to control and administer a fixed group of temples in Tirumala Tirupati Temple.

One day emperor Thondaiman went on a hunting expedition. There he had a vision of God. He didnt pay much attention to it. Later one day, Vishnu appeared in his dreams and asked him to build a temple in his kingdom for future generations to worship. He started thinking about the place and what kind of God and effort that is needed to built the temple. With the help of other divine seekers, he found a place which is ideal for building the temple. In the area of Chittoor forest, there is a hill which fits into the divine vision. Now this new temple, idea and God must be fit into to the existing hinduism philosophy. 

Find references in Vedas, Puranas and scriptures or update them as references to the new God. All this is for a good cause.

Rig Veda verse X.155.1 makes an indirect reference to the temple.

“The person, devoid of wealth and vision, is implored to go to the hill which burns up all evil (vikata for Venkata) and drives away all obstacles to peace and prosperity.

arAyi kANe vikaTe giriM gacha sadAnve |
shirimbiThasyasatvabhistebhiS TvA cAtayAmasi || (Rig Veda 10.155.13)

This mantra is interpreted by ancient scholars as referring to the Lord of Thirumala.

You who are desirous of the highest purushartha, of little fame, destitute,  to be hidden, protected from samsara must go to the hill that is capable of burning all sins to ashes, crying out the names of bhagavan, where Sriya pathI, SrinivAsa along with the sAttvikas, other devotees.

When people know these references are made in scriptures, they believe that new form of God is an incarnation and many good things are going to come. With these, we need to make up stories, holiness of the place and also stories of Miracles.

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