Kundalini Shakthi

Kundalini energy is the ultimate life-force energy. It is the source of our creative power, spiritual gifts, and divine feminine energy. Practicing Kundalini Yoga is used as a tool to expand consciousness and reach a state of lightness, joy, and boundless love. Kundalini pulls the energy that lies dormant at the base our spine up to the crown of our heads, creating an upward flow of energy and balancing our chakras and energetic bodies.

Kundalini allows for the free flow of energy up through the chakras, leading to an expanded state of consciousness. A kundalini awakening is a remarkably powerful spiritual experience, one that yogis and practitioners spend years preparing for. The experience can happen intentionally through practices like meditation, pranayama, yoga, and prayer, or it can happen without warning. This type of awakening is considered to be fairly common in the spiritual world

The entire inner journey can be summarized in 3 steps: 

  • First, awakening of Sushumna
  • Second, Kundalini Awakening. 
  • Third, Kundalini rising to Sahasrara, the crown chakra. 

Danda means human spine. Ida means left side and Pingala means right side of spine. Sushumna is in the middle. The energy flows left, right and the middle of the spine from root chakra to crown chakra. First joining these energies ida, pingala and sushumna at the third or Agna eye area is the key to reach crown chakra. From third eye, the energy is combined and shot through over your head. 

To converge 3 energies, the Prana or breathing is really important. The pranayama exercise helps us. The energy in your body currently being wasted and also not generating. To generate the energy, the food is crucial. Vegetarian, fresh, not fully cooked and no meat. In your diet you need to make sure that you get all nutrients. The biggest challenge for vegetarians is getting calcium, which can be done by eating Tahamboolam or paan. Stick to natural foods as much as possible.

Once you follow the diet, pranayama, yoga practices, Now comes keeping your thoughts, actions and practice in check. This gives you a calmness. With this state, you start doing pooja, listen to divine music of any culture, show all love towards everything. Now you are divine generating the energy, the Prana. 

To awaken your kundalini, you need to trap this energy and channel it from your root to crown chakra. So when you sit in meditation, you need to use deer or tiger skin as mat, which will trap your energy leaking under your root chakra. You can use wool, fleece or anything that will trap this energy and you can direct it upwards. When you are meditating focus your mind in generating this energy and squeezing your butt to channel the energy upward and try to focus it to your third eye area. From there imagine shooting it upwards. The beautiful Lotus and Crown chakra will be felt and the kundalini is awakened. The crown chakra is not a circle, it exactly like Tornado, but the top it is a circle. You need to feel this tornado emerging from middle of your head.

You should be careful in what you are wishing for. It is not easy to manage these powerful energies. Many will go crazy. This is just the beginning. Now you need to live with it and manage it. As you keep eating good food, increasing your spirituality, pranayama practice will multiply this energy and many revelations will be made. The energy is constant, you need to know how to manage it, otherwise it will flow reverse direction and you feel lot of pain. Practice yoga nidra. You will face lot of sleep, psychological issues with this energy like extreme happiness, depression, body temperature changes, fatigue, drinking lot of water, loosing interest in day to day activities etc.

Awakening the Kindalini is just only the beginning of greater spiritual journey.

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