Dasa Avataram or Ten Incarnations


The Inner or Actual Meaning of Dasavatharam

If you listen, read and ponder 10 avatarams of Visnu, there are many layers of information that you will come across. The ultimate truth is total different from what is being preached. Let us explore each avataram.

Kurma: Withdrawl of senses. As we grow older and older we start pondering, who am i? What is my purpose? Who is god? Am i alone in this Universe. This avataram provides you the high level information of universe creation. 14 things came out which represents 14 dimensional spiritual view. The Materialistic universe is of 12 dimensions. This gives fundamental idea of God with others created the Universe for humans and others.

Varaha: This gives an idea. What is earth? How special this in the whole universe. There is a garbhodhaka ocean where the earth fell into. Brahmma lokam or Brahmma was born through navel of Vishnu and put in place at the top most level. Earth also was placed among the orbit of solar system. This tells most sacred planets are developed, nurtured and put in place by vishnu.

Matya: To help humanity. Fish is the bird of water. Due to deluge a giant fish helped to save life on earth by keeping the boat safe. In Noa’s Ark there was no fish.  The land species evolved from water creatures. So do humans. Some say that humans were directly created by god on earth such as adam and eve.

Vaamana: This explains us the dress code of a Seeker. Pony tail represents medulla oblongata area- mouth of god. The Naamams or patta represents energy flow around the body. Rudraksha represents tetrahedron, the basic creation. Kamandalam - water energy to communicate with god. The umbrella represents the energy snakes. The size doesn’t matter and the universe is bigger than any ones imagination. Dress this way to represent the Brahmman vibhuthi. Vibhuthi is the qualities of manifestation.

Narashimha - The power of devotion. Basics siddhis of a human being even for a baby prahalladha. God is every where. He can manifest in shape or form from anywhere. No human beings are invincible in front of Vishnu.

Parasurama: what are the qualities, rituals, dharmam and Karma that a Brahmman should follow? If needed he can do any job to survive. He can be a scavenger or warrior or emperor. At the end you should donate or abandon all the wealth that you acquired and return to spiritual life for enlightenment.

Rama: Human qualities, earth’s composition and nature. The siddhis that one can acquire. There are 9 main siddhis that you will acquire in the process of samadhi. You can do penance for few of these siddhis or all of them. First demonstration of 10 dimensional human qualities. All siddhis were demonstrated in Ramayana. 

Krishna: The most powerful avataram. The krishna leela teaches us the secrets of universe. Such as Damodhara means infinity. Lot of internal meanings and secrets in Mahabharatam. For morals Yaksha Prasnam. Bhagavath Geetha for salvation. Finally Vishnu shasra naamam which teaches how this universe created every where vishnu influence. 

Balarama or Budha: what is this avataram is about? If you understood all the above avatarams by vishnu grace or reading vedas, puranas, Ramayanam and Mahabharatha now you wise and scholarly to start the samadhi process for enlightenment. Now you are a perfect human for transcending. Now it is up to you do the sadhana. Budha is a perfect example. Now you must abandon everything and focus only on samadhi. Now patanjali yoga sutra to be followed. Yama, Niyama,asana, pranayama, prathyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. 

Kalki - Slayer of Ignorance: The main mission of Lord Kalki to appear on the earth would be to destroy Koli which would signify an evil person. All beings in Kali Yuga are out of touch with God and fully into Adharmam. The main motive of Lord Kalki would be to destroy all barbarians and thieves from the earth and make the earth peaceful place to live in.Apart from that, it is also said that Lord Kalki would defeat the Kings called to Koli and hand over the rule to Devapi and Maru the religious king of Koli yuga.

The following interpretations of 10 Avatars is of Avidya:

Many claim that the ten avatars represent the evolution of life and of mankind on earth. Matsya, the fish, represents life in water. Kurma, the tortoise, represents the next stage, amphibianism. The third animal, the boar Varaha, symbolizes life on land. Narasimha, the Man-Lion, symbolizes the commencement development of mammals. Vamana, the dwarf, symbolizes this incomplete development of human. Then, Parashurama, the forest-dwelling hermit armed with an axe, connotes completion of the basic development of humankind. The King Rama signals man's ability to govern nations. Krishna, an expert in the sixty-four fields of science and art according to Hinduism, indicates man's advancement in culture and civilization. Balarama, whose weapon was a plough could stand for the development of agriculture. Buddha, the enlightened one, symbolizes social advancement of man.

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