Naimisharanya Thirtha


Naimisharanya is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh about 90 km from its capital Lucknow in the district of Sitapur. Naimisharanya is situated on the left banks of river Gomathi a tributary of river Ganges. Naimisharanya is popularly known as Neemsar, Naimisha. Naimishe’-animish-kshetre meaning Naimish is the abode of Lord Vishnu called by his name Animish. Following sloka of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama (sloka-23) describes Lord Vishnu as Animisha, meaning the one who is ever awake, ever alert, and ever vigilant. He is the wisest of all. 

Naimisharanya forest is mentioned in many places in Hindu Scriptures. The concept behind this kshetra is that, all Yogis and Rishis who wants to pursue only Vishnu smarana and to meditate will make this place as their ashram. All Rishis will assemble share, debate and analyze their spiritual experiences and gain from each other. Puranas mentioned that most of the yogis goal is to reach Naimisharanyam in pursuit of 100% spirituality and enhance their gnanam by being around with other Rishis. They support each other to achieve their goal. Many seekers were enlightened in this forest.

!!GuruH-gurutamo dhaamaH satyaH-satya-parakramaH
Nimishh- o-animishhaH sragvee vaachaspatir-udaaradeeh!!

Naimi- sharanya is also called as Nemisharanya. Nemi means the outer surface of the disc and the place where it fell called in the name of Nemi as Nemisharanya or popularly called as Naimisharanya. The spot where the Nemi of the chakra fell came to be known as Chakra Theertha (a holy bathing place in the shape of Chakra) and the surrounding forest area as Naimisharanya.

It is believed and said that once upon a time Lord Maha Vishnu had killed the demons at this place within no time in a nimish (nimish is a unit of time) and thence forth called as Nimesharanya.

Mythology of Naimishaaranya

The rich mythology of Naimisharanya is believed to have existed with the on set of the universe. The truth and significance of this sacred place was revealed to the saints and sages of that period and this divine knowledge got percolated down through successive generations.

It is believed that Naimisharanya existed in Sathya Yuga and the first ever pilgrimage site to be laid out on earth.

It is said to be the eighth Aranya and Astama Vaikunta. 33 crores devathas, 3½ crore shrines, 88000 sages reside always here. Therefore, it is considered as a pious land where every deed performed receives fruitful results. This land has eternal meaning and its might is beyond the explanation in any possible words.

In the sacred and religious domain of Naimisharanya, there are several sites of mythological importance that display the might of the “Almighty”. Every place has some significance that teaches the human race, some lessons to lead a prosperous life with strong belief in God. The Bhagavath Purana says that there is no holy place on earth that compares to this one.

There are several stories about Naimisharanya. It is the place where Lord Maha Vishnu killed a demon by name Durjaya and his followers with his Sudarshana Chakra. It is also said that when Lord Maha Vishnu killed the demon Gayasura with his Sudarshana Chakra his body was cut into three parts that fell at three places namely Paada Gaya (Gaya Kshetra in Bihar),Naabhi Gaya in Naimisharanya and Kapali Gaya in Badari Kshetra. Hence Naimisharanya is also called Nabhi Gaya Kshetra.

It is a place where Brahma Mano Maya Chakra struck the earth popularly known as Chakra Theertha.

Swayambhuva Manu and Satrupa performed yaga and rigorous penance for 23000 years at this place for begetting Nirakara Para Brahma Lord SriMann Narayana as their son.

The whole episode related to Sage Dhadhichi donating his bones happened at Naimisharanya. He donated his bones to Devathas at this place to make weapons and defeat the demons.

It is believed that Lord Sri Rama performed Aswamedha yaga at this place after killing Ravana. It is also said that this is the place where Goddess Sita Devi was accepted by Mother Earth. After Luv and Kush sons of Lord SriRama got united with their father she vanished here.

Hanuman Garhi in Naimisharanya is the place where Lord Hanuman after getting released Sri Rama and Laxmana from the clutches of AhiRavan, bought them on his shoulders from Pathal.

It is the land of Naimisharanya where Lord Vedavyasa composed 4 Vedas, 6 Shastras and 18 Puranas and preached Samaveda to his beloved disciple-Maharishi Gemini. This is where the Srimad Bhagavatam was spoken. 

Knowledge regarding the benediction of humans was imparted here along with the simplest and easiest methods of pooja (worship) and importance of Sri Sathyanarayana Vratha Katha. Place of Origin for Lord Sri Sathyanarayana Vratha Katha.

Pandavas visited this place during their exile and Lord Balarama visited this place during his pilgrimage. In the Mahabharata it is said, “Anyone who fasts, prays, and attains perfection at Naimisharanya finds happiness in all the worlds.” 

