The Divine First Family


Shiva Parvathi is one and together called cosmic couple who represents the Purusha and Prarithi. Together they create many dimensions. They are pervaded everywhere. The Shiva lingam represents the union of Purusha Dandam and Yoni. The above picture is brilliant representation of the concept of the divine combination which we understand as Husband and Wife, the children are fruits of love. Shiv and Parvathi are one, they can’t exist without each other. Prakrithi revolves around Purusha ferociously to expand her creation. Purusha firm and still, holds her power of creations. If he can’t hold, the creation dissolves. Prakrithi submits to Purush for the seed of creation.

Shiva is the epitome of stillness and deep meditative state. He is the axis for the rotation. The Trisulam represents the shape of naamam but Rishis said this represents kala or time. Past, present and future. Below, Damarukam represents the infinity. The best geometrical shape to transfer energy from one end to another in most efficient way. This shape make the creations, expansions and destructions possible. This shape can be found in every creation. A human is full of these symbols like, eyes, nose to bosoms. The snake is called Adi Shesha meaning the primordial or first snake that is coiled inside us, which must be awakened in the form Kundalini Energy, which will connect a yogi to higher dimensions and makes him/her eligible for divine eternal knowledge. Shiva is called Adi or First Yogi of this OM Universe. The floating Zata Zoom or hair represents the cosmic expansion. The Ganga represents the divine eternal knowledge that dawns on to a yogi during stand ill meditation from Brahmma LOkam, which is ferocious, should be held with firmness. Shiva has all the qualities to control it on/in his head. The Rudraksha seeds naturally forms dimensions like Eka Mukhi to 15 Mukhi or Faces on that seed. Some are very rare forms. The third eye is the root of conscience which is imaginary and exists where an infinity mets at the center. This where the root of creation and secrets exists. The Gods lies beyond this point or DOT or Bindu. Together with all attributes, he is called Shiva.

Prakrithi or Parvathi represents the ultimate feminine force ADITI or the primordial conscience, which holds creation secrets. She is the prime reasons all the things, Gods and objects shine in this Universe. She can’t exist without a Purusha. So she cling on to the vertical force or Shiva for creation. She submits herself to bring her imaginative creations alive. She is epitome of motherly love and ferocious at many times. No one can withstand her fury. She comes in many forms. 9 on positive and 9 on negative. Together 18 Dimensions, she represents the ultimate conscience.

9 forms as Shantam: 

  • Shailaputri. "Daughter of Mountain" ...
  • Brahmacharini. "Mother of devotion and penance" ...
  • Chandraghanta. "Destroyer of demons" ...
  • Kushmanda. "Goddess of The Cosmic Egg" ...
  • Skandamata. "Goddess of motherhood and children" ...
  • Katyayani. "Goddess of Power" ...
  • Kalaratri. "Goddess of Auspiciousness and Courage" ...
  • Mahagauri.

9 forms of Maha Maya - Ferociousness

  • Kali.
  • Matangi Kali.
  • Chhinnamasta.
  • Shamsana Kali.
  • Bagala Kali.
  • Bhairavi Kali.
  • Tara.
  • Shodoshi.

She is the kundalini shakthi and mother inside every being, who protects, nurtures and guides to seek blessings of Purusha or Shiva for enlightenment. She will fight for me and no Gods can stop my mother.

Pavathi’s perfect child is Ganesha which she created him unnaturally based on her desire. The best son of her who represents stubbornness, hard work, intelligence, perseverance, intellect, quest etc… All beings starts any effort by praying to this force to be bless with all attributes to succeed.He uses his smartness in everything to succeed.

In a fictional story, Narada gives Fruit of Knowledge to Cosmic couple ask them to give it tho their sons without splitting it. The couple challenges both Ganesha and Muruga, whoever goes around the world first and comes back, they get the fruit. Muruga with his Peacock starts flying around. Ganesha thinks and comes to conclusion that their parents are the world and cosmos. So he goes around them outwitting Muruga. Furiously Muruga realizes that he don’t possess eternal knowledge like Ganesha, so he goes away to Palani for seeking it. Thus becomes a yogi. He don’t want to comeback till he attains it. Shiva preaches Pranav OM Kara to him thus enlightening with eternal knowledge.

Muruga is the divine incarnation of first cosmic couple, meaning a force of their love. In reality it is a seeker like me. Muruga asks his father what is the meaning of OM? Shiva pretends he don’t know. So Muruga through his sadhana, understands and explain the creation of this Universe, thus giving him full 14 dimensional view which is equal to Brahmma.

Bhoomi is 8Th Lokam + 6 Lokams = 14 Lokams

In real life how do we show and explain Aarumugam or six faces. Imagine 4 faces in each direction around the head. Then one up and down. Total 6. This can’t be depicted on an idol. So we added heads next to each other. If you imagine all 6 heads are looking in all directions meaning 360 degrees View and understanding. We pray to Muruga to bless us with complete view like him and enlightenment. When he was a baby Muruga was blessed for enlightenment by Shiva, of course Parvathi as well. 

The Lion represents the ferociousness of Prakrithi, the Bull or Nandi represents the primordial life force which is also ferocious in nature. A mouse represents a seeker who carries this humongous weight of Yogic Sadhana. We need all attributes of Ganesha for it. Muruga or Yogi represents the seeker and divine child of cosmic couple. The spear or VEL represents the basic Andam or Egg shape of creation. The peacock represents the hundreds of Egg shapes with dazzling beauties.

The First divine cosmic family with all attributes blessed my Yogic Sadhana.

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