The State of Para


Para is a Sanskrit word which translates literally to mean "supreme," "highest" or "absolute." It is found in a number of different terms and phrases linked to yoga. For example, the phrase para tattva means "supreme truth." It is used to refer to teachings that represent the highest embodiment of truth and is used to describe the Supreme/Absolute Reality. Paramatman, which translates as the "Supreme Self." Para vidya, which means "a higher level of learning and knowledge, in this case, para is used to mean the "highest point" or "paramount object." There is a goddess known as Para Shakti. She is an embodiment of the goddesses Devi/Parvati/Durga. Her name means "Supreme Being." Para Brahman is the "Supreme Brahman" that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualizations. It is described as the formless (in the sense that it is devoid of Maya) that eternally pervades everything, everywhere in the universe and whatever is beyond.

The Parabrahma Upanishad (Sanskrit: परब्रह्म उपनिषत्) is one of the medieval era minor Upanishads of Hinduism composed in Sanskrit. The text is attached to the Atharvaveda, and is one of the 20 Sannyasa (renunciation) Upanishads. The Parabrahma Upanishad primarily describes the tradition of the sacred thread and topknot hair tuft worn by householders and why both are abandoned by Sannyasi after they have renounced for monastic lifestyle in the Hindu Ashrama system. The text asserts that knowledge is the inner sacrificial string of the renouncers, and knowledge is their true topknot. These wandering monks, consider Brahman (unchanging, ultimate reality) as their inner "supreme string on which the entire universe is strung like pearls on a string". This repeated emphasis on knowledge and the abandonment of external dress and rituals in exchange for the inner equivalent of Atman-Brahman in this medieval era text is similar to those in the ancient Upanishads.

Brahman is God's impersonal effulgence. Paramatma is His expansion as the Supersoul present in the heart of all living beings. Bhagavan is His original form in the spiritual world.

The 3 forms of bhavams are Bhakthi, Gnanam and Karma are the key for reaching the state of Para means very very far or different dimension. All efforts and acts of a yogi on earth is to reach a state of say pure bhakthi bhavam or experiences, at their peaks, push you into a state of Para meaning Para Bhakthi, Para Gnanam and Para Karma. A state where you excelled and Vishnu must bless you.

The State of para aides a yogi with blessings of eternal knowledge to transform completely to this state where you live in chanting the name Maha Vishnu all the time. In everything you see his attributes like Naamam. The feeling that he is always with me, near and conversing the states of achievements and guidance is amazing.

Kannada poet Purandara Dasa sang many songs in this state. If you understand the lyrics that he sang, you can understand his state of Para. Ohh Vishnu why are you not showing mercy on this poor bhaktha of yours, this life is yours and everything I do, all your grace. Please present me a in place in you.

Annamayya keerthana

In this para state, all logics disappears and it is me atma and Paramatma Vishnu with eternal bond dwell in pure bliss.

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