Tulasidas wrote Sri Rama Charitha Manas here.

Chakra Theertha 

With the onset of the universe, 88,000 Saints and Sages went to Lord Brahma and prayed him with the notion to know the ideal place for uninterrupted meditation, a place which will liberate one from all the difficulties and sins, a place where one can get divine knowledge and for performing spiritual rites for the welfare of the humanity.

After hearing their prayers Lord Brahma told them that he would send his disc (called Manomaya Chakra) and it will direct them to the sacred spot. He also said that wherever its axis will fall, that particular place will be the focal point of their sacred place for meditation. Having said this, He released his Chakra and all the Saints followed its path.

After completing several revolutions around the universe, finally the Chakra settled at a deserted place and addressed the Saints that, this place which is dwelled on the banks of AdiGanga Gomati is free from all sins and calamities. Moreover, any deed performed on this sacred place will give beneficial results. There is no other holy place, as this one in this entire universe.

Saying this, the Chakra fell into the Yagyashala. Due to its powerful fall with thunderous speed the underworlds broke down and huge gushes of water sprouted from underneath. Lord Brahma requested AdiShakti (divine power) Goddess Sri Lalitha Devi to stop the "Brahma Manomaya Chakra''. The divine power stopped that chakra and thence forth settled at this place as Lingadhaarini. 

Since then, this place where the axis of Brahma Manomaya Chakra (Nemi) fell surrounded by the forest came to be known as Nemisharanya or Naimisharanya, and it became the central place for performing meditation by all the Saints and Sages. The spot where the Chakra struck the earth and water spring came out became known as Chakra Theertha.

Chakra-Theertha is said to be the center of the universe. It is said that the large sweet-water spring that marks the location of Chakra-Theertha has no bottom. It seems The British wanted to disprove this as mythology, so they brought a cable and attempted to find the bottom. After more than 1000 meters they ran out of cable and gave up. 

It is said that if you bathe in Chakra-Theertha and make an offering to the presiding deity, Sri Lalitha Devi, on a full Moon/new Moon day that falls on a Monday, you will wash away all the sins committed in a lifetime. Shakthi Peeth is situated here and Goddess Sri Lalitha Devi is being worshipped here as the female presiding deity of Naimisharanya.

Chakra Theertha is holy and destroyer of all kinds of sins and top most among the Theerthas. It is said that by taking bath in Chakra Theertha, Graha Peeda will vanish and the sins of 10 earlier generations and 10 future generations will also vanish. This place is ideal to provide complete satisfaction and salvation to the ancestors. 

Mahatmya of Naimishaaranya

Almost all puranas talk of Naimisharanya its significance and importance. The gist of all is said as follows.

There are unlimited numbers of Theerthas on earth but this is the first among them. Naimisharanya is the most sacred and best among all the Theerthas. The importance of this Theertha is 10 times than that of any other Theertha. This is an important Theertha which offers Bhoga and Moksha both. This is a holy place where Siddhi can be attained quickly. 30 Thousand Theerthas always live in this area.

This Theertha is very famous in Trilokas as sins destroyer and a favourable place of Trimurthi (Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara). There is importance of Naimisha Theertha in Satyayuga, Pushkara in Thretha Yuga, Kurukshetra in Dwapara Yuga and Ganga in Kaliyuga. Naimisharanya is the Yagna place of Gods, worshipped by Rishis. Holy Gomati River, Akshaya Paathra of Sun always exists here.

When penance is done here, the sins of seven janmas (births) will vanish. One who think of visiting this Theertha, half of the sins vanish and by entering Theertha sins vanish fully. One who penance here attains heaven. If penance is done here for 12 years, one gets the power to enter into Brahmalok.

One who takes a bath here will have a place in heaven. Worldly problems are solved on taking bath in this Theertha. All the Theerthas, Rivers, Seas of the Earth exist every moment here. One who takes bath here gets the benefit of bathing at all the Theerthas. Taking bath in Ganga, arriving at Varanasi, Dwaraka and Badarikasrama, yield punya but one gets punya as soon as he leaves his/her house for this Theertha. Lot of importance and significance is given for taking bath in Naimisharanya during Mahakumbha when Sun is in Mesha Raasi which happens once in 12 years

One who dies in Naimisharanya does not face any problem. If Pitru Sraaddha (Pinda daan) is done here, ancestors get place in Vaikunta. During Chaturmasa especially during Pitru Paksha if charity is given at this Theertha, ancestors get satisfied till Kalpa paryant. This is a Punyadaayak as well as a Muktidayak Kshetra

One who hears the Vishnu Charithra for one or two days at this Theertha, secures a place in Vaikunta. On residing in this Theertha for a month and offering Jala arghya, people get the benefit of Yagna.

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